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Intelligence Quotes

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The mob spirit has grown with the increasing intelligence of the Afro-American  (Intelligence Quotes) The PATRIOT Act brought down the wall separating intelligence agencies from law enforcement and other entities charged with protecting the Nation from terrorism  (Intelligence Quotes) The Queen’s intelligence network is a hell of a lot better than anyone’s in this palace. Bar none. She knows everything. I don’t know how she does it. And she sees everything  (Intelligence Quotes) The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function  (Intelligence Quotes) The trouble with people like Tony Blair is they get confused, they think intelligence is education when they’re two different things  (Intelligence Quotes) There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure  (Intelligence Quotes) They have involved co-operation between the Iraqi intelligence and al - Qaeda operatives on training and combined operations regarding bomb making and chemical and biological weapons  (Intelligence Quotes) To understand a difficult topic like Iraq takes patience and care. Unfortunately, you rarely hear a patient, careful or thoughtful discussion of intelligence these days  (Intelligence Quotes) Too many problem-solving sessions become battlegrounds where decisions are made based on power rather than intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) We can no longer expect an Intelligence Community that is mostly male and mostly white to be able to monitor and infiltrate suspicious organizations or terrorist groups  (Intelligence Quotes) We’ve done it in intelligence sharing and certain elements of security. There were parts of the department, in fact, that worked very well in Katrina, like the Coast Guard and TSA  (Intelligence Quotes) Well, it’s a - I don’t want to disappoint you, but it’s a time worn tradition of Australian Governments over many years not to get into any discussion about that aspect of intelligence matters  (Intelligence Quotes) When a decision is made to go to war based on intelligence, it is a fateful decision. It has ramifications and impacts way beyond the current months and year  (Intelligence Quotes) When I went on to write my next book, Working With Emotional Intelligence, I wanted to make a business case that the best performers were those people strong in these skills  (Intelligence Quotes) Yes; we have a specific procedure which we follow in all cases where the Agency is in contact, for the purposes of acquiring intelligence or whatever the case may be, with an individual  (Intelligence Quotes) You know, as director of the CIA, I got an awful lot of intelligence about all the horrible things that could go on across the world  (Intelligence Quotes) True genius without heart is a thing of nought - for not great understanding alone, not intelligence alone, nor both together, make genius. Love! Love! Love! That is the soul of genius  (Intelligence Quotes) It’s clearly possible for a something to acquire higher intelligence than its ancestors: we evolved to be smarter than our ape-like ancestors, and Einstein was smarter than his parents  (Intelligence Quotes) As human beings, we’re given intelligence. This is how we make our way through this reality, how we manifest our reality clearly and coherently  (Intelligence Quotes) We use our intelligence, our creative intelligence, because we create with intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) There are three types of intelligence. The intelligence of man, the intelligence of animals and the intelligence of the military. In that order  (Intelligence Quotes) If your intelligence and your luck are on your side, you don’t need angels  (Intelligence Quotes) Quotations are the gold mine of human mind, the silver pearls of the wisdom ocean, and the cool drops of the rain of intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) God is the Seed; The Universe is the Tree, Impulses and passions are the branches, Intelligence is the flower, Pure Consciousness is the fruit, Love is the sweetness in the fruit  (Intelligence Quotes) We pray for a generation of girls who will display their wit, their intelligence, their modest charm, their integrity, their loveliness rather than their bodies and their sexual possibilities  (Intelligence Quotes) The Prince of Calcutta. Two of his special qualities are his intelligence and articulation, both of which have helped him immensely in the world of contemporary cricket  (Intelligence Quotes) Anyone who endeavors to be a Christian will soon find his intelligence being sharpened. You are embarking on something that is going to take the whole of you, brains and all  (Intelligence Quotes) Horses have different levels of intelligence and different levels of work ethic  (Intelligence Quotes) It is difficult finding intelligence that is actionable in a lot of these places, but we have to keep trying  (Intelligence Quotes) In my experience, it tends to be a real reflection of someone’s intelligence, confidence and sensitivity when they can just be real  (Intelligence Quotes)
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