Instruction Quotes

Text Quotes
The teacher who would be true to his mission and accomplish the most good, must give prominence to moral as well as intellectual instruction (Instruction Quotes)
The most significant learning occurs when emotions are integrated with instruction because all body systems are united. The Arts are strongly linked to emotions, enhancing the likelihood that students will remember something (Instruction Quotes)
A screenplay is really an instruction manual, and it can be interpreted in any number of ways. The casting, the choice of location, the costumes and make-up, the actors’ reading of a line or emphasis of a word, the choice of lens and the pace of the cutting - these are all part of the translation (Instruction Quotes)
Today’s child is growing up absurd, because he lives in two worlds, and neither of them inclines him to grow up. Growing up--thatis our new work, and it is total. Mere instruction will not suffice (Instruction Quotes)
For centuries, dreams have been used to communicate instruction and direction to people of purpose - great men and women. God used dreams to prepare Joseph for his future as a leader of nations. He gave battle plans to Gideon in a dream. Joan of Arc, Jacob, George Washington, Marie Curie, and the apostle Paul were all guided by their dreams (Instruction Quotes)
Certainly parents play a crucial role in the lives of individuals who are intellectually gifted or creatively talented. But this role is not one of active instruction, of teaching children skills,... rather, it is support and encouragement parents give children and the intellectual climate that they create in the home which seem to be the critical factors (Instruction Quotes)
The conviction that the best way to prepare children for a harsh, rapidly changing world is to introduce formal instruction at anearly age is wrong. There is simply no evidence to support it, and considerable evidence against it. Starting children early academically has not worked in the past and is not working now (Instruction Quotes)
My strongest quality as an actor is taking direction. I will give my performance as a template and if the director gives any instruction, I take that information, process it and morph it into the next take. I love the feeling I get when nailing a scene through direction (Instruction Quotes)
My father was a schoolteacher, and so I had the advantage of both western educational instruction in the school, as well as what you might call the process of imbibing the traditional processes of education instruction around me. (Instruction Quotes)
There are some good teachers out there, but the only one who is a genius at diagnosing my swing is my mom. She took up golf late, when she was 39, but in her younger days, she was an amazing athlete. She never read an instruction book or took lessons, but she has a remarkable eye for motion. (Instruction Quotes)
Excellent instruction is less about what a teacher does and more about what students can do and know as a result of the lesson. (Instruction Quotes)
The Devil often transforms himself into an angel to tempt men, some for their instruction, some for their ruin. (Instruction Quotes)
Any system of education...which limits instruction to the arts and sciences and rejects the aids of religion in forming the characters of citizens, is essentially defective. (Instruction Quotes)
In order to do good, a man must be good; and he will not be good except he have instruction by counsel and by example. (Instruction Quotes)
Religion teachers for Islam instruction are being trained now in Münster and Erlangen. This has to happen quickly. My goal is to achieve relevant results within two years. (Instruction Quotes)
There is nothing more valuable than great classroom instruction. But let’s stop putting the whole burden on teachers. We also need better parents. Better parents can make every teacher more effective. (Instruction Quotes)
I told Miss Kay we need to make sure our children don’t turn out like I turned out, so they were raised up around biblical instruction. That mixed with discipline - the discipline code, I call it. They just had a lifestyle of seeing their parents do good things. (Instruction Quotes)
It is the act of an ill-instructed man to blame others for his own bad condition; it is the act of one who has begun to be instructed, to lay the blame on himself; and of one whose instruction is completed, neither to blame another, nor himself. (Instruction Quotes)
All the body’s systems and processes - your nerves, your emotions - take instruction from what is going on with your breath. (Instruction Quotes)
On every thorn, delightful wisdom grows, In every rill a sweet instruction flows (Instruction Quotes)
The British people voted for change.They sent us a clear instruction that they want Britain to leave the European Union and end the supremacy of EU law. (Instruction Quotes)
When messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred, friends, and fellow beings. Our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have passed away from this earth...bringing messages of love, warning, reproof and instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh. (Instruction Quotes)
A true anecdote which illustrates his unworldly nature is of the instruction he received in 1922 to appear at Buckingham Palace to receive the accolade of the Order of Knighthood; Bayliss replied that as the date coincided with that of a meeting of the Physiological Society, he would be unable to attend. (Instruction Quotes)
We are always open to instruction, willing to be wiser every day than we were before, and to change whatever we can change for the better. (Instruction Quotes)
The Church, therefore, has two constant needs; instruction in the truths by which it must live, and correction of the shortcomings by which its life is marred. (Instruction Quotes)
My obligation is to focus on the priorities of classroom instruction, parental involvement and student safety, targeting student performance and eliminating unnecessary administrative costs. (Instruction Quotes)
Education is not the piling on of learning information data facts skills or abilities that’s training or instruction but is rather making visible what is hidden as a seed (Instruction Quotes)
The ideal of an all-sided education for youth had always been close to my heart. I saw clearly the arid results of ordinary instruction, aimed only at the development of body and intellect. (Instruction Quotes)
[Children] receive direct instruction from time to time about the appropriateness of various social comparisons (Instruction Quotes)
Golf’s ultimate moral instruction directs us to find within ourselves a pivotal center of enjoyment: relax into a rhythm that fits the hills and swales, and play the shot at hand - not the last one, or the next one, but the one at your feet, in the poison ivy, where you put it. (Instruction Quotes)