Internal Quotes

Text Quotes
The justification of art is the internal combustion it ignites in the hearts of men, and not its shallow, externalized, public manifestations (Internal Quotes)
When Enron collapsed, through court processes, thousands and thousands of emails came out that were internal, and it provided a window into how the whole company was managed. It was all the little decisions that supported the flagrant violations (Internal Quotes)
Marketing automation is the technology that propels your business into a new era of relationship based marketing with quantifiable results. When powerful technology meets effective implementation and internal process management, your company will soon find itself on a journey that leads to new heights of business success (Internal Quotes)
Life hands us a lot of hard choices, and other people can help us more than we might realize. We often think we should make important decisions using just our own internal resources. What are the pros and cons? What does my gut tell me? But often we have friends and family who know us in ways we don’t know ourselves (Internal Quotes)
Maturity involves being honest and true to oneself, making decisions based on a conscious internal process, assuming responsibility for one’s decisions, having healthy relationships with others and developing one’s own true gifts. It involves thinking about one’s environment and deciding what one will and won’t accept (Internal Quotes)
I was rescued by librarians. It was librarians who said ‘maybe you would like to read The Hardy Boys as well as Nancy Drew.’ It is true for me, as for so many countless others, that librarians saved my life, my internal life (Internal Quotes)
Good-breeding is the art of showing men, by external signs, the internal regard we have for them. It arises from good sense, improved by conversing with good company (Internal Quotes)
Yahoo has gone too far in wrongfully accusing us of a conspiracy that doesn’t exist. If they are having problems retaining engineers, they should be looking at the internal sources of employee dissatisfaction rather than trying to cover that up with this legal action (Internal Quotes)
When they told me I had cancer - a very rare form called appendiceal cancer - I was shocked. But I went straight into battle mode. Every morning, I’d wake up and have an internal conversation with cancer. ‘All right, dude,’ I’d tell it, ‘go ahead and hit me. But I’m going to hit you back even harder.’ (Internal Quotes)
I’ve always relied a lot on landscape in my books, the atmosphere of a particular place, as well as a fair amount of external action. While writing ‘Chance,’ it occurred to me that this is the most internal book I’ve ever written. So much of the action takes place in Chance’s head (Internal Quotes)
I eternally fight internal battles about developing things that only appeal to the East Coast and the West Coast. For years I’ve been trying to do a Western, nobody’s interested in doing a Western, how can that be? (Internal Quotes)
When I hear the president of the United States in a great little rhetorical flourish talk about the leavening hand of the government, everybody knows that leavening hand is attached to the long arm of the Internal Revenue Service. And no one mistakes the Internal Revenue Service with something called liberty (Internal Quotes)
A white leftist Mexican activist isn’t the same in the media as the son of a farmer in Guerrero, they aren’t worth the same. In the same imaginary of the Latin American Left exists a racism, a racism that corresponds to processes of colonialism internal to almost all countries in Latin America (Internal Quotes)
Also, as a result of the involvement of American foundations that have backing from the U.S. State Department in Iranian internal politics, cultural exchange and dialogue have become more and more problematic (Internal Quotes)
The National Security Adviser is supposed to be an arbiter of policy and open minded in internal debates. But the playing field was never balanced. It was always tilted toward Rumsfeld’s position, which is obviously the same as Bush’s (Internal Quotes)
The ability to do perform Reiki comes from an internal freedom. The power to be free from stress, tension, and anger (Internal Quotes)
The result of the collaborative culture is that corporations or government institutions focus intensely on internal culture and pour their energy into achieving minuscule policy changes relating to workplace efficiency, gender or race (Internal Quotes)
Guilt addresses an external action while shame attacks the internal character! EL (Internal Quotes)
Better use of space, improving the insulation, getting more daylight into the buildings, reducing the energy consumption of the air conditioning and heating systems, making sure that the internal air quality is good, that we have increased natural ventilation opportunities in the mid seasons. You know these are some of the things we can do to become environmentally friendly. (Internal Quotes)
If you are connected to your own internal being, it is very hard to be screwing and destroying and hurting another human being, because you’ll be feeling what they’re feeling. If you’re separated, it’s not a hard thing to do at all. (Internal Quotes)
Companies that succeed are driven by internal ambition. Stock price doesn’t drive them. Ambition and values drive them. (Internal Quotes)
The internal affairs of other countries has a big impact on American interests (Internal Quotes)
The Chinese, on the other hand, were in the position of having an American military spy plane on a Chinese military base and they had their own internal problems to deal with. At first, the Chinese weren’t all that belligerent. They were just stalling to get their own bureaucracy in line. (Internal Quotes)
We in Israel certainly have a great interest in seeing peace, stability, and security restored to Egypt. We want nothing more than peace for the Egyptian people. We’re not going to get involved in how Egypt, how the Egyptians should run themselves. That’s an internal Egyptian affair. (Internal Quotes)
I think the biggest problem working with me would be that I’m an only child, and so I have an internal dialogue that goes on that I just assume you can hear. (Internal Quotes)
Diverting the internal traffic between the Writer as Angel of Light and the Writer as Hustler is that scribbling child in a grown-up body wondering if anybody is listening. (Internal Quotes)
Life evolved under conditions of light and darkness, light and then darkness. And so plants and animals developed their own internal clocks so that they would be ready for these changes in light. These are chemical clocks, and they’re found in every known being that has two or more cells and in some that only have one cell. (Internal Quotes)
Meat’ is a vague term and can be used to refer to many parts of an animal, including internal organs and skin. For the most part, the meat we eat consists of muscle tissue taken from farm animals, whether it’s a sirloin steak, which is cut from the rear of a cow, or a pork chop, taken from flesh near the spine of a pig. (Internal Quotes)
The whole thing was done for internal political reasons to galvanize and unify the country against the Americans, and if they hadn’t had that immediate opportunity they would have found another one. (Internal Quotes)
I appreciate all of the unexpected places, internal and external, that my writing has taken me (Internal Quotes)