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Many of our elected officials have virtually handed the keys to our schools over to corporate interests. Presidential commissions on education are commonly chaired by the executives of large companies.  (Interests Quotes) The money needed to run for office, the money spent on lobbying by special interests, the ever-increasing economic disparity, and the well-funded legislative decisions, all favor corporate interests over the people.  (Interests Quotes) For decades, the plight of the Palestinian people has been exacerbated by internal corruption, a lack of effective investment, and the political cynicism of the Arab states, who often did not have the best interests of the Palestinians at heart.  (Interests Quotes) Foreign policy is effectively the assertion of many individual countries intersecting on the global marketplace. And you have to figure out how to get your interest served in a way that meets the interests and needs of these other folks.  (Interests Quotes) Pakistan should be a moderate Islamic state. That it should be a prosperous country is in India’s interests, and it is in the world’s interests.  (Interests Quotes) I will support my party when they are right on an issue, but am not afraid to stand up to party bosses who are not looking out for the best interests of my constituents and our country.  (Interests Quotes) I believe a relationship with a country is simply bound to the interests of two countries and not by personal issues.  (Interests Quotes) I was a good student with mathematical ability and interests. As such, I took the usual college preparatory program in high school for one looking to become an engineer: all the available courses in mathematics and science.  (Interests Quotes) No segment of the population has lost more by the agendas of the liberal constituencies of the Democratic Party than the black population. The teachers’ unions, environmental fanatics and the ACLU are just some of the groups to whose interests blacks have been sacrificed wholesale. Lousy education and high crime rates in the ghettos, and unaffordable housing elsewhere with building restrictions, are devastating prices to pay for liberalism.  (Interests Quotes) Embedded in ‘The New York Times’ institutional perspective and reporting methodologies are all sorts of quite debatable and subjective political and cultural assumptions about the world. And with some noble exceptions, ‘The Times,’ by design or otherwise, has long served the interests of the same set of elite and powerful factions.  (Interests Quotes) Everything we are doing is on the cutting edge of so many different industries and so many different interests. We’re out there in the sunshine, and it feels fine.  (Interests Quotes) Of course, my interests and my focus change and become more diverse, more worldly. At the same time, I am interested in the simple basics, which is I love to dance and I love to make people dance.  (Interests Quotes) The goal, I submit, is obvious: subjugating the world (which is barbarian, dangerous, envious and ungrateful) to US power for the sake of America’s interests.  (Interests Quotes) I ask you: turn a deaf ear to the special interests. Let politics stand down for a while. don’t waste anytime thinking about future elections until we’ve done our jobs here.  (Interests Quotes) The World Trade Organization is an organization that defends trade interests. I think the problem is less that they exist. The problem is that internationally we’ve only got an organization that protects trade interests. Surely we need some kind of counterweight to protect human rights and the environment, too.  (Interests Quotes) How can a country that is impoverished, humiliated and beaten defend its national interests?  (Interests Quotes) This drug coverage program was clearly designed by Republicans in Congress to serve the interests of the drug and insurance industries. America’s seniors were an afterthought.  (Interests Quotes) Party and ideology routinely trump institutional interests and responsibilities. Regular order - the set of rules, norms and traditions designed to ensure a fair and transparent process - was the first casualty. The results: No serious deliberation. No meaningful oversight of the executive. A culture of corruption.  (Interests Quotes) The interests of the Soviet Union are in controlling highly developed countries and having the benefit of their economies so that they can run their own inefficient empire.  (Interests Quotes) Since the Korean War, U.S. and South Korea have established an enduring friendship with shared interests, such as denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, combating aggression abroad and developing our economies.  (Interests Quotes) Our age gives the more receptive among the young such a sense of social responsibility that one is inclined at times to fear that social interests may encroach upon individual development, that a knowledge of all the ills affecting the community may act as too powerful a damper on the joys of youth.  (Interests Quotes) Since acquiring major interests in Dole Food Company 28 years ago, educating the public on proper diet has constituted the agenda of the Dole Nutrition Institute.  (Interests Quotes) I grew up about 30 minutes north of Boston in a town that was a virtual melting pot - I was exposed to all different backgrounds, cultures, and religions, fueling my personal interests in global issues.  (Interests Quotes) Global politics remains extremely complex and countries have different interests, which will also lead them to make what might seem as rather bizarre friends and allies.  (Interests Quotes) I’m always trying to pop up in different genres, what interests me. Sometimes I just like to throw myself into new situations to see what it feel like.  (Interests Quotes) I think the whole of people’s psychology and where they are in life interests me, and the decisions you make that take you on particular journeys to different places.  (Interests Quotes) This much I have learned: human beings come with very different sets of wiring, different interests, different temperaments, different learning styles, different gifts, different temptations. These differences are tremendously important in the spiritual formation of human beings.  (Interests Quotes) One of my interests is to understand what constitutes the vibe of a place and what makes one concert different from another.  (Interests Quotes) Indeed, Russia and the U.S. were allies during the two tragic conflicts of the Second and the First World Wars, which allows us to think there’s something objectively bringing us together in difficult times, and I think - I believe - it has to do with geopolitical interests and also has a moral component.  (Interests Quotes) Putting aside competitive interests for a new kind of collaboration, Maryland pioneered a real-time encounter notification service to alert primary care doctors when their patients are hospitalized.  (Interests Quotes)
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