Intense Quotes

Text Quotes
Of all the worldly passions, lust is the most intense. All other worldly passions seem to follow in its train (Intense Quotes)
Intense, burning desire is the motivational force that enables you to overcome any obstacle and achieve almost any goal (Intense Quotes)
Cramming seeks to stamp things in by intense application immediately before the ordeal. But a thing thus learned can form but few associations (Intense Quotes)
When you have an intense contact of love with nature or another human being, like a spark, then you understand that there is no time and that everything is eternal (Intense Quotes)
The pictures which do not represent an intense interest cannot expect to create an intense interest (Intense Quotes)
All achievement, no matter what may be its nature, or its purpose, must begin with an intense, burning desire for something definite (Intense Quotes)
We must all wage an intense, lifelong battle against the constant downward pull. If we relax, the bugs and weeds of negativity will move into the garden and take away everything of value (Intense Quotes)
Be intense, passionate, and fired up, but about things that matter, things that change your life and your legacy (Intense Quotes)
The humble person receives praise the way a clean window takes the light of the sun. The truer and more intense the light is, the less you see of the glass (Intense Quotes)
All those emotions spanning from intense love, intense frustration, intense jealously, all those feelings are red (Intense Quotes)
You do not have to pursue something intensely; you as a being should become very intense (Intense Quotes)
Your energy and your awareness are directly connected. If your energies are intense, your awareness naturally grows and sharpens (Intense Quotes)
The circumstances and events that we see as setbacks are oftentimes the very things that launch us into periods of intense spiritual growth (Intense Quotes)
Persecution in intellectual countries produces a superficial conformity, but also underneath an intense, incessant, implacable doubt (Intense Quotes)
I’m proud of the scars in my soul. They remind me that I have an intense life (Intense Quotes)
Intense interest in any subject is indispensable if you’re really going to excel in it (Intense Quotes)
Faith is a function of the heart. It must be enforced by reason. The two are not antagonistic as some think. The more intense one’s faith is, the more it whets one’s reason. When faith becomes blind it dies (Intense Quotes)
The pleasure of satisfying a savage instinct, undomesticated by the ego, is uncomparably much more intense than the one of satisfying a tamed instinct. The reason is becoming the enemy that prevents us from a lot of possibilities of pleasure (Intense Quotes)
At a given moment a child becomes interested in a piece of work, showing it by the expression of his face, by his intense attention, by his perseverance in the same exercise. That child has set foot upon the road leading to discipline (Intense Quotes)
However intense my experience, I am conscious of the presence and criticism of a part of me, which, as it were, is not a part of me, but a spectator, sharing no experience, but taking note of it, and that is no more I than it is you. When the lay, it may be the tragedy, of life is over, the spectator goes his way. It was a kind of fiction, a work of the imagination only, so far as he was concerned (Intense Quotes)
The game of basketball has been everything to me. My place of refuge, place I’ve always gone where I needed comfort and peace. It’s been the site of intense pain and the most intense feelings of joy and satisfaction. It’s a relationship that has evolved over time, given me the greatest respect and love for the game (Intense Quotes)
Each in the most hidden sack kept the lost jewels of memory, intense love, secret nights and permanent kisses, the fragment of public or private happiness. A few, the wolves, collected thighs, other men loved the dawn scratching mountain ranges or ice floes, locomotives, numbers. For me happiness was to share singing, praising, cursing, crying with a thousand eyes. I ask forgiveness for my bad ways: my life had no use on earth (Intense Quotes)
I have a duty to speak the truth as I see it and share not just my triumphs, not just the things that felt good, but the pain, the intense, often unmitigated pain. It is important to share how I know survival is survival and not just a walk throught the rain (Intense Quotes)
The beet is the most intense of vegetables. The radish, admittedly, is more feverish, but the fire of the radish is a cold fire, the fire of discontent, not of passion. Tomatoes are lusty enough, yet there runs through tomatoes an undercurrent of frivolity. Beets are deadly serious (Intense Quotes)
Get yourself in that intense state of being next to madness. Keep yourself in, not necessarily a frenzied state, but in a state of great intensity. The kind of state you would be in before going to bed with your partner. That heightened state when you’re in a carnal embrace: time stops and nothing else matters. You should always write with an erection. Even if you’re a woman (Intense Quotes)
Later, her first intense, serious love affair, yes then she’d lost something more tangible, if undefinable: her heart? her independence? her control of, definition of, self? That first true loss, the furious bafflement of it. And never again quite so assured, confident (Intense Quotes)
Haven’t you ever known someone rejected by a lover, who, consumed by rage and jealousy, never lets go? They look on from a distance, unseen but boiling inside. The emotion never seems to tire, this hatred mixed with intense obsession, even with a kind of twisted love (Intense Quotes)
Intense, unexpected suffering passes more quickly than suffering that is apparently bearable; the latter goes on for years and, without our noticing, eats away at our souls, until, one day, we are no longer able to free ourselves from the bitterness and it stays with us for the rest of our lives (Intense Quotes)
It is only in his work that an artist can find reality and satisfaction, for the actual world is less intense than the world of his invention and consequently his life, without recourse to violent disorder, does not seem very substantial. The right condition for him is that in which his work in not only convenient but unavoidable (Intense Quotes)
I have not lost my fascination with death. I have not become a noticeably less intense person. I have not, nor will I ever, completely lose the longing for that something, that thing that I believe will fill an emptiness inside me. I do believe that the emptiness was made greater by the things that I did to myself (Intense Quotes)