Interpreted Quotes

Text Quotes
The concept of loyalty is distorted when it is understood to mean blind acceptance. It is correctly interpreted when it is assumed to cover honest criticism. (Interpreted Quotes)
It should be remarked that, as the principle of liberty is better understood, and more nobly interpreted, a broader protest is made in behalf of women. As men become aware that few have had a fair chance, they are inclined to say that no women have had a fair chance (Interpreted Quotes)
There are two views of interpreting the Bible in America: that every word is literally the truth without qualification, and then the other view is, it’s called plenary inspiration, which holds that all religious truth taught in the Bible is true from God, but each word is not necessarily interpreted literally. (Interpreted Quotes)
The Icesave matter is complex and it is understandable that the issue has been oversimplified by many. Unfortunately some of the basic facts of the matter have been unilaterally interpreted, and sometimes distorted, giving rise to unjustified criticism of the conduct of the Icelandic authorities. (Interpreted Quotes)
Ghosts are a metaphor that can be interpreted so many different ways. There’s no ending to what you can do. You can make it a fun ghost story. You can make it a deeply disturbing, psychological ghost story. (Interpreted Quotes)
It’s very funny, American society: White culture can do all sorts of things and get away with it, but the minute a black person does it, it’s interpreted in some way. (Interpreted Quotes)
I have a slight controversy with the Dogme brethren because I’ve been saying that rules are to be interpreted; not that I haven’t followed the rules, because I don’t see the point of submitting yourself to a set of rules if you don’t follow them. But having said that, it is always a lot of interpretation. (Interpreted Quotes)
Sportsmanship is that quality of honor that desires always to be courteous, fair, and respectful, and it is interpreted in the conduct of players, spectators, coaches, and school authorities. (Interpreted Quotes)
Freud interpreted dreams by treating them as intellectual riddles whose details, once processed through free association, exposed hidden wishes. (Interpreted Quotes)
I thought The Limits of Control could be interpreted in two ways: as the limits of one’s self-control; and as the limits of allowing other people’s control over one’s -consciousness - which I kind of thought was a double meaning that was appropriate. (Interpreted Quotes)
I’m very careful of not being critical of other people’s movies, which work in different styles. I think some of my movies can be interpreted as critical of their subjects. (Interpreted Quotes)
I don’t care if it’s a Cole Porter song, or George Gershwin, or Lennon/McCartney, or Elton John, or you know, whoever, Bob Dylan. Great songs are great songs, and they stand the test of time, and they can be interpreted and recorded with many points of view, but yet still retain the essence of what makes them good songs. (Interpreted Quotes)
A Church Growth principle is a universal truth which, when properly interpreted and applied, contributes significantly to the growth of churches and denominations. It is a truth of God which leads his church to spread his Good News, plant church after church, and increase his Body. (Interpreted Quotes)
Lately the First Amendment has been interpreted to deny equal protection of the law to those who believe in God. The Constitution established freedom for religion, not freedom from religion! (Interpreted Quotes)
...this cryptic game of hide-and-seek is what makes it one of the greatest historical mysteries. So many of the symbols can be interpreted in so many different ways, there’s always the possibility that all we’re really looking at is a blank slate onto which anything can be read. (Interpreted Quotes)
In America now every romantic comedy is interpreted politically. I can remember when I was promoting Black Hawk Down we were all being asked what it said about September 11th. Well, it was shot before that happened, so, nothing. (Interpreted Quotes)
The theory has to be interpreted that extra dimensions beyond the ordinary four dimensions the three spatial dimensions plus time are sufficiently small that they haven’t been observed yet. (Interpreted Quotes)
America is fed up with political correctness, and it is fed up with government that doesn’t work. It’s fed up with weakness being interpreted as wisdom. (Interpreted Quotes)
I wanted to see how flavors, spices, and grains traveled back and forth along the Silk Road and were interpreted by a multitude of cultures’ palates. (Interpreted Quotes)
While I’m grateful for the freedom to express one’s self, I’ve learned there are limits to what language is appropriate and I’m deeply sorry for how these lyrics could be interpreted. (Interpreted Quotes)
I never really liked the Gospel of John because I never could find the humanity of Jesus in it. I thought it presented Jesus as a visitor from another planet; in addition, John’s gospel is and has been interpreted as a document that fuels anti-Semitism in the church. (Interpreted Quotes)
When the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry. (Interpreted Quotes)
An aggravating feature of this post-9/11 atmosphere is to cast suspicions on Muslims and on Islam as a religion that is interpreted as either inherently violent or death-oriented, with a particular animus against America and Americans. (Interpreted Quotes)
Opportunities can become obstacles, same way obstacles can become opportunities; it all depends on how they are being interpreted by the mind of a person. (Interpreted Quotes)
Historically, Islam was hijacked about 20 or 30 years after the Prophet and interpreted in such a way that the ruler has absolute power and is accountable only to God. That, of course, was a very convenient interpretation for whoever was the ruler (Interpreted Quotes)
There is no better way of exercising the imagination than the study of law. No poet ever interpreted nature as freely as a lawyer interprets the truth (Interpreted Quotes)
I do not ask for my music to be interpreted, but only for it to be played (Interpreted Quotes)
I can’t believe that having said what I said was interpreted as having been what I said when I said it, because I said it where I said it, when I said it, and who I said it to (Interpreted Quotes)
It falls apart now. They used to be intrinsically linked. Now they’ve been driven so far apart that I don’t think the one has anything to do with the other. Even more so: I think that there is almost a reaction against style, that brute ugliness somehow has been interpreted as being the way to go (Interpreted Quotes)
The clear problem of the outlawing of insult is that too many things can be interpreted as such. Criticism, ridicule, sarcasm, merely stating an alternative point of view to the orthodoxy, can be interpreted as insult (Interpreted Quotes)