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Israeli interests are not necessarily in harmony with the American interests  (Interests Quotes) When our interests matched, the Americans have been good to us, and when the interests differed, they wanted us to mold ourselves to them, which we refused  (Interests Quotes) I am convinced that people with such wounds will be quite ready to co-operate in a safe and painless experiment in the interests of humanity as a whole  (Interests Quotes) I mean, I’ve always had scattered interests, but I never went on stage to get an agent or anything like that  (Interests Quotes) There is no such thing as several Romanias, but only politicians who divide Romania depending on the interests of their parties and their clout  (Interests Quotes) Thus the Convention is unequivocal in its call for children to be consulted, to have their opinions heard and to have their best interests considered when law and policies are being drafted  (Interests Quotes) If I, taking care of everyone’s interests, also take care of my own, you can’t talk about a conflict of interest  (Interests Quotes) After September 11, when the United States took action to overthrow the Taliban, our interests and Iran’s aligned, and we were able to coordinate quietly but effectively  (Interests Quotes) Mr. President, the buzz saw that your healthcare bill ran into wasn’t lobbyists and special interests it was tens of millions of American’s who were saying, ‘Stop!’  (Interests Quotes) I mean those people who are interested in good government will certainly contribute in order to make certain there’s some counter - balance to those whose interests in good government is less  (Interests Quotes) I think the Iraq War is not particularly tailored to American interests  (Interests Quotes) This drug coverage program was clearly designed by Republicans in Congress to serve the interests of the drug and insurance industries. America’s seniors were an afterthought  (Interests Quotes) This year, we are going to take our government out of the hands of corporate special interests and put it back into the hands of Ohio families - where it belongs  (Interests Quotes) I have lots of interests, but it’s true that dancing is a very full-time job  (Interests Quotes) For the sake of our interests, as well as of our honour and dignity, we were obliged to see that we won for our international policy the same independence that we had secured for our European policy  (Interests Quotes) If laws acting upon private interests can not always be avoided, they should be confined within the narrowest limits, and left wherever possible to the legislatures of the States  (Interests Quotes) The connection which formerly existed between the Government and banks was in reality injurious to both, as well as to the general interests of the community at large  (Interests Quotes) I simply cannot see how denying chemotherapy treatment for Palestinian children increases Israel’s security or advances U. S. national interests  (Interests Quotes) For to change the norms, the very foci of attention, of a cultural system is a difficult task - far more complex than that of changing an individual’s attitudes and interests  (Interests Quotes) To be honest, producing records interests me less at the moment and I really don’t want to get involved in album projects that are going to take up a lot of time  (Interests Quotes) One needs occasionally to stand aside from the hum and rush of human interests and passions to hear the voices of God  (Interests Quotes) It seems to me like a perversion of talent for an artist of any kind to further the corporate structure of America or the personal interests of the morons and thieves who run it  (Interests Quotes) I believe that global common interests are a good foundation for finding solutions together  (Interests Quotes) The state itself becomes more and more identified with the interests of those who run things than with the interests of the people in general  (Interests Quotes) Remedying the deficiencies of seminary curricula is a difficult question because of all kinds of vested political interests long at work in the building of any curriculum  (Interests Quotes) Growing up, I always had two interests and two passions; one being public service and the other being the arts and acting  (Interests Quotes) So, if I ever played Napoleon it would be with an Italian accent. He was an outsider, which also interests me  (Interests Quotes) I had too many businesses that are frivolous. I have enough. What interests me most is under-served communities. We need a new style of empowering these people, and new approaches  (Interests Quotes) I’m always trying to pop up in different genres, what interests me. Sometimes I just like to throw myself into new situations to see what it feel like  (Interests Quotes) We understand the concerns that people have with not only protecting our values, but our privacy interests as well. We think that the USA Freedom Act was a good resolution of that  (Interests Quotes)
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