Interested Quotes

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The difference between a stranger sending you a message that you might be interested in at a very low volume level, no repetition, just sending it to very few people, and that being done as spam - those things get close enough that you want to be careful never to filter out something that’s legitimate. (Interested Quotes)
Right now, if you’re interested in being a dramatic actor, they’re not making that many just regular dramas. Movies have to have some other thing going on. (Interested Quotes)
Any fool can be happy. What I’m interested in is satisfaction. There’s got to be more to life than just being happy. You’ve got to be fulfilled. You’ve got to be satisfied; philosophically satisfied is what I mean. (Interested Quotes)
I’m like a decathlete who does all of the events he’s used to, but is being forced by certain circumstances to focus on three events, and being forced to focus on events that he wasn’t that interested in, and also weren’t his strongest events. (Interested Quotes)
I’m interested in glorifying something that we in the world would say doesn’t deserve being glorified. Something that’s forgotten, focused on as though it were some sort of sacred object. (Interested Quotes)
Something about New York, man: You can do more comedy there probably than you can anywhere in the world. If you’re interested in being funny, New York is the place to go. (Interested Quotes)
I’m interested in helping women become courageous in being exactly who they are. Because the only way to change anything is to do it from your genuine self. (Interested Quotes)
The clue to happiness is being interested in life. People’s happiness is as great as they can create it. (Interested Quotes)
If I’m being honest, I think I’d be good at television; I just don’t know if I am interested, because you are kind of geographically responsible to a location, and frankly I don’t know if I retired from tennis so that I could sit around tennis tournaments 12 hours a day. (Interested Quotes)
Rituals are important. Nowadays it’s hip not to be married. I’m not interested in being hip. (Interested Quotes)
I’m super interested in visual, and I love that being in a band can be as much about making an image as it is about making a sound. (Interested Quotes)
We weren’t like mates who decided to form a band. The other three met me because they were interested in being in the band that I was starting. (Interested Quotes)
I am interested in tax policy that raises money because I don’t like being in debt (Interested Quotes)
If you are an intelligent human being then you are interested in climate change because it’s the most important issue of our time. (Interested Quotes)
Thank you for being interested. Doesn’t sound much but it meant just about everything. (Interested Quotes)
I think comedy’s just about being interested in comedy and what makes people laugh and experimenting. (Interested Quotes)
Once you reach your fifties, you have to stop being interested in the present and write only on Elizabethan poets. (Interested Quotes)
Oh, yes - being interested in acting never changes. Acting is in your blood, and of course I’ll always be interested in it. (Interested Quotes)
I started getting into Internet technologies and computers. I wasn’t especially interested in being a musician, but I wound up finding my way back to being interested in music through computers. (Interested Quotes)
Anyone interested in the world generally can’t help being interested in young adult culture - in the music, the bands, the books, the fashions, and the way in which the young adult community develops its own language. (Interested Quotes)
I had talked to my agent a lot over the years about not being interested in stereotypical black films [because] I didn’t like the way they were representing black people over and over and over again in the same way. (Interested Quotes)
We got Martha Stewart legitimizing homemaking for her generation, and then there’s this return to being interested in all things home, lifestyle, and food again. I think this generation is less about the frills and more about the flavor of things. (Interested Quotes)
My mother has always encouraged me to do what I love. When I started being interested in fashion, she was very supportive, bringing me to see exhibits and buying me books. And when I started my company, she was right there to help me! (Interested Quotes)
I said that my father was not a politician. I, instead, think I am. But not in the sense of being interested in a political career - rather in the sense that I think it necessary to strive to build a certain India, the India I want. (Interested Quotes)
I’m not so interested in being indie just for the sake of being indie (Interested Quotes)
I’m not interested in being commodified. I’m not into being sold. I’m not a slave. (Interested Quotes)
I’m not interested in being Don Quixote. I’m interested in running the City of New York. (Interested Quotes)
Being famous is just like being in high school. But I’m not interested in being the cheerleader. I’m not interested in being Gwen Stefani. She’s the cheerleader, and I’m out in the smoker shed. (Interested Quotes)
I’ve always been interested in being in other people’s movies. I never get any offers. (Interested Quotes)
I want my books to sell, to be read. I’m not interested in being obscure. (Interested Quotes)