Interested Quotes

Text Quotes
The people of Hong Kong are criticized for only being interested in business, but it's the only thing they've been allowed to do (Interested Quotes)
Knowledge about the economy, ideas about capitalism and government, the future of the world and geopolitics were things I was never really interested in (Interested Quotes)
There are movies where we are interested in seeing people's lives without agreeing with what they're doing (Interested Quotes)
I'm really into moderation. Too much of anything will harm you in the end. Too much sugar. Too much pasta. I'm into drugs as a teaching tool, which is why I only take hallucinogenics. I mean, it's not like I've never done cocaine, but, on the whole, if I can't see dancing elephants then I'm not interested (Interested Quotes)
I'm not going to talk like I know about politics, because I'm a total amateur, but maybe I can be a spokesperson for people who aren't normally interested in politics (Interested Quotes)
I am not interested in constructing a building, so much as in having a perspicuous view of the foundations of possible buildings (Interested Quotes)
In all the more advanced communities the great majority of things are worse done by the intervention of government than the individuals most interested in the matter would do them, or cause them to be done, if left to themselves (Interested Quotes)
I like today and perhaps a little future still, but the past is really something I'm not interested in. So, as far as I'm concerned, I like only the past of things and people I don't know. When I know, I don't care because I knew how it was (Interested Quotes)
The decision to write in prose instead of poetry is made more by the readers than by writers. Almost no one is interested in reading narrative in verse (Interested Quotes)
It's great that in life you do something that you want to do because you like doing it and you're not bored. I'm not bored at all. I'm even interested in lots of things, more so today than before (Interested Quotes)
Personally, I'm not interested in making device drivers look like user level. They aren't, they shouldn't be, and microkernels are just stupid (Interested Quotes)
Anybody who tells me I can't use a program because it's not open source, go suck on rms. I'm not interested. 99% of that I run tends to be open source, but that's my choice, dammit (Interested Quotes)
I'm interested in the psychological exploration of human nature, and it just happens to come in the form of film making (Interested Quotes)
I am not interested in the past. I am interested in the future, for that is where I expect to spend the rest of my life (Interested Quotes)
I was very careful never to take an interesting job. If you have an interesting job, you get interested in it (Interested Quotes)
I used to be interested in Windows NT, but the more I see it, the more it looks like traditional Windows with a stabler kernel. I don't find anything technically interesting there (Interested Quotes)
I'm interested in Linux because of the technology, and Linux wasn't started as any kind of rebellion against the 'evil Microsoft empire.' (Interested Quotes)
I don't consider myself as the best player in the world. I'm not obsessed with individual titles. I'm much more interested in being part of a team which wins trophies (Interested Quotes)
I'm not interested in breaking news. I'm interested in telling the story of what's going on and then trying to figure it out (Interested Quotes)
I'm really interested in modern history, but to fulfill a history degree at Brown you have to do modern and pre-modern (Interested Quotes)
Yes, I will put it out there - I will work for anyone for free if they're prepared to make their clothing Fair Trade and organic. It's really hard to get people interested in it (Interested Quotes)
In matters of conscience that is the best sense which every wise man takes in before he hath sullied his understanding with the designs of sophisters and interested persons (Interested Quotes)
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops (Interested Quotes)
One becomes more interested in a job of work after the first impulse to drop it has been overcome (Interested Quotes)
It was Elvis that got me interested in music. I've been an Elvis fan since I was a kid (Interested Quotes)
You sound like a certain kind of surgeon. A lot more interested in the operation than the patient. I should not be in the hands of a surgeon who did not take that view (Interested Quotes)
The nature of how we are as human beings is that we're much more interested in being critical rather than praising something (Interested Quotes)
I got my first guitar when I was 15, and I just used to fool about with it, more or less, as time went by, though, I got more interested (Interested Quotes)
Men are rewarded or punished not for what they do but for how their acts are defined. That is why men are more interested in better justifying themselves than in better behaving themselves (Interested Quotes)
Supplications are requests that you make of God. And truly, nothing is too big for God to handle or too small for him to be interested in (Interested Quotes)