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Inner Quotes

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The public doesn’t really know me. Only people in my inner circle know me well. Others identify me by the beard, always mad, sweaty and that is today’s image. People don’t understand me, they are scared of me  (Inner Quotes) A work is never completed except by some accident such as weariness, satisfaction, the need to deliver, or death: for, in relation to who or what is making it, it can only be one stage in a series of inner transformations  (Inner Quotes) One arranges flowers as the spirit moves you; to obey some inner prompting to put this colour with that, to have brilliance here, line there, a sense of opulence in this place or sparseness in that; to suit your surroundings, your mood, the weather, the occasion. In a word, to do as you please, just as, if you could, you might paint a picture  (Inner Quotes) Even the most daring and accomplished people have undergone tremendous difficulty. In fact, the more successful they became, the more they attributed their success to the lessons learned during their most difficult times. Adversity is our teacher. When we view adversity as a guide towards greater inner growth, we will then learn to accept the wisdom our soul came into this life to learn  (Inner Quotes) ... within you now and always is the unborn possibility of a limitless experience of inner stability and outer treasure, and yours is the privilege of giving birth to it. And you will, if you can believe  (Inner Quotes) We are raising a generation that has a woefully small stock of ideas and interests and emotions. It must be amused at all costs but it has little skill in amusing itself. It pays some of its members to do what the majority can no longer do for themselves. It is this inner poverty that makes for the worst kind of boredom  (Inner Quotes) We need merely understand that the evolutionary process is neither random nor determined but creative. It follows the general pattern of all creativity. While there is no way of fully understanding the origin moment of the universe we can appreciate the direction of evolution in its larger arc of development as moving from lesser to great complexity in structure and from lesser to greater modes of consciousness. We can also understand the governing principles of evolution in terms of its three movements toward differentiation, inner spontaneity, and comprehensive bonding  (Inner Quotes) Using awareness, personal responsibility and inner work to review our unskillful or frightened reactions, we become more adept at turning habitual reactions to balanced responses. These moments are very exciting and gratifying  (Inner Quotes) Avoiding fear and pain can cause them to grow stronger. The trick with fear is to go with it, to let it do it’s work. Once fear has put us in touch with our inner issue it can diminish. In fact, simply acknowledging fear seems to lessen it  (Inner Quotes) Genuine fearlessness arises with the confidence that we will be able to gather the inner resources to deal with any situation that comes our way  (Inner Quotes) Those who grieve find comfort in weeping and in arousing their sorrow until the body is too tired to bear the inner emotions  (Inner Quotes) Read as much as you can. Write only when you feel the inner need to do so. And don’t ever rush into print  (Inner Quotes) I am convinced that any photographic attempt to show the complete man is nonsense. We can only show, as best we can, what the outer man reveals. The inner man is seldom revealed to anyone, sometimes not even the man himself  (Inner Quotes) The inner change, justification, is effected at the moment of salvation. The outer change in the believer’s daily walk, sanctification, continues throughout life. But the progressive work of sanctification is only fully effective when the radical, inner transformation of justification is realized and appropriated by faith  (Inner Quotes) The best way I have ever found to fill that hole is not to seek external motivations to fill the emptiness, but to ignite the internal fire that will never go out. To light up my own inner sky  (Inner Quotes) Chronological time is what we measure by clocks and calendars; it is always linear, orderly, quantifiable, and mechanical. Kairotic time is organic, rhythmic, bodily, leisurely, and aperiodic; it is the inner cadence that brings fruit to ripeness, a woman to childbirth, a man to change the direction of his life  (Inner Quotes) Inner slavery is even worse than outward slavery; and inner freedom is even better than outward freedom  (Inner Quotes) I believe that creativity is a product of intelligence. I don’t believe that creative work can be produced by fools, dullards, or mediocre people, except in the rarest of accidents. Creativity is a product of desire, thought, experience, experimentation and inner conviction. Taken together, these five qualities imply intelligence and commitment  (Inner Quotes) Each of us does, in effect, strike a series of deals or compromises between the wants and longings of the inner self, and an outer environment that offers certain possibilities and sets certain limitations  (Inner Quotes) Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet  (Inner Quotes) What is really yours? The blessings you bring to yourself, through your spoken or silent word, the things you see with your inner eye  (Inner Quotes) The future. Space travel, or cosmology. Alternate universes. Time travel. Robots. Marvelous inventions. Immortality. Catastrophes. Aliens. Superman. Other dimensions. Inner space, or the psyche. These are the ideas that are essential to science fiction. The phenomena change, the basic ideas do not. These ideas are the same philosophical concepts that have intrigued mankind throughout history  (Inner Quotes) Focusing on the good isn’t just about overcoming our inner grump to see the glass half full. It’s about opening our minds to the ideas and opportunities that will help us be more productive, effective, and successful at work and in life  (Inner Quotes) Every event has a purpose and every setback a lesson. Failure is essential to personal expansion. It brings inner growth and a whole host of psychic rewards. Never regret your past. Rather embrace it as the teacher it is  (Inner Quotes) It was about finding the sacred within myself, my center, my peaceful core. We each have a sacred space within us, a part of us. This sacred space is a temple, a temple to our inner power, our intuition, and our connection with the divine. Discovery of psychic powers, spells, and meditation are all things that lead us to the temple. They help us find the road within and walk our path to the inner temple  (Inner Quotes) Go for the sense of inner joy, of inner peace, of inner vision first and then all the other things from the outside appear  (Inner Quotes) Ignore the received wisdom of any industry you’re entering. Never be trapped by dogma. Never let other people’s opinions drown out your own inner voice  (Inner Quotes) Writing down your thoughts is both necessary and harmful. It leads to eccentricity, narcissism, preserves what should be let go. On the other hand, these notes intensify the inner life, which, left unexpressed, slips through your fingers. If only I could find a better kind of journal, humbler, one that would preserve the same thoughts, the same flesh of life, which is worth saving  (Inner Quotes) Believing, desiring, deciding, and choosing correctly are the simple actions that define an increase in happiness and an increase in the inner assurance that transcends this life  (Inner Quotes) Go with the wind, you know, like a sailboat. I think that’s really important when it comes to peace… inner peace especially. You can’t help anyone else if you don’t have it together for yourself  (Inner Quotes)
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