Intentions Quotes

Text Quotes
humans are not defined by their limitations, but by the intentions that I have for them; not by what they seem to be, but by everything it means to be created in my image (Intentions Quotes)
It is a hard, embittering thing to have one's kind feelings and good intentions cast back in one's teeth (Intentions Quotes)
There's a deep-freeze of sorts for all good intentions - a place that you store your plans to make changes in your life when you know you're not going to make them at all (Intentions Quotes)
It appears that even the different parts of the same person do not converse among themselves, do not succeed in learning from each other what are their desires and their intentions (Intentions Quotes)
The test of a belief is not exclusively in the belief itself, but also in the intentions and actions of those who embrace it (Intentions Quotes)
I think he’s a man of good intentions. I don’t doubt it. But I think he’s leading us in the wrong direction (Intentions Quotes)
There’s never any time I think I’m a real journalist, because I don’t have any of the qualifications or the intentions for that (Intentions Quotes)
You can plan all you want to. You can lie in your morning bed and fill whole notebooks with schemes and intentions. But within a single afternoon, within hours or minutes, everything you plan and everything you have fought to make yourself can be undone as a slug is undone when salt is poured on him. And right up to the moment when you find yourself dissolving into foam you can still believe you are doing fine (Intentions Quotes)
A lot of people refuse to do things because they don’t want to go naked... We as black people, we as people, we as the human species have got to get used to the fact we’re not going to be right most of the time, not even when our intentions are good. We’ve got to go naked and see what happens (Intentions Quotes)
A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them (Intentions Quotes)
There are a lot of movies I’d like to throw away. That’s not to say that I went in with that attitude. Any film I ever started, I went in with all the hope and best intentions in the world, but some films just don’t work (Intentions Quotes)
I love being irreverent. But I hate being irrelevant. I love being irreverent because at the end of the day your actions belie your intentions (Intentions Quotes)
I am interested in the study of music and the discipline of music and the experience of music and music as a esoteric mechanism to continue my real intentions (Intentions Quotes)
I was very sorry when I found out that your intentions were good and not what I supposed they were (Intentions Quotes)
I think I can deceive people. I’m like, the nice, sweet girl when you meet me. And I don’t have any bad intentions. But I’m a bad girl too (Intentions Quotes)
Yeah, I really like being alive. But I definitely don’t have any intentions as an artist (Intentions Quotes)
It strikes me there’s a bunch of people in power who have really strong intentions of running the world and adjusting the world to exactly how they see it (Intentions Quotes)
Since the end of the nineteenth century, if not earlier, presidents have misled the public about their motives and their intentions in going to war (Intentions Quotes)
I don’t know anyone in the public eye who has not made a mistake and said something in a manner that does not truly reflect their intentions (Intentions Quotes)
The most difficult thing is the organization of people and the expression of your intentions. It’s very easy to have a picture in your head and to imagine that you’ve told everybody about what you need (Intentions Quotes)
Good intentions are not enough. They’ve never put an onion in the soup yet (Intentions Quotes)
Good intentions are very mortal and perishable things. Like very mellow and choice fruit, they are difficult to keep (Intentions Quotes)
Just as the office worker dreams of murdering his hated boss and so is saved from really murdering him, so it is with the author; with his great dreams he helps his readers to survive, to avoid their worst intentions. And society, without realizing it respects and even exalts him, albeit with a kind of jealousy, fear and even repulsion, since few people want to discover the horrors that lurk in the depths of their souls. This is the highest mission of great literature, and there is no other (Intentions Quotes)
The eye is the window of the soul, the mouth the door. The intellect, the will, are seen in the eye; the emotions, sensibilities, and affections, in the mouth. The animals look for man’s intentions right into his eyes. Even a rat, when you hunt him and bring him to bay, looks you in the eye (Intentions Quotes)
I have a low tolerance for people who complain about things but never do anything to change them. This led me to conclude that the single largest pool of untapped natural resources in this world is human good intentions that are never translated into actions (Intentions Quotes)
Power is an instrument of fatal consequence. It is confined no more readily than quicksilver, and escapes good intentions as easily as air flows through mesh (Intentions Quotes)
Because I’m just a giving person spiritually, I feel that if your intentions are to use or abuse or take advantage of, then you might get what you get in the meantime, but there’s still a price to pay (Intentions Quotes)
I’ve never had any intentions about anything. That’s why I am where I am today, which is neither here nor there, in a literal sense (Intentions Quotes)
I took all the blame. I admitted mistakes I hadn’t made, intentions I’d never had. Whenever she turned cold and hard, I begged her to be good to me again, to forgive me and love me. Sometimes I had the feeling that she hurt herself when she turned cold and rigid. As if what she was yearning for was the warmth of my apologies, protestations, and entreaties. Sometimes I thought she just bullied me. But either way, I had no choice (Intentions Quotes)
Being in love is something like poetry. Certainly, you can analyze and expound its various senses and intentions, but there is always something left over, mysteriously hovering between music and meaning (Intentions Quotes)