Insidious Quotes

Text Quotes
Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence . . . the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake. (Insidious Quotes)
We can have the final word on hate, neglect, disease and all the other insidious characters that still script their way into our stories...for now, but not forever. (Insidious Quotes)
We can’t just rail against crime. We must speak of the root problems - devastating family breakup, an insidious culture of violence that cheapens human life, skyrocketing prisoner recidivism rates that rob our communities of husbands and fathers - and recognize that there is a societal role in rehabilitation and restoration. (Insidious Quotes)
The paid Trump surrogates help CNN keep his supporters engaged with their shows, but it also sends their own reporters busy chasing after many of their false claims. That’s not a virtuous news cycle. It’s an insidious one. (Insidious Quotes)
I see an insidious problem in the marketing of weddings as ‘the happiest day of your life.’ The pressure that is placed upon this event to be the alpha and omega of your entire existence makes it, I think, into a kind of nuptial New Year’s Eve, and we all know how that usually turns out. (Insidious Quotes)
Confining life to an eternal present is an insidious form of soul murder (Insidious Quotes)
Some global hazards are insidious. They stem from pressure on energy supplies, food, water and other natural resources. And they will be aggravated as the population rises to a projected nine billion by mid-century, and by the effects of climate change. An ‘ecological shock’ could irreversibly degrade our environment. (Insidious Quotes)
That’s the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it’s impossible to ever see the end. The fog is like a cage without a key. (Insidious Quotes)
The novelist loses, every time. Politics is insidious, the modern conduct of war (from shoulder-launched rockets to drone strikes) is insidious. Someone presses a button in California and twenty people are incinerated at a wedding in Pakistan. The killer is spared the sight of the corpses (Insidious Quotes)
In recompense, envy may be the subtlest - perhaps I should say the most insidious - of the seven deadly sins. (Insidious Quotes)
I think subsuming political and economic conflicts into some grand ‘clash of civilisations’ theory or ‘the West versus the rest’ binary is a particularly insidious form of ideological deception. (Insidious Quotes)
On the male side of my family, cancer has been very insidious, and so I’m just attempting to live a lifestyle that doesn’t follow in their footsteps. (Insidious Quotes)
Unfortunately, money in politics is an insidious thing - and a loophole in our campaign finance system was taken advantage of with money going to existing or new 527 groups with the sole purpose of influencing the election. (Insidious Quotes)
We happen to live in an era that is incredibly wrapped up in notions of political correctness; everything is seen through the lens of politics. But being political and politically correct is just another way of fighting, another form of power and strategy, an insidious means of manipulation. (Insidious Quotes)
I’m concerned about the insidious influence of the media’s bad messages that undermine the lessons parents try to instill in their sons and daughters. (Insidious Quotes)
I’m a Canadian. Outside Canada I carry the flag. Canadian nationalism isn’t as insidious as American nationalism, though. It’s good natured. It’s all about maple syrup, not war. (Insidious Quotes)
There is no sin so prevalent, so insidious, and so deep as the sin of fearing people more than we fear God. (Insidious Quotes)
A lot of my work reflects the incredible influence that America has had on contemporary African culture. Some of it’s insidious, some of it’s innocuous, some of it’s invisible. It’s there. (Insidious Quotes)
And the insidious thing is that people will either see a movie because it did well last weekend or won’t see it because it didn’t do well (Insidious Quotes)
The most insidious of sophisms are usually repeated to justify immodesty and seem to be the same everywhere (Insidious Quotes)
Trying to describe the process of becoming an alcoholic is like trying to describe air. It’s too big and mysterious and pervasive to be defined. Alcohol is everywhere in your life, omnipresent, and you’re both aware and unaware of it almost all the time, all you know is you’d die without it, and there is no simple reason why this happens, no single moment, no physiological event that pushes a heavy drinker across a concrete line into alcoholism. It’s a slow, gradual, insidious, elusive becoming (Insidious Quotes)
Ambition is a passion, at once strong and insidious, and is very apt to cheat a man out of his happiness and his true respectability of character (Insidious Quotes)
The best protection against propaganda of any sort is the recognition of it for what it is. Only hidden and undetected oratory is really insidious. What reaches the heart without going through the mind is likely to bounce back and put the mind out of business. Propaganda taken in that way is like a drug you do not know you are swallowing. The effect is mysterious; you do not know afterwards why you feel or think the way you do (Insidious Quotes)
One of the most insidious and nefarious properties of scientific models is their tendency to take over, and sometimes supplant, reality (Insidious Quotes)
I never, ever had it in my mind that I wanted to be in the record industry, because I still contend that the record industry is an insidious affair. It’s this terrible collision between art and commerce, and it will always be that way (Insidious Quotes)
Society’s double behavioral standard for women and for men is, in fact, a more effective deterrent than economic discrimination because it is more insidious, less tangible. Economic disadvantages involve ascertainable amounts, but the very nature of societal value judgments makes them harder to define, their effects harder to relate (Insidious Quotes)
Although gravity is by far the weakest force of nature, its insidious and cumulative action serves to determine the ultimate fate not only of individual astronomical objects but of the entire cosmos. The same remorseless attraction that crushes a star operates on a much grander scale on the universe as a whole (Insidious Quotes)
Patriarchy is not men. Patriarchy is a system in which both women and men participate. It privileges, inter alia, the interests of boys and men over the bodily integrity, autonomy, and dignity of girls and women. It is subtle, insidious, and never more dangerous than when women passionately deny that they themselves are engaging in it (Insidious Quotes)
I’m concerned about the insidious influence of the media’s bad messages that undermine the lessons parents try to instill in their sons and daughters (Insidious Quotes)
Experience has taught me to believe that, these human beans are the most insidious enemies man, with a tendency to corpulence in advanced life, can possess, though eminently friendly to youth (Insidious Quotes)