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The idea that religion and politics don’t mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country  (Invented Quotes) They say that women talk too much. If you have worked in Congress you know that the filibuster was invented by men  (Invented Quotes) One of my other nicknames was Thomas Edison, because I invented so many moves  (Invented Quotes) No one person invented Mulberry. The knowledge that we had to have this floating harbor slowly grew  (Invented Quotes) If God had meant Harvard professors to appear in People magazine, She wouldn’t have invented The New York Review of Books  (Invented Quotes) We have invented a new human right here - the right to return home after a war  (Invented Quotes) I don’t want it to be all that self-conscious or artificial, but it really grows out of my having invented myself as a listener so that I could hear her voice  (Invented Quotes) The stubby French painter Toulouse-Lautrec supposedly invented chocolate mousse - I find that rather hard to believe, but there you have it  (Invented Quotes) In the name of Hippocrates, doctors have invented the most exquisite form of torture ever known to man: survival  (Invented Quotes) But Sergio Leone invented totally the way of, you know, the details, the eyes, the hands - fantastic  (Invented Quotes) Say this for big league baseball - it is beyond any question the greatest conversation piece ever invented in America  (Invented Quotes) I’ll walk through fire to do what I do because the movie business, when it’s right, is the coolest art form ever invented  (Invented Quotes) Perhaps we’ve invented conspiracies for our own psychic well-being, to heal ourselves  (Invented Quotes) Every generation thinks they invented sex, which is the stupidest assumption in the world because if that was the case, you wouldn’t even be here  (Invented Quotes) I try to read, but my attention span is so bad, and ever since Netflix was invented, that’s all I do in my spare time, which is really bad, but it’s like a chore to read for me  (Invented Quotes) And it was only when we invented the spear and began roaming the planet that technologies got complex and central to human survival  (Invented Quotes) The music industry was invented, like, 100 years ago. I’m talking about the goddess Matangi, who invented music 5,000 years ago. She was the only thing that inspired me  (Invented Quotes) All our parents have levels of deviousness. We’re driven to write about this discrepancy between the bright shining selves they invented and the monsters lurking underneath  (Invented Quotes) Flyaway, problem hair is the enemy of feminism, and was probably invented by the Man to crush Susan Sontag  (Invented Quotes) Basketball may have been invented in Massachusetts, but it was made for Indiana  (Invented Quotes) Someday a computer will give a wrong answer to spare someone’s feelings, and man will have invented artificial intelligence  (Invented Quotes) I wouldn’t say I invented tacky, but I definitely brought it to its present high popularity  (Invented Quotes) Commitment is a word invented in our abstract modernity to signify the absence of any real motives in the soul for moral dedication  (Invented Quotes) If words were invented to conceal thought, newspapers are a great improvement of a bad invention  (Invented Quotes) Sacred to the memory of printing, the art preservative of all arts. This was first invented about the year 1440  (Invented Quotes) What a lucky thing the wheel was invented before the automobile; otherwise can you imagine the awful screeching  (Invented Quotes) You learn nothing if you carry with you a journalistic system of values, which is invented to save reporters from experience  (Invented Quotes) When counting on learning from innovation, there are great successes but also failures. The Wright Brothers invented the aircraft and started an amazing process of innovation, where we now have planes that carry 500 passengers. Along the way there were some silly looking vehicles that crashed early on  (Invented Quotes) Obviously as a kid, for probably anybody who chose animation voiceover as a career in their adult life, Mel Blanc was the touchstone for everybody. He kind of invented the job and was the first voice actor to get onscreen credit  (Invented Quotes) I was wondering about my eyes; one of my eyes--the left--saw everything golden and yellow and orange, and the other eye saw shades of blue and grey and green; perhaps one eye was for daylight and the other was for night. If everyone in the world saw different colors from different eyes there might be a great many new colors still to be invented  (Invented Quotes)
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