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Intelligence Quotes

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Every creative person can draft into service those around them who exhibit the right mixture of intelligence, insight, and grace  (Intelligence Quotes) Well, having no intelligence, I’m looking forward to gaining some, whether artificial, superficial or super-duper  (Intelligence Quotes) When you walk to the end of a fiction, its procedure is 1) intuitive; and 2) emotional. Its intelligence is emotional, I think  (Intelligence Quotes) Definitely an intelligence in the light of the heart. In yoga, we refer to this as the heart center - right behind the breastbone, and visualize it as a golden candle flame of light and spirit  (Intelligence Quotes) I think that in the immediate aftermath of a superhuman machine intelligence revealing itself, most people would feel very threatened but take solace in the thought that we can always pull the plug  (Intelligence Quotes) I don’t think the emergence of a superhuman intelligence would be at all catastrophic but much more likely to be beneficial - just as long as we don’t start trying to interfere with it  (Intelligence Quotes) Acting politely in front of someone black and/or gay and then making horrible claims about their intelligence or worth as human beings after they leave the room is not kindness - it’s hypocrisy  (Intelligence Quotes) I think that villains who are just brawn, muscles and weapons are boring. So I always try to find intelligence in my villains and also a sense of humor whenever that is possible  (Intelligence Quotes) It’s taken me a long time to appreciate that my intelligence is greater than what I was told and that I am very creative, and I see in pictures  (Intelligence Quotes) From inanimate object, to microorganism, to plant, to insect, to animal, to human, there is an evolving level of intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) People also respected my culinary acumen and my intelligence, and that was their whole thing. They flew me over, and it was this immersive experience  (Intelligence Quotes) Solitude is indeed dangerous for a working intelligence. We need to have around us people who think and speak. When we are alone for a long time we people the void with phantoms  (Intelligence Quotes) Rachel delivered it like an official pronouncement. Like she was one of the fairies gifting Sleeping Beauty’s christening: Beauty. Intelligence. Heterosexual  (Intelligence Quotes) Newt Gingrich has a restless and outsized intelligence that is tragically unleavened by any kind of critical sensibility  (Intelligence Quotes) The phrases that men hear or repeat continually, end by becoming convictions and ossify the organs of intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) Someday a computer will give a wrong answer to spare someone’s feelings, and man will have invented artificial intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) No matter the situation, never let your emotions overpower your intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) As a former attorney general. I have the greatest respect for the criminal justice system. But it is not good at intelligence gathering  (Intelligence Quotes) Chance throws peculiar conditions in everyone’s way. If we apply intelligence, patience and special vision, we are rewarded with new creative breakthroughs  (Intelligence Quotes) Terrorists continue to exploit divisions between law enforcement and the intelligence communities that limit the sharing of vital counterterrorism information  (Intelligence Quotes) Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) Intelligence looks for what is known to solve problems. Creativity looks for what is unknown to discover possibilities  (Intelligence Quotes) Intelligence is that faculty of mind, by which order is perceived in a situation previously considered disordered  (Intelligence Quotes) Below the 40th latitude there is no law; below the 50th no god; below the 60th no common sense and below the 70th no intelligence whatsoever  (Intelligence Quotes) The greatest issue is to raise the question of birth control out of the gutter of obscenity... into the light of intelligence and human understanding  (Intelligence Quotes) Cats virtually always underestimate human intelligence just as we, perhaps, underestimate theirs  (Intelligence Quotes) Use your human intelligence in the best way you can; transform your emotions in a positive way  (Intelligence Quotes) Instinct perfected is a faculty of using and even constructing organized instruments; intelligence perfected is the faculty of making and using unorganized instruments  (Intelligence Quotes) Art the end result of perception, wisdom, intelligence, discipline, hard work, passion, luck, accident, and coincidence  (Intelligence Quotes) I respect the audience’s intelligence a lot, and that’s why I don’t try to go for the lowest common denominator  (Intelligence Quotes)
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