Innocence Quotes

Text Quotes
It may part of a one way evolution... Or it may be we are currently on the downside of an innocence cycle where one day, with an up cycle, sweet will be entertaining again (Innocence Quotes)
The innocence of those who grind the faces of the poor, but refrain from pinching the bottoms of their neighbour’s wives! The innocence of Ford, the innocence of Rockefeller! The nineteenth century was the Age of Innocence--that sort of innocence. With the result that we’re now almost ready to say that a man is seldom more innocently employed than when making love (Innocence Quotes)
I can’t remember coming across a more precise evocation of innocence lost since Golding’s The Lord of the Flies. With The Death of Sweet Mister, Daniel Woodrell has written his masterpiece-spare, dark, and incandescently beautiful. It broke my heart (Innocence Quotes)
An adult is one who has lost the grace, the freshness, the innocence of the child, who is no longer capable of feeling pure joy, who makes everything complicated, who spreads suffering everywhere, who is afraid of being happy, and who, because it is easier to bear, has gone back to sleep. The wise man is a happy child (Innocence Quotes)
Do you know what absolute happiness is? For me, it is to wake up my kids in the morning - these little pieces of innocence - to wake them and find they’re so happy to see me! It is unequivocal love, no question about it (Innocence Quotes)
Dear God, I surrender this relationship to you, means, Dear God, let me see this person through your eyes. In accepting the Atonement, we are asking to see as God sees, think as God thinks, love as God loves. We are asking for help in seeing someone’s innocence (Innocence Quotes)
All we can do is keep going up against then as long as Ray is alive because when he dies it will not be possible to establish the truth of his innocence in a court of law. (Innocence Quotes)
Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization. (Innocence Quotes)
I can remember being eight, and I like writing about that age of innocence when children still have a sense of wonder. (Innocence Quotes)
I was loved as a kid; I was raised with more love and emotional support than most folks could wish for... my memories aged nought to ten... are all bound up together in a mesh of innocence and fun. (Innocence Quotes)
I loved ‘Matilda.’ The kids are so brilliant and uninhibited. They were inspiring. Seeing them onstage, just going wild, reminded me of when I was that age. I was excited for them and completely taken by their innocence and hard work. (Innocence Quotes)
When I started, there was something almost romantic about the notion of paparazzi. I mean, it wasn’t. They were still chasing you down the road. But that guy had to put film in his camera and work out whether it was worth pressing the button to take the shot, otherwise he’s got to stop and change the film. So it was like this age of innocence. (Innocence Quotes)
An age that melts in unperceiv’d decay, And glides in modest innocence away (Innocence Quotes)
One of the small consolations of old age, if you are lucky, can be at least a partial recovery of innocence. (Innocence Quotes)
[In old age] there is a childlike innocence, often, that has nothing to do with the childishness of senility. The moments become precious . . . (Innocence Quotes)
American movies and music deliver themes of freedom, innocence, and power that appeal to others - partly because America itself was put together out of a multiplicity of national traditions. (Innocence Quotes)
Some may remember, if you have good memories, that there used to be a concept in Anglo-American law called a presumption of innocence, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Now that’s so deep in history that there’s no point even bringing it up, but it did once exist. (Innocence Quotes)
I do think that there is an innocence to people who are searching for things. It’s a beautiful thing when you leave yourself vulnerable to discover anything and everything. (Innocence Quotes)
Our trust in the future has lost its innocence. We know now that anything can happen from one minute to the next. Politics, religion, economics, and the institutions of family and community all have become abruptly unsure. (Innocence Quotes)
Do you know anything that in all its innocence is more humiliating than the funny pages of a Sunday newspaper in America? (Innocence Quotes)
When you laugh with good-hearted innocence at your own creations, you are free (Innocence Quotes)
Innocence of heart and violence of feeling are necessary in any kind of superior achievement: The arts cannot exist without them. (Innocence Quotes)
One by one, drops fell from her eyes like they were on an assembly line - gather, fall, slide...gather, fall, slide...each one commemorating something she had lost. Hope. Faith. Confidence. Pride. Security. Trust. Independence. Joy. Beauty. Freedom. Innocence. (Innocence Quotes)
Nuclear scientists lost their innocence when we used the atom bomb for the very first time. So we could argue computer scientists lost their innocence in 2009 when we started using malware as an offensive attack weapon. (Innocence Quotes)
Not even the brightest future can make up for the fact that no roads lead back to what came before - to the innocence of childhood or the first time we fell in love. (Innocence Quotes)
Bad company is as instructive as licentiousness. One makes up for the loss of one’s innocence with the loss of one’s prejudices. (Innocence Quotes)
The smell of good bread baking, like the sound of lightly flowing water, is indescribable in its evocation of innocence and delight (Innocence Quotes)
It is easy to bare your body, but it is difficult to bare your soul. What works for me is that I am not a city-raised boy with city-raised sensibilities. I can play the vulnerable tough man, the guy with a gun in his hand, tears in his eyes, fire in his heart, innocence in him, and in his arms a woman he loves. (Innocence Quotes)
To be a writer you need to see things as they are, and to see things as they are you need a certain basic innocence. (Innocence Quotes)
The thing that’s really cool for me about Miami Beach is you have this dichotomy between sunlight and family and happiness and innocence and then at night, darker, stranger mob conspiracy stuff sort of comes out. It seems like a storytelling engine. You can just keep writing about how those two worlds smash into each other. (Innocence Quotes)