Interests Quotes

Text Quotes
Doing meditation you may need to experiment to discover what kinds of thoughts are best for your own unique interests and situation. For you it might be a repetitive mantra, or simply an open state of watching your breath, like in the Buddhist tradition. (Interests Quotes)
It is extraordinarily difficult, even in academia, to find a job that will let you do whatever you want with your time. If you are determined to spend your time following your own interests, you pretty much have to do it on your own. (Interests Quotes)
Any big organization can be subverted by governments or multinational special interests. They have the resources to cast doubt and fear over any group they feel threatened by. (Interests Quotes)
My reading and drawing drew me away from the ordinary interests, and I lived a great deal in the world of imagination, feeding upon any book that fell into my hands. When I had got hold of a really thick book like Hugo’s ‘Les Miserables,’ I was happy and would go off into a corner to devour it. (Interests Quotes)
So much of great American drama has been about a certain kind of dysfunctional family, and maybe my interests are in the kind of strange dysfunction that exists even among deeply functional families. (Interests Quotes)
An artist’s early work is inevitably made up of a mixture of tendencies and interests, some of which are compatible and some of which are in conflict. (Interests Quotes)
Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance. (Interests Quotes)
I cannot say Who Art in Heaven-If all my interests and pursuits are in earthly things (Interests Quotes)
The easiest way for me to lose interests is to know too much of what I want to say before I begin (Interests Quotes)
I remain committed to a balanced policy, which will protect our national interests both on our eastern border - I mean with Russia - and of course with the European Union. (Interests Quotes)
Vladimir Putin is a Russian czar. He’s kind of a mix of Peter the Great and Stalin. He’s got both in his veins. And he looks out first and foremost for the national security interests of Russia. He accepts that, in Eastern Europe, that is a Russian backyard, that is a Russian sphere of influence. Ukraine lives most uncomfortably and unhappily in a Russian backyard. (Interests Quotes)
We have to realize that treating animals well is in our best interests, too. Cruelty is indivisible; when you are cruel to an animal, you are training yourself to be cruel to people, too (and vice versa). (Interests Quotes)
America needs a sensible, sustainable Iran policy that can meet U.S. security and economic interests, command international support and withstand the shifting Middle Eastern sands. (Interests Quotes)
I will continue to urge creditors to take the steps needed to put Greece on a path towards a durable economic recovery because it’s in all of our interests that Greece succeeds. (Interests Quotes)
Total revolution of consciousness and our entire social, political and economic system is what interests me, but that’s not on the ballot. (Interests Quotes)
As taxpayers, we pay our elected officials to serve the people and protect our state and our interests. (Interests Quotes)
I’m convinced that unless you have some public financing of elections, you are never going to remove the power of wealthy interests over elected officials. (Interests Quotes)
As dismayed as Americans are with the influence of the special interests that finance election campaigns, they’ve been reluctant to embrace the alternative: taxpayer-financed elections. (Interests Quotes)
The thing that always interests me from a storytelling point of view is how that moment of trauma, whatever the trauma is, even divorce, your dog dies, whatever it is, the consequence, in terms of people’s emotional lives and the way it resonates behaviorally for a long time, is really the stuff that interests me. (Interests Quotes)
It is sentimentalism to assume that the teaching of life can always be fitted to the child’s interests, just as it is empty formalism to force the child to parrot the formulas of adult society. Interests can be created and stimulated. (Interests Quotes)
It is a world of extremes, which can be characterised most clearly in terms of exclusion. That means political exclusion, whereby the rights of citizens are marginalised by the interests of big business: George W Bush’s environmental policy, for example, is clearly formulated in the interests of U.S. energy companies. (Interests Quotes)
If European countries want to cater to U.S. foreign policy interests, I don’t think that they stand to gain anything. (Interests Quotes)
The reason there are tens of thousands of lobbyists is because the ever-expanding federal government creates ever-increasing opportunities for abuse. The more the federal government does, the more lobbyists there will be to protect special interests at the expense of the common interest. (Interests Quotes)
I think every relationship has a point where you stop and reevaluate. Are you happy? Have you grown together or apart? What do you share interests in? I think that’s a normal thing to do, but it’s so much harder when it’s done publicly. (Interests Quotes)
Listen, Bernie Sanders talks about how Washington is corrupt, both parties are in bed with the lobbyists and special interests. I think he’s exactly right. (Interests Quotes)
What interests me about life most is people, and the why of the world. That’s what theatre looks at: it examines life, and gives it a cohesiveness that life doesn’t have. (Interests Quotes)
For the longest time I was brought up listening to only two genres of music, pop and rock. So in the past few years I’ve been trying to expand my interests because I think that you can only write to the extent of your knowledge, and if your knowledge is limited you can’t write past that. (Interests Quotes)
What interests me about clocks is that everything is hand-made, and yet to the person looking at the clock, something magical is happening that cannot be explained unless you are the clockmaker. (Interests Quotes)
The extra curricular activity in which I was most engaged - debating - helped shape my interests in public policy. (Interests Quotes)
We conservatives can win the ideological battles on a level playing field. Our ideas are better. Given fair elections based on contributions from regular voters, instead of $100,000 checks from business-as-usual special interests, we will prevail. (Interests Quotes)