Inner Self Quotes

Text Quotes
Martial art is a form of expression, an expression from your inner self to your hands and legs (Inner Self Quotes)
Hollywood can be a draining industry. For all the glitz and glory and wonderful parts of our business, it takes it’s toll on your inner self (Inner Self Quotes)
The true inner self must be drawn up like a jewel from the bottom of the sea, rescued from confusion, from indistinction, from immersion in the common, the nondescript, the trivial, the sordid, the evanescent (Inner Self Quotes)
I think fame is something that you’ve achieved in your inner self that becomes known to others outside you. There are really very few famous people in history (Inner Self Quotes)
The calm mind allows one to connect with the inner self, the Soul, the very source of our being. That’s where the music lives. That’s where my music comes from (Inner Self Quotes)
I have never known a really chic woman whose appearance was not, in large part, an outward reflection of her inner self (Inner Self Quotes)
When he tries to extend his power over objects, those objects gain control of him. He who is controlled by objects loses possession of his inner self... Prisoners in the world of object, they have no choice but to submit to the demands of matter! They are pressed down and crushed by external forces: fashion, the market, events, public opinion. Never in a whole lifetime do they recover their right mind!... What a pity! (Inner Self Quotes)
I have a clear view of 12 years of history of my inner self. First the cramped self, that self with big blinkers, then the disappearance of the blinkers and the self, now gradually the reemergence of a self without blinkers (Inner Self Quotes)
But cockteasing is also a metaphor: she is someone who will manipulate your inner self while holding hers back from you (Inner Self Quotes)
He who is controlled by objects loses possession of his inner self: if he no longer values himself, how can he value others? If he no longer values others, he is abandoned. He has nothing left! (Inner Self Quotes)
The highest purpose of intellectual cultivation is to give a man a perfect knowledge and mastery of his own inner self (Inner Self Quotes)
But I’ve slammed the door to my inner self; if he ever wants to force the lock again, he’ll have to use a harder crowbar! (Inner Self Quotes)
I think the idea that you know who your inner self is on a daily basis, because... you know. What’s good for you 25 years ago may not be good for you now. So, to keep in touch with that, I think that’s the first ingredient for success. Because if you’re a successful human being, everything else is gravy, I think (Inner Self Quotes)
The greatest tales, well told, awaken the fears and longings of the listeners. Each man hears a different story. Each is touched by it according to his inner self. The words go to the ear, but the true message travels straight to the spirit (Inner Self Quotes)
You have friends who actually care about you and speak the language of the inner self. You have avoided them of late. Your soul is as disheveled as your apartment, and until you can clean it up a little you don’t want to invite anyone inside (Inner Self Quotes)
When, within our souls and psyches we are made aware of a safe but insistent drum beat, repeated like butterfly wings in motion, we sense the message... that our inner self has begun its search for freedom (Inner Self Quotes)
Each of us does, in effect, strike a series of deals or compromises between the wants and longings of the inner self, and an outer environment that offers certain possibilities and sets certain limitations (Inner Self Quotes)
It is man’s foremost duty to awaken the understanding of the inner self and to know his own real inner greatness. Once he knows his true worth, he can know the worth of others (Inner Self Quotes)
At every stage of life, our inner self requires the nurturance of loving people attuned to our feelings and responsive to our needs who can foster our inner resources of personal power, lovability, and serenity. Those who love us understand us and are available to us with an attention, appreciation, acceptance, and affection we can feel. They make room for us to be who we are (Inner Self Quotes)
God created us in such a way that our inner self is in the spiritual world and our outer self is in the physical world. This was so that the spiritual part of us, which belongs in heaven, could be planted in the physical part the way a seed is planted in the ground (Inner Self Quotes)
It’s only recently that we’ve discovered that the artist’s inner self is somehow more important than the public world. I’m happier to create exterior pieces for the world rather than to express something I deeply feel or wish to say (Inner Self Quotes)
Singing is my passion, my first love and the secret of my energy. Music to me is like finding my inner self, my soul. It gives me a great joy to see audiences enjoying with me. I have given my heart to singing. When I sing, I can feel romance in everything around me (Inner Self Quotes)
Solitude is not an absence of energy or action, as some believe, but is rather a boon of wild provisions transmitted to us from the soul. In ancient times, purposeful solitude was both palliative and preventative. It was used to heal fatigue and to prevent weariness. It was also used as an oracle, as a way of listening to the inner self to solicit advice and guidance otherwise impossible to hear in the din of daily life (Inner Self Quotes)
The moving toward one’s inner self is a long pilgrimage for a painter. It offers many temporary successes and high points, but impels him on toward the more adequate image (Inner Self Quotes)
I used to be too subjective, and I was always tempted to find my inner self in the exterior and dissipate my imagination on other people and on life (Inner Self Quotes)
Appearance is the most public part of the self. It is our sacrament, the visible self that the world assumes to be a mirror of the invisible, inner self (Inner Self Quotes)
I think, myself, that one’s memories represent those moments which, insignificant as they may seem, nevertheless represent the inner self and oneself as most really oneself (Inner Self Quotes)
Many people are shy when it comes to getting out on a dance floor. Dancing is an activity that... reveals your inner self, whether you like it, or know it, or not. It is hard to fake it on a dance floor (Inner Self Quotes)
You never look at the backside of a mirror because when you do, it’ll affect your future because you’re looking at yourself backwards. No, you’re looking at your inner self and you don’t recognize it because you’ve never seen it before (Inner Self Quotes)
... the more the mind dominates, the more the ego comes into play, and the further people depart from their true inner self. So all the technological advances in the world mean nothing if people feel a spiritual void inside of them (Inner Self Quotes)