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Intelligence Quotes

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Intelligence is the capacity to observe that some thought or inspiration you have experienced, bears repeating to another  (Intelligence Quotes) In fact, intelligence is mostly quiet because the mind is so busy creating ideas for actions to create  (Intelligence Quotes) [My novels] introduce levels of intelligence ... moral doubt [and] self-doubt, which may not pertain [to real-world espionage]  (Intelligence Quotes) Each one of us has all the wisdom and knowledge we ever need right within us. It is available to us through our intuitive mind, which is our connection with universal intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) What is it that really makes us, us? It’s our collective intelligence. It’s our ability to write things down, our language and our consciousness  (Intelligence Quotes) Matching the right kidney to the right patient is one example of an algorithmic artificial intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) He was ignorant, but a lot of people mistook ignorance for stupidity, and knowingness for intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) I’m concerned that our child’s intelligence is starting to make us look dumb  (Intelligence Quotes) In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) True power does not need arrogance, a long beard and a barking voice. True power strangles you with silk ribbons, charm and intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) Women who are beautiful and have nothing to back that up, such as intelligence with a brain, at the end become worthless  (Intelligence Quotes) The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence  (Intelligence Quotes) If you’re ever given the choice between happiness and intelligence choose happiness  (Intelligence Quotes) I paint my pictures with all the considerations which are natural to my intelligence, and according as my intelligence understands them  (Intelligence Quotes) Very rare, the intelligence of the heart. The intelligence of the whimsical brain is less rare, less attaching, sometimes tedious  (Intelligence Quotes) The problem with society is that happiness and intelligence are rarely found in the same person. I guess that’s why they say ignorance is bliss  (Intelligence Quotes) When liberty exceeds intelligence, it begets chaos, which begets dictatorship  (Intelligence Quotes) It is difficult, if not impossible, to argue that laws written in the 1970s are adequate for today’s intelligence challenges  (Intelligence Quotes) Intelligence is like an underwear. It is important that I have it, but not necessary that I show it off  (Intelligence Quotes) Intelligence, knowledge or experience are important and might get you a job, but strong communication skills are what will get you promoted  (Intelligence Quotes) Intelligence is just a tool to be used toward a goal, and goals are not always chosen intelligently  (Intelligence Quotes) In the United Kingdom at various stages, journalism has been the profession of gentlemen amateurs. And some of them even pride themselves on being amateurs. Their quality is not comparable with the quality of intelligence services even if most of them harbor a remarkable degree of corruption and incompetence  (Intelligence Quotes) Always remember, money is a servant; you are the master. Be very careful not to reverse that equation, because many people of high intelligence have already done so, to their great detriments. Unfortunately, many of these poor souls loved money and used people, which violated one of the most basic laws governing true financial success. You should always love people and use money, rather than the reverse!  (Intelligence Quotes) We live in worlds that we have forged and composed. It’s much more true than any of the species that you see. I mean, it seems to me that one of the most distinctive features of human intelligence is the capacity to imagine, to project out of our own immediate circumstances and to bring to mind things that aren’t present here and now  (Intelligence Quotes) By the time we get to the 2040s, we’ll be able to multiply human intelligence a billionfold. That will be a profound change that’s singular in nature. Computers are going to keep getting smaller and smaller. Ultimately, they will go inside our bodies and brains and make us healthier, make us smarter  (Intelligence Quotes) I think there are profound differences between women and men. In intelligence and creativity, there is no difference, but in what one loves, what one likes, the passions - there are differences  (Intelligence Quotes) There are lots of examples of routine, middle-skilled jobs that involve relatively structured tasks, and those are the jobs that are being eliminated the fastest. Those kinds of jobs are easier for our friends in the artificial intelligence community to design robots to handle them. They could be software robots; they could be physical robots  (Intelligence Quotes) The theory behind representative government is that superior men-or at least men not inferior to the average in ability and integrity-are chosen to manage the public business, and that they carry on this work with reasonable intelligence and honest. There is little support for that theory in known facts  (Intelligence Quotes) In a poem, the words happen; they just come. I let them. Otherwise, I wouldn’t write. To interfere with what is happening is to distort the poem. Just a very small degree of intelligence and supervision is necessary. Very tactful. Any revision later that violates the text as it came, that begins rewriting the words, is fake  (Intelligence Quotes) There are a lot of obstacles in the way of our understanding animal intelligence - not the least being that we can’t even agree whether nonhuman species are conscious. We accept that chimps and dolphins experience awareness; we like to think dogs and cats do. But what about mice and newts? What about a fly? Is anything going on there at all?  (Intelligence Quotes)
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