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Inner Quotes

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You have infinite value and worth! You already know you have strengths and inner resources. But you have even more strengths and resources that you are not yet fully aware of, and they will enhance your life as you become more aware of them. There are many more strengths and inner resources that you can gain and build up from now on  (Inner Quotes) Thoughts are an important part of your inner wisdom and they are very powerful. A thought held long enough and repeated often enough becomes a belief. A belief then becomes your biology  (Inner Quotes) When a concept has been understood intellectually, if the learning is to be of value then a connection with personal feelings, inner knowing and experience has to be made, and consideration of how the information would best be applied  (Inner Quotes) I believe you can have a much better life if you are true to your core self, and therefore guided by love and intuitive inner knowing  (Inner Quotes) We can learn to trust ourselves by inquiring within. To practice doing this, sit quietly, close your eyes, and for a minute focus your attention on your breathing. Gently visualize your inner wisdom as a graceful butterfly. Admire her beauty, and encourage your butterfly to sit on your shoulder and whisper her wisdom in your ear. Be still and listen  (Inner Quotes) They give me a shot and a handful of pills to swallow. I stare at the thin red wall of my inner eyelid and listen to my skin and I can’t be sure how the medication is affecting me. I can’t remember how I’m supposed to feel. I can’t remember my name. I have never seen my face  (Inner Quotes) Cultivating inner discipline is something that takes time; expecting rapid results is simply a sign of impatience  (Inner Quotes) There is no end to the petals of the inner rose. Continue to unfold set after set of petals until you have completed your meditation session  (Inner Quotes) In relation to the earth we have been autistic for centuries. Only now have we begun to listen with some attention and with a willingness to respond to the earth’s demands that we cease our industrial assault, that we abandon our inner rage against the conditions of our earthly existence, that we renew our human participation in the grand liturgy of the universe  (Inner Quotes) The more deeply I search for the roots of the global environmental crisis, the more I am convinced that it is an outer manifestation of an inner crisis that is, for lack of a better word, spiritual... what other word describes the collection of values and assumptions that determine our basic understanding of how we fit into the universe?  (Inner Quotes) Your ability to still your mind through the process of meditation and inner reflection and outer change brings a stillness to the mind all the time, even in the midst of the busiest activities  (Inner Quotes) The inner aspects of reincarnation have to do with where you put your mind. The more expansive state of mind you enter into, the less suffering there is  (Inner Quotes) To think you can just go out and help people and somehow get a better life is not reincarnation as I know it. A better life comes from being happy and inner realizations. Now if helping others adds to that, well then, it’s great  (Inner Quotes) If you choose to draw from the inner well of free will, then you can make choices that are outside your current karmic patterns  (Inner Quotes) When you die you pass into inner worlds and continue to perceive. Death is not the dissolution of the self. Death is rather just a change in perception  (Inner Quotes) You will be reborn. You will come from the inner to the outer again. This process goes on indefinitely  (Inner Quotes) A better lifetime comes from not some karmic scale but from inner knowledge. Inner knowledge makes you happy. In other words, it is not as if someone is checking!  (Inner Quotes) A great artist... must be shaken by the naked truths that will not be comforted. This divine discontent, this disequilibrium, this state of inner tension is the source of artistic energy  (Inner Quotes) The uncompromising attitude is more indicative of an inner uncertainty than a deep conviction. The implacable stand is directed more against the doubt within than the assailant without  (Inner Quotes) Spiritual stagnation ensues when man’s environment becomes unpredictable or when his inner life is made wholly predictable  (Inner Quotes) For discovering one’s true inner nature, I think one should try to take out some time, with quiet and relaxation, to think more inwardly and to investigate the inner world. That may help  (Inner Quotes) If you practice in accord with your individual capacity, little by little you will find more pleasure and joy in it. As you gain inner strength, your positive actions will gain in profundity and scope  (Inner Quotes) Always trust yourself and your own feelings, as opposed to arguments and discussions. If it turns out that you are wrong, then the natural growth of your inner life will eventually guide you to other insights  (Inner Quotes) In the important decisions of personal life, we should be governed by the deep inner needs of our nature  (Inner Quotes) I am a believer and a conformist. Anyone can revolt; it is much more difficult to obey our inner promptings  (Inner Quotes) Leadership is more likely to be assumed by the aggressive than by the able, and those who scramble to the top are more often motivated by their own inner torments  (Inner Quotes) The man who has no inner life is a slave of his surroundings, as the barometer is the obedient servant of the air  (Inner Quotes) All that’s visible springs from causes intimate to you. While walking, sitting, lying down, the body itself is complete truth. If someone asks the inner meaning of this: Inside the treasury of dharma eye a single grain of dust  (Inner Quotes) Art is a divine thing. It can only be rightly expressed if opposed, to bring out its inner beauty that lies behind  (Inner Quotes) I have a clear view of 12 years of history of my inner self. First the cramped self, that self with big blinkers, then the disappearance of the blinkers and the self, now gradually the reemergence of a self without blinkers  (Inner Quotes)
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