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[Bob Dylan] is a preacher but also a sinner; a poet but also a pitchman; authentic all-American but also invented persona.  (Invented Quotes) The Cape’ is a really good comic! They invented the whole character, and now they’ve built a book of ‘The Cape’ for the show. When I was a kid, I used to love Batman, and I loved Spider-Man. My favorite was this guy called Judge Dredd. I know they made a movie of that in the 90s.  (Invented Quotes) For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by things large and small. I wanted to know what made my watch tick, my radio play, and my house stand. I wanted to know who invented the bottle cap and who designed the bridge. I guess from early on I wanted to be an engineer.  (Invented Quotes) The human brain had a vast memory storage. It made us curious and very creative. Those were the characteristics that gave us an advantage - curiosity, creativity and memory. And that brain did something very special. It invented an idea called ‘the future.’  (Invented Quotes) In the entire history of the human species, every tool we’ve invented has been to expand muscle power. All except one. The integrated circuit, the computer. That lets us use our brain power.  (Invented Quotes) I’m an avid bridge player. I usually go to the local bridge club three or four times a week. I’ve always been a game-player, and I think bridge is one of the greatest games ever invented. It’s too bad that not many young people play it any more.  (Invented Quotes) I remember seeing my father only twice as a child for brief visits. As I grew up, I invented a father who was larger than life - stronger, smarter, more handsome, and even holier than other men.  (Invented Quotes) I have four older siblings and one younger, and all three of my brothers are in the music industry. My dad was really involved in music, too, with the disco, and he also started Radio Caroline and was the one who invented pirate radio, if you like, off on a coast in England on a boat.  (Invented Quotes) Building on the work of George Macdonald, William Morris and Edward Plunkett, what became known as high fantasy was more or less invented by J. R. R. Tolkien.  (Invented Quotes) I invented underwear with only one leg hole, for people who like to concentrate on frozen orange juice while bungee jumping from a tampon string.  (Invented Quotes) The genre of narrative business books that I love so much - the ones that have a you-are-there quality - was invented, or so it is said, in 1982 by David McClintick, who wrote ‘Indecent Exposure,’ a rollicking good read about a Hollywood scandal and the ultimate boardroom power struggle at Columbia Pictures.  (Invented Quotes) Homeowners want solar power. It’s cost-effective. We invented a business model that makes it really easy for consumers to switch to solar - and that’s solar-as-a-service.  (Invented Quotes) Your Life Calling’ is the first thing in my long career I’ve ever actually invented. It is my entrepreneurial debut.  (Invented Quotes) I’m lazy. But it’s the lazy people who invented the wheel and the bicycle because they didn’t like walking or carrying things.  (Invented Quotes) Most of the things in ‘The Things They Carried’ didn’t happen to me. Ninety-five percent of it’s invented. It’s not what occurred.  (Invented Quotes) I think technology is us, not something we invented. I think we are more psychic now because we have cell phones and you can look and see who’s calling you. When people start seeing technology as us, as humanity, our whole idea of what existence is, is going to shift.  (Invented Quotes) Other things, like capitalism, free enterprise, the economy, currency, the market, are not forces of nature, we invented them. They are not immutable and we can change them.  (Invented Quotes) The story line of my novel [The Kite Runner] is largely fictional. The characters were invented and the plot imagined.  (Invented Quotes) Even if you believe a creator God invented the laws of physics, would you so insult him as to suggest that he might capriciously and arbitrarily violate them in order to walk on water, or turn water into wine as a cheap party trick at a wedding?  (Invented Quotes) The family on my mom’s side, their whole business is inventing and pitching stuff. My grandfather is in infomercials. He’s a pitchman, so if you’re ever watching TV late at night, you’ll probably see him pitching knives. My great-grandfather also invented the plastic cheese grater.  (Invented Quotes) Was the Buffalo chicken wing invented when Teressa Bellissimo thought of splitting it in half and deep frying it and serving it with celery and blue-cheese dressing? Was it invented when John Young started using mambo sauce and thought of elevating wings into a specialty?  (Invented Quotes) The stubby French painter Toulouse-Lautrec supposedly invented chocolate mousse - I find that rather hard to believe, but there you have it.  (Invented Quotes) Satanists are encouraged to indulge in the seven deadly sins, as they need hurt no one; they were only invented by the Christian Church to insure guilt on the part of its followers.  (Invented Quotes) I have not seen any Christian sparrow or Muslim lion or Jewish elephant! Animals are lucky as they have not yet invented the religion!  (Invented Quotes) Isn’t my music the last of the real rhythm and blues? Isn’t it great? It’s because of my musicians, we were weaned on Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, all the founding fathers, the gods of thunder, who invented the foundation and the pulse of the greatest music in the world!  (Invented Quotes) My mother was a piano teacher, my father an inventor. He invented the reflective paint they still use on airstrips. They had faith in my ambition, and I think that made all the difference.  (Invented Quotes) To say the Internet is the death of books and movies is like saying someone invented a new, more efficient kind of cup and it heralds the death of coffee - a new improved form of carrying something, which is essentially what the Internet is, should be helpful to our business.  (Invented Quotes) My grandfather invented the cold air balloon... But it never really took off.  (Invented Quotes) Paranoid schizophrenia in the forties, there was only a few of us because they just invented those tags from some college somewhere and we were just a small group of people. But now there are many paranoid schizophrenias because all these these guys that are graduating from college that are readin’ all these books, anything they can’t understand is a paranoid schizophrenia.  (Invented Quotes) Liberals have invented whole college majors - psychology, sociology and women’s studies - to prove that nothing is anybody’s fault.  (Invented Quotes)
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