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Inner Quotes

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My father, good or bad, mistakes or no, had a direct line from his heart to the music to the people, to the audience. He played with logic and his own inner truth  (Inner Quotes) I think I have a lot of voices in my head and I guess my inner critic is a female  (Inner Quotes) The creative person finds himself in a state of turmoil, restlessness, emptiness, and unbearable frustration unless he expresses his inner life in some creative way  (Inner Quotes) Ultimately a life message shouts more clearly and loudly than a brand message. Your image may communicate an outward brand, but your life shouts the real inner message  (Inner Quotes) To repeat abstractly, universally, and distinctly in concepts the whole inner nature of the world, and thus to deposit it as a reflected image in permanent concepts always ready for the faculty of reason, this and nothing else is philosophy  (Inner Quotes) In solitude there grows what anyone brings into it, the inner beast too. Therefore solitude is inadvisable to many  (Inner Quotes) Men who have a tempestuous inner life and do not seek to give vent to it by talking or writing are simply men who have no tempestuous inner life. Give company to a lonely man and he will talk more than anyone  (Inner Quotes) Nobility is often no more than the inner aspect which our egotistical feelings assume when we have not yet named and classified them  (Inner Quotes) You are always concentrated on the inner thing. The moment one becomes aware of the crowd, performs for the crowd, it is spectacle  (Inner Quotes) I consider discipline indispensable, but it must be inner discipline, motivated by a common purpose and a strong feeling of comradeship  (Inner Quotes) Religion seems to have always offered us that false duality... the silences of infinite space or the cozy comfort of inner certainty  (Inner Quotes) The enemy of the moment is not as important as our own inner weakness. If this is not mended we are already defeated, though no foreign conqueror stands within our walls  (Inner Quotes) You must be able to see yourself, with your inner eye, already in possession of the good you desire  (Inner Quotes) Goal setting is the essence of life. Tenaciously pursue your goals not for external praise but for inner reward. It makes you a better person, parent, professional. It is important to be constantly growing  (Inner Quotes) Visual journaling allows us to access our inner language of imagery and express it both verbally and visually, while exploring the connection between image and word  (Inner Quotes) I think in fact that unless there is an organic link between the subjective impressions of the author and his objective representation of reality, he will not achieve even superficial credibility, let alone authenticity and inner truth  (Inner Quotes) We have little control over the outer weather patterns as we make our way through the landscape of a life. But we can become masters of the inner landscape. We can use what happens on the outside to change the way we function on the inside  (Inner Quotes) Through love and sincerity continuously beautify your inner life in every way, by daily looking into the mirror of introspection  (Inner Quotes) There is within each of us a modulation, an inner exaltation, which lifts us above the buffetings with which events assail us. Likewise, it lifts us above dependence upon the gifts of events for our joy  (Inner Quotes) Special qualities are required of the essayist. A poem or a novel may spring from the inner consciousness of an author.. reasoning poers must be brought to reinforce imagination  (Inner Quotes) Words as to the inner emotions do not come readily to me, for I have led an isolated life mentally and spiritually  (Inner Quotes) Listen to your inner voice. Trust your intuition. It’s important to have the courage to trust yourself  (Inner Quotes) The deeper inner teachings are presented to very few because few would understand them. The exoteric teachings are presented to many  (Inner Quotes) You need to constantly examine your life, inner and outer, to see where you are losing and gaining power  (Inner Quotes) For most people this is not a conscious process, it’s an inner pull that takes place, that simply draws them there  (Inner Quotes) You are led, when you share your loves, to an enchanted life of inner happiness, which unsharing others cannot know  (Inner Quotes) Freedom, peace, and inner joy will continue to elude us until we become aware of our real truth, without hiding ourselves or being ashamed of what we are  (Inner Quotes) Desire is the root of selfishness; clear your heart of desire and be selfless. Selflessness is the key to inner peace  (Inner Quotes) No matter what identity we cling to, it takes great courage to step out of the old masks we wear and the old scripts that we live by, and open ourselves to the mysterious inner core of our being  (Inner Quotes) Quietly affirm that you will define your own reality from now on and that your definition will be based on your inner wisdom  (Inner Quotes)
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