Interest Quotes

Text Quotes
I became a fashion designer by accident. I loved to make portrait drawings when I was a teenager, and from that came the interest in what people were wearing and why they were wearing it. (Interest Quotes)
I saw this movie ‘The Right Stuff’ when I was in college, and it really rekindled my interest in being an astronaut. I started taking those steps, and then I realized it would be the chance of a lifetime. It would be a dream life: not just a job, but the whole life. (Interest Quotes)
For me, a $20 wine that drinks like a $40 wine in terms of complexity and interest is a value, while a $5 wine that is not very good is not a value at all in my opinion. (Interest Quotes)
To be just, is not enough to refrain from injustice. Once must go further and refuse to play its game, substituting love for self interest as the driving force of society. (Interest Quotes)
The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn’t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting. (Interest Quotes)
I think we’re going to enter a phase where there’s less interest in the CGI and there’s a demand for story again. I think we’ve dropped the ball a little bit on stories for the sake of the amazing toys that we’ve played with. (Interest Quotes)
It’s basic due diligence to make sure that whenever a foreign entity acquires a controlling interest in a U.S. company that national security isn’t threatened. (Interest Quotes)
Too often, parents whose children express an interest in farming squelch it because they envision dirt, dust, poverty, and hermit living. But great stories come out of great farming. (Interest Quotes)
Honor your desire for a new life. Say yes to the small inklings of interest and curiosity that present themselves each day. (Interest Quotes)
Britain was set to repeat the boom-bust cycle that led to 15 per cent. interest rates for one whole year in the early 1990s. (Interest Quotes)
As a child, I remember my own intensive interest in biology, birds, other animals and flowers and was determined at an early age to become a scientist. (Interest Quotes)
Lack of scientific fundamentals causes people to make foolish decisions about issues such as the toxicity of chemicals, the efficacy of medicines, the changes in the global climate. Our single greatest defense against scientific ignorance is education, and early in the life of every scientist, the child’s first interest was sparked by a teacher. (Interest Quotes)
Our single greatest defense against scientific ignorance is education, and early in the life of every scientist, the child’s first interest was sparked by a teacher. (Interest Quotes)
I did television a lot in my earlier years, so to do the high school student that’s just the pretty girl, I’ve done that before, so I don’t have any interest in that. (Interest Quotes)
I was being groomed as an undergraduate to specialize in Midwestern prehistory, but going back to my teenage days, my interest has always been in our early human ancestors. I wanted to work in Africa. (Interest Quotes)
There was little in my early life to indicate that an interest in biology would become the passion of my academic career. In fact, there was little to suggest I would have an academic career. (Interest Quotes)
My interest in philosophy began as early as eight years old - I started thinking about those kinds of heavy questions about life and humanity. (Interest Quotes)
It is not in the interest of the German people or in the interest of world peace that Germany should become a pawn or a partner in a military struggle for power between the East and the West. (Interest Quotes)
We know there is real interest from the American public in having easy access to the new, affordable choices in the Health Insurance Marketplace. (Interest Quotes)
One actor in my life is enough, and that’s me. With actors, it’s too easy to go into this world of complaining. Someone will always be better, richer, more loved, do more work. Those dynamics don’t interest me. (Interest Quotes)
It’s hard to know really how it’s going to happen, but the career ebbs and flows and now there’s a nicer feeling of interest than there has been at other times. (Interest Quotes)
I’m in the trenches; I do the best work I can always do. Having said that, the way that what I do converges with the outside world is fascinating to me. Because it ebbs and flows. People’s interest and understanding, it changes all the time. (Interest Quotes)
It would be helpful if someone would lay out exactly the economic mechanism that gets us from yet lower interest rates to actual economic activity. (Interest Quotes)
Ever since the Industrial Revolution, investments in science and technology have proved to be reliable engines of economic growth. If homegrown interest in those fields is not regenerated soon, the comfortable lifestyle to which Americans have become accustomed will draw to a rapid close. (Interest Quotes)
The recovery of the banks is what happens when you reduce competition, lend money to them at zero interest rates, allow them to gamble. That particular style of restoration actually inhibits the economic recovery. (Interest Quotes)
This doesn’t mean abandoning our values and ideals; wherever we can, it’s in our interest to help foster democracy through the diplomatic and economic resources at our disposal. (Interest Quotes)
I don’t expect the U.S. and China to get into a trade war simply because I think there are good people on both sides who realize that that’s not in either economy’s interest. (Interest Quotes)
My elementary education was at Christ Church infant school and St. Stephen’s junior school. At St. Stephen’s, I encountered my first real mentor, the headmaster Mr. Broakes. He must have spotted something unusual in me, for he spent lots of time encouraging my interest in mathematics. (Interest Quotes)
There is a growing acceptance and interest in publicly funded school choice as a catalyst for education reform in general and a way to empower parents to be education reformers. (Interest Quotes)
By the time I entered this prestigious high school, my interest in formal education had already been exhausted. (Interest Quotes)