Intense Quotes

Text Quotes
Most people are not looking for provable truths. As you said, truth is often accompanied by intense pain, and almost no one is looking for painful truths. What people need is beautiful, comforting stories that make them feel as if their lives have some meaning. Which is where religion comes from (Intense Quotes)
When I was a teenager I felt like we were always being stereotyped as being really intense and dramatic and passionate and hopelessly romantic and excitable, now in retrospect I think I need to let you know those things are amazing. I hope you never lose those things (Intense Quotes)
As he stared back, he altered... as if a shield slid away fro his eyes, revealing a scorching force of will that sucked the air from my lungs. The intense magnetism he exuded grew in strength, becoming a near tangible impression of vibrant and unrelenting power (Intense Quotes)
I believe myself that romantic love is the source of the most intense delights that life has to offer. In the relation of a man and woman who love each other with passion and imagination and tenderness, there is something of inestimable value, to be ignorant of which is a great misfortune to any human being (Intense Quotes)
We have no adequate conception of the perfection of the ancient tragic dance. The pleasure which the greeks received from it had for its basis difference; and the more unfit the vehicle, the more lively was the curiosity and intense the delights at seeing the difficulty overcome (Intense Quotes)
Pain or not, I would most likely walk around in a suicidal reverie the rest of my life, never actually doing anything about it. Was there a psychological term for that? Was there a disease that involved an intense desire to die, but no will to go through with it? Couldn’t talk and thoughts of suicide be considered a whole malady of their own, a special subcategory of depression in which the loss of a will to live has not quite been displaced by a determination to die? (Intense Quotes)
You become so intense that you are not there, because if you are there then the intensity cannot be total; then two are there. If you love and the lover is there, then love cannot be intense. Love so deeply, so totally, that the lover disappears. Then you are just an energy moving. Then you will know love, you will know life, you will know death (Intense Quotes)
You have to be an original individual; you have to find your innermost core on your own, with no guide, no guiding scriptures. It is a dark night, but with the intense fire of inquiry you are bound to come to the sunrise. Everybody who has burned with intense inquiry has found the sunrise. Others only believe. Those who believe are not religious, they are simply avoiding the great adventure of religion by believing (Intense Quotes)
Ask courageous questions. Do not be satisfied with superficial answers. Be open to wonder and at the same time subject all claims to knowledge, without exception, to intense skeptical scrutiny. Be aware of human fallibility. Cherish your species and your planet (Intense Quotes)
Run down the list of those who felt intense anger at something: the most famous, the most unfortunate, the most hated, the most whatever: Where is all that now? Smoke, dust, legend... or not even a legend. Think of all the examples. And how trivial the things we want so passionately are (Intense Quotes)
The years of searching in the dark for a truth that one feels but cannot express, the intense desire and the alternations of confidence and misgiving until one breaks through to clarity and understanding, are known only to him who has experienced them himself (Intense Quotes)
I would rather have one article a day of this sort; and these ten or twenty lines might readily represent a whole day’s hard work in the way of concentrated, intense thinking and revision, polish of style, weighing of words (Intense Quotes)
Both songs are really, really intense when it comes to performing them, and very draining at the same time (Intense Quotes)
I’ve always been aware of having feelings that were pretty intense at times. I imagine most people have had that, or they wouldn’t be human (Intense Quotes)
This would be a distortion of their meaning, since the pictures are intimate and intense, and are the opposite of what is decorative; and have been painted in a scale of normal living rather than an institutional scale (Intense Quotes)
The intense campaigns against domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, and inequity in the schools all too often depend on an image of women as weak and victimized (Intense Quotes)
Even though we work in the same field, we have an intense private life away from our professional lives (Intense Quotes)
I’m a parent, especially when you’ve had the intense parenting the way I had. It’s all in the bank. It’s all in the great experience bank. Those are your secrets. That’s the stuff that makes your work rich, that’s what you dip into (Intense Quotes)
I’ve written several deeply personal songs this year, which I really love. Some of them came out of intense sadness. This has been an extremely difficult year for me (Intense Quotes)
This whole business feels kind of intense, like a bad fit. Round peg, square hole. But whatever, I’ll take it (Intense Quotes)
If you watch young children play, you will notice that they create games, characters, situations, whole worlds in which they immerse themselves with intense concentration (Intense Quotes)
You have to know this: running a 100m race is an intense experience. You have a lot of emotion at the end of the race. It is not easy to control that when you win (Intense Quotes)
There is a volatile mix, and that’s because we’re all intense. and there’s no denying that (Intense Quotes)
I don’t have any training as an actor, but I guess I’m an intense pretender. When you read something over and over, it gets into you a little bit. You can’t help but begin to feel it, even if you’re a healthy person as I think I am (Intense Quotes)
The touring for this album was definitely going to be the most intense touring we’ve done (Intense Quotes)
Very intense first summer out, to be 18 years old and never having gone on a date, never having smoked a cigarette, never had a drink, even a sip of beer, never kissed a girl, all of those things. It made for a fairly intense first year out (Intense Quotes)
I was burned out. I think I was just exhausted. It was a very intense five years. We didn’t stop. It was constant touring, constant writing, recording (Intense Quotes)
Wherever the sentiment of the majority is still genuine and intense, it is found to have abated little of its claim to be obeyed (Intense Quotes)
I do love gymnastics, but it’s such an intense sport and you have to be so committed. It’s such a commitment that it’s really hard to do anything else other than gymnastics as people progress (Intense Quotes)
Neither love nor hate, nor any order of intense adherence to personal involvement in human experience, may be so apt to serve the soul as this freedom and this necessity to be kind (Intense Quotes)