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Instrumentalist Quotes

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Whether it’s string writing or whatever, I try to write for what each instrumentalist can do best  (Instrumentalist Quotes) I was not able to understand how it could be right to pay an actor, or a singer, or an instrumentalist for entertaining the public and wrong to pay a ball player for doing exactly the same thing  (Instrumentalist Quotes) That’s one strength that Stevie has. She’s really not a strong instrumentalist in any way. Her instrument is her voice and her words. And it keeps her focused on the very center of that  (Instrumentalist Quotes) Most of my music theory knowledge is based on piano. But I write on guitar a lot, too. I’m not a great guitar player by any means. I’m not a great instrumentalist. I play piano on stage. I don’t play guitar on stage, but I use it to write quite a lot  (Instrumentalist Quotes) Whether it’s string writing or whatever, I try to write for what each instrumentalist can do best.  (Instrumentalist Quotes)