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Although individual states have primary responsibility for conducting fair and impartial elections, the FBI becomes involved when paramount federal interests are affected or electoral abuse occurs.  (Interests Quotes) My interests were aroused, and my faith in the cliches of the subject destroyed, as so often with other subjects, by the discussions with my friend, Aaron Director.  (Interests Quotes) The psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has shown great courage, in the face of spiteful vested interests, in demonstrating how easy it is for people to concoct memories that are entirely false but which seem, to the victim, every bit as real as true memories.  (Interests Quotes) Everyone has noticed how hard it is to turn our thoughts to God when everything is going well with us... While what we call ‘our own life’ remains agreeable, we will not surrender it to Him. What, then, can God do in our interests but make ‘our own life’ less agreeable to us, and take away the plausible sources of false happiness?  (Interests Quotes) I will never blame a fighter if he doesn’t fight me because he takes care of his own interest first, and prioritize the interests of his family first, that’s completely normal.  (Interests Quotes) The thing that interests me most about family history is the gap between the things we think we know about our families and the realities.  (Interests Quotes) Several companies have explicit policies against cronyism, with good reason. Hiring a family member simply for a relationship can be troubling and may not necessarily serve a company’s interests. But by and large, financial firms in particular commonly hire people who have certain connections, whether through family or a business relationship.  (Interests Quotes) A window covered with raindrops interests me more than a photograph of a famous person,  (Interests Quotes) I don’t consider myself a fashion person, I consider myself a shopping person. As a person who has girlie interests and a little bit of disposable income.  (Interests Quotes) There are fashions in reading, even in thinking. You don’t have to follow them unless you want to. On the other hand, watch out. Don’t stick too closely to your favorite subject. That would keep you from adventuring into other fields. It’s silly to build a wall around your interests.  (Interests Quotes) I’ll play a happy character, but most characters are driven by a pain or a fear. They are driven by something deep down, and most people are like that in the sense. And so, that’s what interests me.  (Interests Quotes) One of the strange phenomena of the last century is the spectacle of religion dropping the appeal of fear while other human interests have picked it up.  (Interests Quotes) All aspects of photography interest me and I feel for the female body the same curiosity and the same love as for a landscape, a face or anything else which interests me. In any case, the nude is a form of landscape. There are no reasons for my photographs, nor any rules; all depends on the mood of the moment, on the mood of the model.  (Interests Quotes) Very few politicians in Washington really represent the interests of many people  (Interests Quotes) Go out and make something that reflects your interests, your taste, and your ideas. No one will pay you to make something until you have a few things you can show that you’ve directed. I got my start by making short films on my own.  (Interests Quotes) I didn’t go out looking for negative characters; I went out looking for people who have a struggle and a fight to tackle. That’s what interests me.  (Interests Quotes) I think we need to be fighting for the working men and women of this country, not the moneyed New York interests.  (Interests Quotes) The British have been particularly shy about the issues of financial regulation, and attentive only to the interests of the City - hence their reluctance to see the introduction of a tax on financial transactions and tax harmonisation in Europe.  (Interests Quotes) But there’s a difference between having artistic interests and being psychotic. That’s more than a fine line of differentiation, and I do see that a bit too much.  (Interests Quotes) I grew up in a very ‘Friday Night Lights,’ sports-focused town. I did not play the sports. I was never bullied physically, but I was called names. I was also an overweight kid. I knew what it’s like to feel like the other, to feel written off for things that were not in my control - my appearance, my interests.  (Interests Quotes) If it annoys you when team members ask about their next promotion or talk about other job opportunities in the industry, you have motivational problems in the making. You need to build a habit of proactively seeking employee interests and suggesting follow-up steps.  (Interests Quotes) The battle over genetically modified crops is rife with business interests and political opportunism. When GMOs were first produced in laboratories around the world, they were rightly heralded as a tremendous leap forward in our ability to supplement nature by providing high-nutrient foods.  (Interests Quotes) For the sake of our interests, as well as of our honour and dignity, we were obliged to see that we won for our international policy the same independence that we had secured for our European policy.  (Interests Quotes) Influence is best measured not only by military hardware and GDP, but also by other people’s perceptions that we, the United States, are using our power legitimately. That belief - that we are acting in the interests of the global commons and in accordance with the rule of law - is what the military would call a ‘force multiplier.’  (Interests Quotes) Markets are, in the end, man-made devices for utilitarian purposes, not a force of nature that we should not try to resist. If they end up serving the interests of only a tiny minority, as is increasingly the case, we have the right - and indeed the duty - to regulate them in the interest of greater social good.  (Interests Quotes) For years, China expected foreign companies not to publicly voice their complaints about hacking or intellectual-property violations in order to protect their broader interests in the country.  (Interests Quotes) If money is free speech, the big interests are sitting in front with megaphones and the average citizens are sitting in the back.  (Interests Quotes) If we could ever competitively, at a cheap rate, get fresh water from saltwater, ..(this) would be in the long-range interests of humanity which could really dwarf any other scientific accomplishments.  (Interests Quotes) In political life, it is extremely difficult to remain loyal to a friendship when constellations of power or interests are in the way.  (Interests Quotes) On the basis of both values and interests, the natural relationship between Islam and the United States is one of friendship.  (Interests Quotes)
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