Insecure Quotes

Text Quotes
I’d always been insecure. Being the fourth of five kids means attention is divided five ways, and to do this equally is impossible. I grew up feeling like the little orphan in the family, the one who didn’t fit in. (Insecure Quotes)
Being different is a revolving door in your life where secure people enter and insecure exit (Insecure Quotes)
Footballers are the most vulnerable people. They exude confidence, but inside, they’re so lacking in confidence. They know they can lose form or be injured. This profession is so insecure, you wouldn’t believe it. (Insecure Quotes)
I have a friend who says the best boyfriends are ones with intimidating, good-looking older brothers. The boyfriends try harder because they’re so insecure. Maybe I’m the female equivalent. (Insecure Quotes)
Creative people are very insecure people because they don’t know whether people like them or are in awe of them. That insecurity always comes out. It makes them a better actor, I feel. (Insecure Quotes)
I’m insecure about everything, because... I’m never going to look in the mirror and see this blond, blue-eyed girl. That is my idea of what I’d like to look like. (Insecure Quotes)
Some of the greatest actors on the planet are the most insecure people. Now I don’t know if that insecurity necessarily equates to a lack of confidence. Some people are just very shy individuals. You give them a character to play and a script, and you put them in front of a camera or on a stage, and they just go. (Insecure Quotes)
I don’t act because I love doing it, I act because it’s my job. At the end of the year, I gotta pay my taxes, bills, doctors, insurance, car insurance, the occasional vacation. It’s a wonderful job. The upside is that it is exciting and different... the downside is that it is an extremely insecure job. (Insecure Quotes)
For me, my awkward phase corresponded to an interest in rock n’ roll. From experience, I’m guessing an insecure childhood is probably quite a common thing among people who start a rock band. (Insecure Quotes)
You see, every day, that the people who are seemingly so confident and seemingly so in love with themselves are the ones who are the most insecure and hurting the most inside. (Insecure Quotes)
When I’m single, I’m this fabulous, independent, confident woman, and then I get involved with one disastrous man after another and I turn into this needy, insecure, fearful girl who becomes frightened of her own shadow. (Insecure Quotes)
When you’re a kid you’re already trying to create your own world and organize the one in front of you, but then you get all insecure around 6th grade and don’t think you have a right to share that. (Insecure Quotes)
I’m a straight guy and I date women, but I get on really well with gay guys. I’m very comfortable with my sexuality. The weirdest thing for me is when straight guys get really freaked out by gay guys. It’s almost like they’re insecure in their own sexuality. For me, I can be in a room full of gay men and have fun. (Insecure Quotes)
I thought I’d get over being insecure if I became famous, but it hasn’t happened. It just gets worse, really. You get more and more on edge, more nervous. These are all the things I’m dealing with. You think if you get famous, fear will go away and problems will go away. But they don’t. (Insecure Quotes)
I’m so loud, as if I know what I’m on about, but deep inside, I’m so insecure. Just a little girl. (Insecure Quotes)
I find it strange the way human nature wants heroes and yet wants to destroy their heroes. It’s a kind of mass insecurity people want something to look up to and get a buzz off but, at the same time, want to destroy it because it makes them feel insecure. (Insecure Quotes)
People in the film industry always want to save for a rainy day. Many early actors died in small houses with no money, and so they are insecure. My advantage is I don’t value money that much. It’s an easy thing for me to let go. (Insecure Quotes)
Today’s family is built like a pyramid; with all the intrafamilial rivalries, tensions, jealousies, angers, hatreds, loves and needs focused on the untrained, vulnerable, insecure, young, inexperienced and incompetent parental apex ... about whose incompetence our vaunted educational system does nothing. (Insecure Quotes)
Only insecure boys will belittle a woman. The greatest way to man-up is to empower women. (Insecure Quotes)
The English are such a frightened, nervous, insecure group of people - they no longer rule the world! (Insecure Quotes)
The stereotypical gay man is someone whose company I enjoy, someone who makes me laugh, someone I’d want my kid to be. The stereotypical gay woman makes me insecure, conscious of my failings as a feminist. (Insecure Quotes)
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. (Insecure Quotes)
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you....As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others. (Insecure Quotes)
Learn to spot and avoid writer groupies. The writer’s self-sufficiency and our love for our work tend to attract insecure people who never can get enough love. They grow jealous of our work and come to regard it as a rival. These people can destroy you, so kick them out of your life or don’t admit them in the first place. (Insecure Quotes)
You check to see the facts are correct where business is concerned but if I read everything that was written about me, I’d end up feeling totally insecure about myself. (Insecure Quotes)
Our idea of a healthy body is so destabilised that insecure people have come to bolster their own bodies by deeming others - those with fat bodies - less worthy, less capable and less employable. (Insecure Quotes)
I’m one of the most insecure people in the world, always have been, and when you’re a fat kid, you try to make the fat jokes before other people make them. (Insecure Quotes)
I’m insecure, and I need the validation of strangers to feel whole. So, I need every single racist 12-year-old on the Internet to like me, or I don’t feel complete. (Insecure Quotes)
There’s an insecure part of me that comes out of me, I get nervous. I don’t know why, I wish I could overcome it because it gives me an anxiety feeling. (Insecure Quotes)
I remember working on a show, and feeling so insecure about whether I looked attractive enough to do a love scene. It was weird because I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t feeling beautiful, even though I knew I was. (Insecure Quotes)