Intelligence Quotes

Text Quotes
Children, taught either years beneath their intelligence or miles wide of relevance to it, or both: their intelligence becomes hopelessly bewildered, drawn off its centers, bored, or atrophied (Intelligence Quotes)
Intelligence, in diapers, is invisible. And when it matures, out the window it flies. We have to pounce on it earlier (Intelligence Quotes)
Science is the only truth and it is the great lie. It knows nothing, and people think it knows everything. It is misrepresented. People think that science is electricity, automobilism, and dirigible balloons. It is something very different. It is life devouring itself. It is the sensibility transformed into intelligence. It is the need to know stifling the need to live. It is the genius of knowledge vivisecting the vital genius (Intelligence Quotes)
The intelligence suffers today automatically in consequence of the attack on all authority, advantage, or privilege. These things are not done away with, it is needless to say, but numerous scapegoats are made of the less politically powerful, to satisfy the egalitarian rage awakened (Intelligence Quotes)
Professors of literature, who for the most part are genteel but mediocre men, can make but a poor defense of their profession, and the professors of science, who are frequently men of great intelligence but of limited interests and education (Intelligence Quotes)
To be a critic, you have to have maybe three percent education, five percent intelligence, two percent style, and 90 percent gall and egomania in equal parts (Intelligence Quotes)
Making mental connections is our most crucial learning tool, the essence of human intelligence; to forge links; to go beyond the given; to see patterns, relationships, context (Intelligence Quotes)
Humans have always used our intelligence and creativity to improve our existence. After all, we invented the wheel, discovered how to make fire, invented the printing press and found a vaccine for polio (Intelligence Quotes)
No one knows when a robot will approach human intelligence, but I suspect it will be late in the 21st century. Will they be dangerous? Possibly. So I suggest we put a chip in their brain to shut them off if they have murderous thoughts (Intelligence Quotes)
I consider myself a spiritual atheist. I certainly believe there are forces bigger than ourselves, and that we should be searching, individually, for meaning in our lives. But I don’t believe there’s a supreme being, an intelligence that created everything (Intelligence Quotes)
It’s really difficult to navigate attention and stardom and celebrity status and still try to maintain yourself and hold onto your intelligence and integrity. It’s really challenging (Intelligence Quotes)
If you don’t have a job right now, and you have a computer and a basic intelligence level, I guarantee you can get a great job, paying really well, in less than three months. How? Learn to program (Intelligence Quotes)
Intelligence is intuitive you needn’t learn to love unless you’ve been taught to fear and hate (Intelligence Quotes)
No writing is a waste of time – no creative work where the feelings, the imagination, the intelligence must work. With every sentence you write, you have learned something. It has done you good (Intelligence Quotes)
It is true intelligence for a man to take a subject that is mysterious and great in itself and to unfold and simplify it so that a child can understand it (Intelligence Quotes)
Beauty is power and elegance, right action, form fitting function, intelligence, and reasonability. And very often expressed in curves (Intelligence Quotes)
He always reminded us that every atom in our bodies was once part of a distant star that had exploded. He talked about how evolution moves from simplicity toward complexity, and how human intelligence is the highest known expression of evolution. I remember him telling me that a frog’s brain is much more complex than a star. He saw human consciousness as the first neuron of the universe coming to life and awareness. A spark in the darkness, waiting to spread to fire (Intelligence Quotes)
You know, there’s something heartsick about parties like this. Look at us. We’re all pretending to be smart, as if intelligence were the cure for our anguish (Intelligence Quotes)
To beauty, all is forgiven, even vulgarity. Intelligence no longer seems an adequate compensation for things (Intelligence Quotes)
She was so intelligent that she could think herself into beauty. Intelligence... they don’t talk about it much, the poets, but when a woman is intelligent and passionate and good (Intelligence Quotes)
Today evolution of human intelligence has advanced us to the stage where most of us are too smart to invent new gods but are reluctant to give up the old ones (Intelligence Quotes)
The general plot of life is sometimes shaped by the different ways genuine intelligence combines with equally genuine ignorance (Intelligence Quotes)
Such physical matters were nice, yet, to him, intelligence and passion born of living, the ability to move and be moved by subtleties of the mind and spirit, were what really counted (Intelligence Quotes)
I would think you an utter fool if you did not doubt me, warrior. Instead, I am forced to respect your uncommon intelligence. Now what, do you suppose, should I do from there? (Intelligence Quotes)
This is how you communicate with a fellow intelligence: You hurt it, you keep on hurting it, until you can distinguish the speech from the screams (Intelligence Quotes)
She was afraid of all that and so much more, but what terrified her most was inside of her, an insect of unnatural intelligence who’d been living in her brain her entire life, playing with it, clicking across it, wrenching loose its cables on a whim (Intelligence Quotes)
She’s a smart woman. I love that. Intelligence is a wonderful and powerful aphrodisiac. To me, it enhances beauty, makes an ordinary woman look like a movie star (Intelligence Quotes)
Readers understand that the books celebrate female power. In the romance novel, the woman always wins. With courage, intelligence and gentleness she brings the most dangerous creature on the earth, the human male, to his knees (Intelligence Quotes)
There are only two precious things on earth: the first is love; the second, a long way behind it, is intelligence (Intelligence Quotes)
It is a misconception to think that during evolution humans sacrificed physical skill in exchange for intelligence: wielding one’s body is a mental activity (Intelligence Quotes)