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Inner Quotes

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Life works in mysterious ways but when you find your inner glow is back and shining brighter, you know it’s right  (Inner Quotes) I am always keen to discover something new, but my advice is always to exfoliate. Get rid of those dead, dry cells; then the new skin is ready for moisturising, and you find your inner dewy, youthful glow. Its in there somewhere  (Inner Quotes) I want my kids to have a deep, inner feeling that it’s alright to be happy, that you don’t have to be constantly manufacturing problems that you don’t really have  (Inner Quotes) My style is not trendy by any means; my inner artists loves to shine through in my wardrobe  (Inner Quotes) The history of the creative progress of individual artists shows that, along with their spiritual growth and the increasing complexity of their inner life, their forms of expression become more complex  (Inner Quotes) Feelings and thoughts do not define who we are; they are just part of the weather of our inner world  (Inner Quotes) The outer prisons are made by the community to contain those who have dared break its laws. The inner prisons each man makes for himself because of what he feels are his transgressions  (Inner Quotes) Lasting social change unfolds from inside out: from the inner to the outer being, from inner to outer realities  (Inner Quotes) Do not think the world will become better in terms of our own inner change. We should rather think we’ll achieve this goal only, and only if, we rescue the fact that the ultimate treasure lies at the end of our most positive creative deeds  (Inner Quotes) We need balance. We need to balance our inner life with our outer life. Nature is always sitting there waiting to help us, but we have to do the work. Nature is probably the greatest teacher that well ever have... the earth and nature  (Inner Quotes) We can change society, change humanity by changing ourselves as individuals. By cultivating inner values, we can change our own lives and those of our families. This is how we can create a more peaceful world  (Inner Quotes) We need to make material progress, but we need inner development too... remember that the real development we seek is not in the buildings but in our hearts and minds  (Inner Quotes) Our beliefs create the kind of world we believe in. We project our feelings, thoughts and attitudes onto the world. I can create a different world by changing my belief about the world. Our inner state creates the outer and not vice versa  (Inner Quotes) Each act of unfaithfulness toward our inner being is a blot on our souls. If we continue to be unfaithful, our souls are eventually torn apart and we slowly bleed to death  (Inner Quotes) We live in a culture that encourages us to be big about ourselves, and I think the starting point of trying to build inner goodness is to be a little bit smaller about yourself  (Inner Quotes) Be the inner journeys, be the outer travels, all trips elevate man, all voyages lift him up!  (Inner Quotes) I think it’s very important that you have at least some sort of inner thing you don’t talk about. That’s why I find it distasteful when all these pop stars talk about their habits  (Inner Quotes) For some people it’s real therapy to talk to journalists about their private lives and inner thoughts. But I would rather keep something to myself  (Inner Quotes) Everyone has a need to do penance. It’s a basic need, like washing. It’s about harmony, an absolutely essential inner balance. It’s the balance we call morality  (Inner Quotes) In prose, leaps of logic can be made while the protagonist thinks about things and arrives at conclusions. Even with voiceover, there’s no real way of having an inner voice without it taking over the entire story  (Inner Quotes) Change happens when one individual has had enough pain and finds the inner resolve to ask for help and make a difference  (Inner Quotes) There are more fake guides, teachers in the world than stars. The real guide is the one who makes you see your inner beauty, not the one who wants to be admired and followed  (Inner Quotes) That human behavior is more influenced by things outside of us than inside. The situation is the external environment. The inner environment is genes, moral history, religious training  (Inner Quotes) The progress of any writer is marked by those moments when he manages to outwit his own inner police system  (Inner Quotes) We can’t hire out our own inner work, but we can do the manual labor with delight and decency  (Inner Quotes) Regular meditation not only restores our inner harmony and vital energy, but provides us with an actual experience of the peace we seek  (Inner Quotes) I tend to think of fiction as being mainly about characters and human beings and inner experience, whereas essays can be much more expository and didactic and more about subjects or ideas  (Inner Quotes) It is with artworks as it is with wine: it is much better when we do not need either one, when we stick with water, and when out of our own inner fire, the inner sweetness of our own soul, we turn the water over and over again into wine ourselves  (Inner Quotes) Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving  (Inner Quotes) The key point is kindness. With kindness one will have inner peace. Through inner peace, world peace can one day be a reality  (Inner Quotes)
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