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Inner Quotes

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The finest singing, given a good voice to begin with, comes from the constant play of a fine mind upon the inner meaning of the music  (Inner Quotes) Don’t act your age in retirement. Act like the inner young person you have always been  (Inner Quotes) Through adversity, not only are we given opportunity to discover our inner strength, we are also given the gift of foresight so we can shine a light for others who go through the experience after us  (Inner Quotes) Let there be no mistake. A gay man alone could never begin to replicate the inner workings of the female mind  (Inner Quotes) It was apparent that all of mankind is actually motivated by inner love, but has simply become unaware; most people live their lives as though they’re sleepers unawakened to the perception of who they really are  (Inner Quotes) People love talking, and I have never been a huge talker. I carry on an inner monologue, but the words often don’t reach my lips  (Inner Quotes) Some people make tunes, but it is lines that run like moving messages through my head. Whatever else I am saying and doing often has no bearing on this inner, verbal life  (Inner Quotes) Intuition is a method of feeling one’s way intellectually into the inner heart of a thing, in order to locate what is unique and inexpressible in it. If there is a way of grasping a reality in absolute rather than relative terms, of entering into it rather than taking up positions on it, of seizing hold of it without any translation or symbolism, then that way is metaphysics itself  (Inner Quotes) Painting has to get back to its original goal, examining the inner lives of human beings  (Inner Quotes) When I can relax, and be close to the transcendental core of me, then I may behave in strange and impulsive ways in the relationship, ways I cannot justify rationally, which have nothing to do with my thought processes. But these strange behaviors turn out to be right in some odd way. At these moments it seems that my inner spirit has reached out and touched the inner spirit of the other. Our relationship transcends itself and has become something larger  (Inner Quotes) Empathy is the capacity to think and feel oneself into the inner life of another person  (Inner Quotes) Empathy involves the inner experience of sharing in and comprehending the momentary psychological state of another person  (Inner Quotes) Within a single scene, it seems to be unwise to have access to the inner reflections of more than one character. The reader generally needs a single character as the means of perception, as the character to whom the events are happening, as the character with whom he is to empathize in order to have the events of the writing happen to him  (Inner Quotes) Fear of failure and fear of the unknown are always defeated by faith. Having faith in yourself, in the process of change, and in the new direction that change sets will reveal your own inner core of steel  (Inner Quotes) And with listening, too, it seems to me, it is not the ear that hears, it is not the physical organ that performs the act of inner receptivity. It is the total person who hears. Sometimes the skin seems to be the best listener, as it prickles and thrills, say to a sound or a silence; or the fantasy, the imagination: how it bursts into inner pictures as it listens and then responds by pressing its language, its forms, into the listening clay. To be open to what we hear, to be open in what we say  (Inner Quotes) Once you know yourself as a genuine seeker, and when your own inner chamber is quite enlightened, then comes the natural unfoldment of pure love and compassion and a genuine desire to serve others  (Inner Quotes) When you work in the inner mind, you invoke and receive the help of the impersonal, unlimited resources of the universe  (Inner Quotes) There is nothing ugly in art except that which is without character, that is to say, that which offers no outer or inner truth  (Inner Quotes) The power of the creative imagination is not only merely content with observing the world as it is, accepting a given reality, but is capable of creating a new reality by transforming the inner as well as the outer world  (Inner Quotes) Plot, or evolution, is life responding to environment; and not only is this response always in terms of conflict, but the really great struggle, the epic struggle of creation, is the inner fight of the individual whereby the soul builds up character  (Inner Quotes) People first feel things without noticing them, then notice them with inner distress and disturbance, and finally reflect on them with a clear mind  (Inner Quotes) Critical to any practice of sacred psychology is training in multiple imageries to facilitate the inner realism of journeys of the soul  (Inner Quotes) For me, climbing is a form of exploration that inspires me to confront my own inner nature within nature. It’s a means of experiencing a state of consciousness where there are no distractions or expectations. This intuitive state of being is what allows me to experience moments of true freedom and harmony  (Inner Quotes) I’ve often thought that one of us is what we imagine, that each of us normalizes the terrible strangeness of inner life with a variety of convenient fictions  (Inner Quotes) Why should physical processing give rise to a rich inner life at all? It seems objectively unreasonable that it should, and yet it does  (Inner Quotes) Ambition is your inner voice that tells you, you can, and should, strive to go beyond your circumstances or situation in life  (Inner Quotes) Release your majestic mind, embrace your untamed inner spirit. Break free from captivity, avoid society.. You were born to be free  (Inner Quotes) The specific patterns, out of which a building or a town is mademay be alive or dead. To the extent they are alive, they let our innerforces loose, and, set us free; but when they are dead they keepus locked in inner conflict  (Inner Quotes) Success is the inner satisfaction and peace of mind that come from knowing I did the best I was capable of doing for the group  (Inner Quotes) I’ve never wanted to be part of an inner circle of any scene. I’ve always been an outsider looking to question and subvert  (Inner Quotes)
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