Interested Quotes

Text Quotes
First and foremost, I consider myself a storyteller. And I’m endlessly fascinated with people, with what they do and why... and how they feel about it. Which means I’m interested in romance fiction. I was drawn to it, as both a reader and a writer, at the very beginning of my career. It’s my kind of storytelling. (Interested Quotes)
I’m almost exclusively interested in what happens behind closed doors, between people. The removal of their public face. (Interested Quotes)
For better or worse, most of my writing life has been about people that work behind the scenes. I’m interested in finding extraordinary moments in otherwise normal people. (Interested Quotes)
I am fully present wherever I am. Why bother being in a community or neighborhood and not being fully present? I think that’s colonization. I’m not interested in that. (Interested Quotes)
I’m not interested in being a celebrity; I’m interested in being a better actor and a better director. (Interested Quotes)
Apart from being interested in a good role, I think it’s necessary to make up your mind as to whether it will make a movie that will entertain an audience all over the world and not just in your own backyard. (Interested Quotes)
I always was very interested in intellect and the massive world of knowledge out there, but in terms of being a kid who wanted to be treated as an equal, school is not the place. (Interested Quotes)
For a long time I was interested in being a social worker. In a lot of ways I feel that that’s all my music is, trying to help people. (Interested Quotes)
I’m not interested in being a wife. I’m interested in being an empress. (Interested Quotes)
I don’t think about it in terms of being a woman. Being gracious, attentive, curious, interested are requirements for everyone. (Interested Quotes)
I’m always interested in people being able to share stories that allow us to see the landscape of human foibles, challenges, and ultimately triumph. (Interested Quotes)
I was never very interested in my own experience, I think, in fact, if my films have a common link, maybe it’s being a foreigner - it’s common for people who are born abroad - they don’t know so well where they belong. (Interested Quotes)
I’m not really very ambitious. I’m more interested in enjoying my life and looking after my family than being hugely successful. (Interested Quotes)
One of the achievements of our generation of feminists was to emancipate women from the division between being interested in clothes and appearance, and being serious and ambitious. I am of the first generation that could go to Biba, wear miniskirts and get a degree. (Interested Quotes)
I didn’t think of being an artist until after I went away to boarding school. There were other things to be interested in. And it seemed like a nightmare. (Interested Quotes)
I like being a big fish in a small pond. I’m not interested in a huge audience because it brings headaches. (Interested Quotes)
I wanted to be an editor or a journalist, I wasn’t really interested in being an entrepreneur, but I soon found I had to become an entrepreneur in order to keep my magazine going. (Interested Quotes)
Remind yourself daily to spend more time being interested then interesting (Interested Quotes)
I’ve got a pretty wide range of stuff that I’m interested in in life. But producing... it gives me a lot more time at home to spend with my family as opposed to being away on location shooting nights for months at a time. (Interested Quotes)
I’m a very basic dresser. I’m not interested in calling too much attention to myself. I like to look cool without being too noticeable. (Interested Quotes)
I wasn’t so interested in being paid. I wanted to be heard. That’s why I’m broke. (Interested Quotes)
I wanted a baby of color, to be honest, because I wasn’t attached to the idea that I look like the biological mother. I liked the idea of the adoption being clear; it was and is not something I am interested in hiding. (Interested Quotes)
Doctors and scientists, being part of that two-sex culture, have done everything they can to try to force people who are in-between into one of the two clear types. Intersex people themselves have also generally wanted to fit into one of the two clear categories; most are not interested in being in a ‘third’ type. (Interested Quotes)
I guess I’m interested in people who are very sophisticated in intellectual ways, while being completely off the mark in emotional ones, with these huge blind spots in terms of their own behavior. (Interested Quotes)
I am interested in entertaining people, in bringing pleasure, particularly laughter, to others, rather than being concerned with ‘expressing’ myself with obscure creative impressions. (Interested Quotes)
I think being interested is really what being civilized is about. I mean, you have to be conscious of everything. (Interested Quotes)
I love people! I am a people person. I am a very curious human being. I am very interested in what people have to say. I love cultures, too, so I am always traveling. (Interested Quotes)
Being alive at 87 is quite an accomplishment if you’re curious, interested, seeing the fun out of life, doing things, having a purpose. (Interested Quotes)
It’s rather difficult to think of anybody being really interested in me. But you know, man, I am totally together. (Interested Quotes)
The feeling of being interested can act as a kind of neurological signal, directing us to fruitful areas of inquiry. (Interested Quotes)