Initiative Quotes

Text Quotes
I like going to rifle and pistol clubs and joining them in target shooting. I also share the same respect for individual initiative and love of family (Initiative Quotes)
You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man’s initiative and independence (Initiative Quotes)
Employers and business leaders need people who can think for themselves - who can take initiative and be the solution to problems (Initiative Quotes)
Within a month I announced I was going to start this initiative: A World of Women for World Peace (Initiative Quotes)
These three movements were born spontaneously and independently of the initiative of a few French patriots who had a place in the old political groups and parties (Initiative Quotes)
The strongest initiative that government can take to ensure Australia is prepared for population ageing, is to maintain a strong economy, and a secure nation (Initiative Quotes)
The important thing is to concentrate upon what you can do - by yourself, upon your own initiative (Initiative Quotes)
Students must have initiative; they should not be mere imitators. They must learn to think and act for themselves - and be free (Initiative Quotes)
Force yourself to simplify every initiative, every product, every marketing, everything you do (Initiative Quotes)
Make in India’ is a LION’s step! This initiative on one hand, will increase manufacturing growth, and at the same time, will directly benefit the youth of the nation in the form of employment (Initiative Quotes) is curiosity, initiative, originality, and the ruthless application of honesty that count in research- much more than feats of logic and memory alone (Initiative Quotes)
It is natural for me to ignore autograph seekers, but God wants me to share my testimony card with them and be loving. That power and initiative comes from him (Initiative Quotes)
So far, the only major accomplishment of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protesters is that they have finally put an end to their previous initiative, Occupy Our Mothers’ Basements (Initiative Quotes)
Success comes from taking the initiative and following up or persisting (Initiative Quotes)
In our complex world, there cannot be fruitful initiative without government, but unfortunately there can be government without initiative (Initiative Quotes)
Some blogs have become the best check on monopoly mainstream journalism, and they provide a surprisingly frequent source of initiative reporting (Initiative Quotes)
The key is taking responsibility and initiative, deciding what your life is about and prioritizing your life around the most important things (Initiative Quotes)
I believe that in any initiative, you can’t have a flavor of the month. When you believe something is profound in a company, you can not be a logical leader. You have to go to the lunatic fringe. There is no way that logic is what you need to change people (Initiative Quotes)
Certainly, young children can begin to practice making letters and numbers and solving problems, but this should be done without workbooks. Young children need to learn initiative, autonomy, industry, and competence before they learn that answers can be right or wrong (Initiative Quotes)
America, in the eyes of the world, typifies above all else this quality of initiative. The greatest successes are nearly all the fruit of initiative. Why do we hold in such high esteem the achievements of the Wright brothers? Because they were illustrious examples of initiative and tenacity. And ideas are born of initiative, the children of men and women of initiative. Advancement is applied initiative. Don’t imitate. Initiate (Initiative Quotes)
The reality is that [Barack] Obama has some 15 countries in the current Libya coalition. President Bush put together close to 50 countries for the Afghan coalition, some 40 countries for the Iraqi coalition, more than 90 countries for the Proliferation Security Initiative and over 90 countries in the Global War on Terror (Initiative Quotes)
The sanctuary would be the epicenter for the foundation. We’ll have think tanks there. It’s going to be a really, really amazing place. As an educational home base, we will also focus on the development of sustainable agriculture initiative. It’s a huge project but one I am exceptionally passionate about (Initiative Quotes)
Because of its exceptional capacity for self-criticism, the West took the initiative in abolishing slavery; the calls for abolition did not resonate even in black Africa, where rival African tribes took black prisoners to be sold as slaves in the West (Initiative Quotes)
Are you an action-oriented, take-charge person interested in exciting new challenges? As director of a major public-sector organization, you will manage a large armed division and interface with other senior executives in a team-oriented, multinational initiative in the global marketplace. Successful candidate will have above-average oral-presentation skills (Initiative Quotes)
I applaud President Obama for launching his ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ initiative that is aimed to empower our youth to achieve success (Initiative Quotes)
So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. (Initiative Quotes)
In January 2013, I told the people in the Justice Department after the re-election that I wanted to focus on reforming the federal criminal justice system. I made an announcement in August of that year in San Francisco, when we rolled out the Smart on Crime initiative. (Initiative Quotes)
I suppose I arrived at my charitable commitment largely through guilt. I recognized early on that my good fortune was not due to superior personal character or initiative so much as it was to dumb luck. (Initiative Quotes)
I would like to initiate an initiative - the Broadway Annoying Audience Member Relocation Programme. (Initiative Quotes)
The strongest initiative that government can take to ensure Australia is prepared for population ageing, is to maintain a strong economy, and a secure nation. (Initiative Quotes)