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Inner Quotes

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The suppression of inner patterns in favor of patterns created by society is dangerous to us  (Inner Quotes) The inner chambers of the soul are like the photographer’s darkroom. Like a laboratory. One cannot stay there all the time or it becomes the solitary cell of the neurotic  (Inner Quotes) I am furious at all the letters to answer, when all I want to do is think and write poems.... I long for open time, with no obligations except toward the inner world and what is going on there  (Inner Quotes) True and lasting inner peace can never be found in external things. It can only be found within in. And then, once we find and nurture it with ourselves, it radiates outward  (Inner Quotes) I think, myself, that one’s memories represent those moments which, insignificant as they may seem, nevertheless represent the inner self and oneself as most really oneself  (Inner Quotes) Poetry is the inner life of a culture, its nervous system, its deepest way of imagining the world. A culture that ignores its poets, chokes off its nervous system and becomes mortally ill  (Inner Quotes) If I really want inner peace in my life, then I must not busy myself with what other people do and say  (Inner Quotes) One of the great problems facing men is their failure to realize the fact that a child possesses an active psychic life even when he cannot manifest it, and that the child must secretly perfect this inner life over a long period of time  (Inner Quotes) And now that I don’t want to own anything any more and am free, now I suddenly own everything, now my inner riches are immeasurable  (Inner Quotes) How rash to assert that man shapes his own destiny. All he can do is determine his inner responses  (Inner Quotes) When you feel betrayed by someone that you trust the most, as an actor, you look for something that’s going to let you express some of your inner emotions and anger  (Inner Quotes) When I first began this diary I said I would give a record of my inner life. I begin to wonder if I have said anything about my inner life. What if I have no inner life?  (Inner Quotes) ... how much of our inner substance is it good for us to give to public griefs? The whole modern tendency to agonize over the suffering of the entire globe is surely something new  (Inner Quotes) Writing is a combination of being alert to your outer surroundings and alive to your inner reality  (Inner Quotes) In the small group then is where we shall find the inner meaning of democracy, its very heart and core  (Inner Quotes) Without order there can be no inner satisfaction. Without inner satisfaction there can be no freedom. Without freedom there is no joy  (Inner Quotes) It’s not by accident that the pristine wilderness of our planet disappears as the understanding of our own inner wild nature fades  (Inner Quotes) To fashion an inner story of our pain carries us into the heart of it, which is where rebirth inevitably occurs  (Inner Quotes) Busyness, I feel increasingly, is the writer’s curse and downfall. You read too much and write too readily, you become cut off from your inner life, from the flow of your own thoughts, and turned far too much towards the outside world  (Inner Quotes) A person who has no secrets is a liar. We always fold ourselves away from others just enough to preserve a secret or two, something that we cannot share without destroying our inner landscape  (Inner Quotes) Many people are shy when it comes to getting out on a dance floor. Dancing is an activity that... reveals your inner self, whether you like it, or know it, or not. It is hard to fake it on a dance floor  (Inner Quotes) Inner beauty radiates from within, and there’s nothing more beautiful than when a woman feels beautiful on the inside  (Inner Quotes) Autonomous people, nations, and systems can promote each other’s welfare; they do not have to fight each other like those whose inner insecurity and immaturity continually demand the demarcation of limits and postures of intimidation  (Inner Quotes) Sexual acts are one of the primary means by which we can act out our inarticulated inner lives  (Inner Quotes) Do what your inner soul tells you to do, regardless of any money or success it will bring you  (Inner Quotes) These visions which I saw were not in sleep nor in dreams, nor in my imagination nor by bodily eyes or outward ears nor in a hidden place; but in watching, aware with the pure eyes of the mind and inner ear of the heart  (Inner Quotes) Inner resources are like natural resources; they both dry up eventually when the demands on them are heavy  (Inner Quotes) Real guts are nothing more than developing your inner voice to the point where it is louder and stronger than the voice of your fear  (Inner Quotes) I know I have great inner strength; I always have. I can blank things out, cut people out, and I know that I can go and live in a cave on my own if necessary  (Inner Quotes) As we all know, there is inner beauty and outer beauty. If we examine inner beauty, to me there is nothing more beautiful than inner peace, in a man or a woman  (Inner Quotes)
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