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We didn’t invent the Grateful Dead, the crowd invented the Grateful Dead. We were just in line to see what was going to happen  (Invented Quotes) If the literary category of ‘mordant fable’ exists at all, it may be because Brock Clarke invented it. The Happiest People in the World is everything we fans have come to love from a Clarke novel: playful and deliriously skewed, and somehow balancing between genuinely great-hearted and gloriously weird  (Invented Quotes) The way I think we were living is an invention. The truth is nobody can own anything. That was an unheard-of concept among indigenous people. We invented that  (Invented Quotes) Homosexuality was invented by a straight world dealing with its own bisexuality. But finding this difficult, and preferring not toadmit it, it invented a pariah state, a leper colony for the incorrigible whose very existence, when tolerated openly, was admonition to all. We queers keep everyone straight as whores keep matrons virtuous  (Invented Quotes) Britain has invented a new missile. It’s called the civil servant - it doesn’t work and it can’t be fired  (Invented Quotes) Ghost! I miss him! Is that weird? I miss him even though I invented him. I feel a lot of tenderness toward him. I don’t write a lot of stuff that is sad or that is tender and affectionate, so that has a very special place in my heart  (Invented Quotes) Stonehenge had an aura but it was also just stone. Then in the sixties, it became a great hedonistic, hippie, druid, rock-n-roll party site. There are amazing pictures of people up on the stones going wild and that’s the image I recreated for my model of the project: full access to everyone. I even invented a Stonehenge soccer team that uses spaces between the stones as goals  (Invented Quotes) Mr. John Coleman, who invented the Weather Channel, represents over 30,000 scientists who cannot get their voices heard on the main stream media, since they hold a viewpoint on Global Warming that runs opposite to the government and media template. The voices of reason are being suppressed  (Invented Quotes) Here at home, we need to do two fundamental things. Number one, we need to recognize that technology has moved on. The Patriot Act was signed in 2001, roughly. The iPhone was invented in 2007. The iPad was invented in 2011. Snapchat and Twitter, all the rest of it, have been around just for several years. Technology has moved on, and the terrorists have moved on with it  (Invented Quotes) We really invented the genre of tracing family trees and going back as far as we could on the paper trail. When the paper trail disappeared, we used DNA analysis. The technology was just being invented that allowed you to trace ancestry through DNA  (Invented Quotes) Far as I know, Legal Aid was invented to help poor people fight wrongs; [the criminals] are abusing the system, and the damned lawyers help them do it. They’re all sticking two fingers up at them who pay their taxes. And I’ll tell you sommat for free, Sir George, them who pays the taxes are eventually going to get fed up of it  (Invented Quotes) Realistic novels simply pretend that the rules of their invented worlds are identical to the rules of actual life, but that’s a ruse.  (Invented Quotes) No one’s family is normal. Normalcy is a lie invented by advertising agencies to make the rest of us feel inferior.  (Invented Quotes) Although it may seem callous to say so, millions of Americans are lucky that Magic Johnson was infected with H.I.V. There is no way of calculating how many lives he has saved. No advertising agency could have invented a better, or more effective, role model.  (Invented Quotes) Google was founded to get information to everybody. A by-product of that strategy is that we invented an advertising business which has provided great economics that allows us to build the servers, hire the employees, create value.  (Invented Quotes) Obama invented himself against all odds and repeated parental abandonment, and he worked hard to regiment his emotions. But now that can come across as imperviousness and inflexibility. He wants to run the agenda; he doesn’t want the agenda to run him. Once you become president, though, there’s no way to predict what your crises will be.  (Invented Quotes) Airplanes were invented by natural selection. Now you can say that intelligent design designs our airplanes of today, but there was no intelligent design really designing those early airplanes. There were probably at least 30,000 different things tried, and when they crash and kill the pilot, don’t try that again.  (Invented Quotes) Al Gore announced Tuesday that he plans to launch a 24-hour cable news network for young adults. Gore claims he’s been wanting to do this since he invented cable TV in the 1990s.  (Invented Quotes) The Nobel Peace Prize has always been a joke - albeit a grim one. Alfred Bernhard Nobel famously invented dynamite and felt sorry about it.  (Invented Quotes) Californians invented the concept of life-style. This alone warrants their doom.  (Invented Quotes) Alphabetical order had to be invented to help people organize the first dictionaries. On the other hand, we may have reached a point where alphabetical order has gone obsolete. Wikipedia is ostensibly in alphabetical order, but, when you think about it, it’s not in any order at all. You use a search engine to get into it.  (Invented Quotes) Your car should drive itself. It’s amazing to me that we let humans drive cars... It’s a bug that cars were invented before computers.  (Invented Quotes) The language that nature speaks is the same language that we invented for mathematics. That’s just an amazing piece of luck, which we don’t understand.  (Invented Quotes) Man’s brain, enlarged fortuitously, invented words in an ambitious attempt to learn how to think, only to have them usurped by his emotions. But we still try.  (Invented Quotes) Having an affair with your good friend’s wife while he’s in an institution and your wife is in a hospital ranks somewhere between Benedict Arnold and the guy who invented Girls Gone Wild on the spectrum of Total Dickheads in American History.  (Invented Quotes) Introduction - a social ceremony invented by the devil for the gratification of his servants and the plaguing of his enemies.  (Invented Quotes) Contrary to what many may think, immortality is not a fairy tale invented to compensate for an unhappy life.  (Invented Quotes) Pies were invented 12,000 years ago by the Egyptians. It was an easy way to preserve food that would be carried over long distances. They were like ancient Slim Jims.  (Invented Quotes) It’s the movies that have really been running things in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it, and how to look how you feel about it.Andy Warhol  (Invented Quotes) I realized that nature had invented reproduction as a mechanism for life to move forward, as a life force that passes right through us and makes us a link in the evolution of life. Rarely seen by the naked eye, this intersection between the animal world and the plant world is truly a magic moment.  (Invented Quotes)
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