Instant Quotes

Text Quotes
Reality is myself, reality is only the perception of this instant and it can’t be related to another person (Instant Quotes)
When you make a mistake, the ocean gives you an instant reminder. You get punished. If golf clubs could shock you every time you hit the ball wrong, we’d probably learn how to play golf pretty well (Instant Quotes)
No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in today. No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant (Instant Quotes)
Design a clear and simple interface. The primary task of the interface is to present the player with a choice of the available actions at each moment and to provide instant feedback when the player makes a choice (Instant Quotes)
Both life and death manifest in every moment of existence. Our human body appears and disappears moment by moment, without cease, and this ceaseless arising and passing away is what we experience as time and being. They are not separate. They are one thing, and in even a fraction of a second, we have the opportunity to choose, and to turn the course of our action either toward the attainment of truth or away from it. Each instant is utterly critical to the whole world (Instant Quotes)
We’re left with so little to go on. Only the present is full enough to seem complete, and even that is an optical illusion. The moment is bleeding off the page. We live on the precipice of our perceptions. At the edge of every living instant, the world shears away like a cliff of ice into the sea of what is forgotten (Instant Quotes)
The river is now. This moment. This breath between us. The space between your heartbeats. The moment before you blink. The instant a thought flashes through your mind. It is everything that is around us. Life. Energy. Flowing, endlessly flowing, carrying you from then... to now... to tomorrow. Listen: you can hear the music of it. Of the passage of time (Instant Quotes)
Every human being I have ever met, irrespective of the business, the job or life situation they are in, possesses at least one and normally multiple instant jackpots that are within their grasp. All they have to do is recognize them, believe that they are there, and believe that they are entitled to harvest them and the financial and the personal wealth and riches that come along with them (Instant Quotes)
Africa can stun you in an instant. It can throw floods and drought and disease at you, sometimes all at the same time. In the next moment, it will tease you with its magnificent beauty, so even if you don’t forget, you can find a way to forgive. Ultimately, it keeps you coming back for more (Instant Quotes)
Photography is about a single point of a moment. It’s like stopping time. As everything gets condensed in that forced instant. But if you keep creating these points, they form a line which reflects your life (Instant Quotes)
Today everything must be easy and it mustn’t take time... ready meals. Powdered hot chocolate and instant coffee... Living takes time. We need to give each other time (Instant Quotes)
Perfume is a form of writing, an ink, a choice made in the first person, the dot on the i, a weapon, a courteous gesture, part of the instant, a consequence (Instant Quotes)
Life is a constant creation. It is a moment by moment, instant by instant creation. I don’t mean by this that it is a set of discrete creations, it is not like that. But nevertheless, this spontaneity is constantly arising. And it is within this that is our freedom (Instant Quotes)
Each quantum event, each of the trillions of times reality’s particles interact with each other every instant, is like a note that rings and resonates throughout the great bell of creation. And the sound of the ringing propagates instantaneously, everywhere at once, interconnecting all things. This is a truth of our universe. It is a mystical truth, that reality at its deepest level is an undivided wholeness (Instant Quotes)
Actuality is when the lighthouse is dark between flashes: it is the instant between the ticks of the watch: it is a void interval slipping forever through time: the rupture between past and future: the gap at the poles of the revolving magnetic field, infinitesimally small but ultimately real. It is the interchronic pause when nothing is happening. It is the void between events (Instant Quotes)
When people go to a web page, the thing that they want more than anything else is instant clarity (Instant Quotes)
On the very instant that we know that our assailant intends us serious physical harm, we must work just as fast as we can (Instant Quotes)
False teammates are like our shadows. They keep close to us when we are all walking in the sunshine, but they are gone the instant we just go into the shade, let alone the darkness (Instant Quotes)
I had seen how in an instant, those you called friends could suddenly become tormentors, sniffing out a weakness or a difference, turning their own fear of ostracism into a weapon with which they could beat the victim away, afraid that being an outsider, and individual even, was somehow infectious (Instant Quotes)
Go to your checkbook and see what you spend money on. In an instant, you will know what is important to you because your money goes toward it (Instant Quotes)
Not all friendships take a long time to grow and deepen. Some are formed in an instant (Instant Quotes)
You’d have thought that after suffering such a loss nothing else would matter to her but that didn’t seem to be how it worked. She was fearful about everything now. It was as if she had finally seen the awful power of fate, it’s deviousness, the way it could wipe out in an instant the one thing you had been certain you could rely on, and now she was constantly looking over her shoulder, trying to work out where the next blow might fall (Instant Quotes)
The brush is a more powerful and rapid tool than the point or the stump... the main thing that the brush secures is the instant grasp of the grand construction of a figure (Instant Quotes)
I worry that if whatever pops into your head at any instant immediately goes online, you lose the crucial time for your thoughts to simmer and evolve and build up nuance, depth and empathy (Instant Quotes)
I have never for one instant seen clearly within myself. How then would you have me judge the deeds of others? (Instant Quotes)
The course of our lives follows ancient and immutable laws, with an ancient, changeless rhythm. Dreams never come true, and the instant they are shattered, we realize how the greatest joys of life lie beyond the realm of reality. The instant they are shattered we are sick with longing for the days when they flamed within us. Our fate spends itself in this succession of hope and nostalgia (Instant Quotes)
It’s too easy to sum up a person’s character in one negative instant, and it doesn’t put anything good out into the world (Instant Quotes)
The longer I’m alive, the more I realize how little I know. Pretending that you know everything about every topic, and being very vocal about it? That’s an instant turnoff (Instant Quotes)
Any song I have to work on longer than a day, I just leave it. It’s not gonna work. Everything that’s good is really instant (Instant Quotes)
Fame introduced me to a world of instant gratification and decadence I hadn’t seen before (Instant Quotes)