Ingredients Quotes

Text Quotes
If your version of pub food is microwaving a pie and some baked beans, then yeah, it’s really complicated cooking. But if it’s just about getting the best out of simple ingredients, then it’s not. (Ingredients Quotes)
Baking is how you start kids at cooking in the kitchen. It’s fun whether it’s baking bread or cookies. With baking, you have to be exact when it comes to ingredients. (Ingredients Quotes)
It’s all about a balancing act between time, temperature and ingredients: That’s the art of baking. (Ingredients Quotes)
Everyone’s favorite breakfast dish can be prepared in a moment’s time with just a few ingredients and minimum effort. (Ingredients Quotes)
We have friends in Italy who have these old stoves, and they turn out the most beautiful food. All you really need is time, the best ingredients, and love. (Ingredients Quotes)
I’ve been getting my makeup done professionally since I was 12, I’ve never found a brand that could create that glowing look and flawless finish we all want from beauty products with ingredients that were effective and safe. So I had to create it. (Ingredients Quotes)
Shop often, shop hard, and spend for the best stuff available - logic dictates that you can make delicious food only with delicious ingredients. (Ingredients Quotes)
If I had one piece of advice for people - if they are cooking from the Alinea cookbook, the Betty Crocker cookbook or the back of the box - read through the entire recipe first before reaching for any ingredients, and then read again and execute the directions. (Ingredients Quotes)
Clearly, enriching the cosmos with heavy elements takes a while. So there’s inevitably an interval between the sterile aftermath of the Big Bang and a time when the cosmic chemistry set had enough ingredients to make rocky planets (and squishy biology). (Ingredients Quotes)
The atoms of our bodies are traceable to stars that manufactured them in their cores and exploded these enriched ingredients across our galaxy, billions of years ago. For this reason, we are biologically connected to every other living thing in the world. We are chemically connected to all molecules on Earth. And we are atomically connected to all atoms in the universe. We are not figuratively, but literally stardust. (Ingredients Quotes)
Without a doubt, one of my favorite American ingredients is blue crabs, a true delicacy! And a great value, I think. (Ingredients Quotes)
The buildings that I build very often have a dreamlike reality. I don’t mean by that they have a fantasy quality at all, in fact quite the reverse. They contain in some degree the ingredients that give dreams their power... stuff that’s very close to us. (Ingredients Quotes)
I think it’s one of the main negative emotional ingredients that fuels show business, because there’s so much at stake and the fear of failure looms large. (Ingredients Quotes)
The need for innovation ” the lifeblood of business ” is widely recognized, and imagination and play are key ingredients for making it happen. (Ingredients Quotes)
Zefr has all the ingredients for success - dynamic, inspiring management, the ability to marry technology and content, and a business model that can scale. I’m thrilled to be part of the team. (Ingredients Quotes)
If you’re trying to create a company, it’s like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion. (Ingredients Quotes)
Most recently, I learned another hobby: baking. It’s so much fun to mix all the ingredients and to see the cake come out nice. It’s so rewarding when the cake comes out great and tastes great. (Ingredients Quotes)
Every successful cancer treatment includes the following three ingredients: thorough detoxification, a change of diet and mental or spiritual work. (Ingredients Quotes)
I make really good chicken soup, sort of from scratch. I don’t make my own stock. I just use a base like a chicken stock, but everything else, all the ingredients, I do on my own. (Ingredients Quotes)
We love, you know, children love the ingredients of poetry. And then they go into this tunnel that we call adolescence, and when they come out of it, they hate poetry. (Ingredients Quotes)
There’s a reason the Chinese government is very concerned about Ai Weiwei. It’s because he has all of these ingredients in his life that allow him to attract enormous attention across a very broad spectrum of the population. (Ingredients Quotes)
It is possible to do many household cleaning tasks by simply using ingredients from the store cupboard, which are also safer for the environment. (Ingredients Quotes)
Making a movie is a collaborative effort and sometimes all the ingredients don’t work out. I know that every now and again I am going to make a movie that won’t work. (Ingredients Quotes)
You know, making a movie is a collaborative effort and sometimes all the ingredients don’t work out. I know that every now and again I am going to make a movie that won’t work. (Ingredients Quotes)
How does a pansy, for example, select the ingredients from soil to get the right colors for the flower? Now there’s a great miracle. I think there’s a supreme power behind all of this. I see it in nature. (Ingredients Quotes)
Puma was all about function and not at all about design. The founder of the company always believed functionality and performance were the only ingredients that could make Puma successful and design never mattered. (Ingredients Quotes)
True Islam taught me that it takes all of the religious, political, economic, psychological, and racial ingredients, or characteristics, to make the Human Family and the Human Society complete. (Ingredients Quotes)
Computer programming is really a lot like writing a recipe. If you’ve read a recipe, you know what the structure of a recipe is, it’s got some things up at the top that are your ingredients, and below that, the directions for how to deal with those ingredients. (Ingredients Quotes)
I won’t put a product out that I don’t 100 percent believe in. All of my products are made from the best ingredients and are made to make a woman feel like herself, only prettier and more confident. (Ingredients Quotes)
After a day of writing, I love nothing more than to go into my kitchen and start chopping onions and garlic on the way to cooking an improvised meal with whatever ingredients are on hand. Cooking is the perfect counterpoint to writing. I find it more relaxing than anything else, even naps, walks, or hot baths. (Ingredients Quotes)