Inner Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m glad I went through the training because I’ve met such great mentors and lifelong friends/collaborators along the way. Also, any training (acting, movement, dance, piano, singing, etc) allowed me to hone my skills and find an inner space of self-generating creativity. (Inner Quotes)
Those who turn good organizations into great organizations are motivated by a deep creative urge and an inner compulsion for sheer unadulterated excellence for its own sake. (Inner Quotes)
A visual experience is vitalizing. Whereas to write great poetry, to draw continuously on one’s inner life, is not merely exhausting, it is to keep alight a consuming fire. (Inner Quotes)
Pleasure brings pain, but inner silence brings nothing negative; it is in itself of great value and is a far better way to be than to be in ego states. (Inner Quotes)
The greatest challenge of parenting is in the inner work it requires: the strength and confidence in believing that we are not in control of, but the answer for our children. (Inner Quotes)
When you do something for world peace, peace among groups, peace among individuals, or your own inner peace, you improve the total peace picture. (Inner Quotes)
The need to express one’s self in writing springs from a maladjustment of life, or from an inner conflict which the adolescent (or the grown man) cannot resolve in action. (Inner Quotes)
Growth takes place in a person by working at a deep inner level in a sustained atmosphere of silence. (Inner Quotes)
The most sophisticated people I’ve ever known had just one thing in common: they were all in touch with their inner children. (Inner Quotes)
When the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame decided to open up the voting beyond their inner circle, to the actual fans, that’s when I think everything changed. (Inner Quotes)
Joy is the happiness of love - love aware of its own inner happiness. Pleasure comes from without, and joy comes from within, and it is, therefore, within reach of everyone in the world.... (Inner Quotes)
You can’t go around being what everyone wants you to be, living your life through other people’s rules, and expect to be happy and have inner peace. (Inner Quotes)
Anybody who wears their feelings on their sleeve and has a harder, crusty shell - like I do - is definitely protecting an inner sensitivity. (Inner Quotes)
My own eight children all march to the beat of their inner music, and in some cases, it is definitely far away from what I hear. I’ve had to honor their instincts and their choices, and merely guided them out of harm’s way until they could be their own guides. (Inner Quotes)
I admire Virginia Woolf so much that I wonder why I don’t like her more. She makes the inner things real, she does illumine, and she makes relationships realities as well as people. But I remember the intensity, the thrill, with which I read ‘Passage to India.’ How I would have hated anyone who took the book away from me. (Inner Quotes)
I think for everyone it’s good to have your own personal work on a character and a film before you even start rehearsing, to have an inner life. (Inner Quotes)
During rehearsals I am confronted by things very mysterious. I have terrific fights with inner demons, and it’s more painful than it ever was. (Inner Quotes)
When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways - either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength. Thanks to the teachings of Buddha, I have been able to take this second way. (Inner Quotes)
All minds are joined. Therefore, all healing is self-healing. Our inner peace will, of itself, pass to others once we accept it for ourselves. (Inner Quotes)
You as a whole person are thus unable to reconcile conflicts about anger and learn to tolerate and express anger in healthy ways. Inner turmoil and dissociation are maintained. (Inner Quotes)
Intuition is a method of feeling one’s way intellectually into the inner heart of a thing to locate what is unique and inexpressible in it. (Inner Quotes)
Spending one’s last moments prostrated before the toilet is the supreme act of repentance. It allows one to relieve a heavy inner burden. (Inner Quotes)
Never believe for a second that your weak, within all of us we have a reserve of inner hidden strength, (Inner Quotes)
Dream large and make yaour dreams defy the laws of gravity. Soar high and show your inner strength (Inner Quotes)