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The author would also like to acknowledge makers of comic book villains and superheroes, those who invented, or at least popularized, the notion of the normal, mild-mannered person transformed into a mutant by freak accident.  (Invented Quotes) Humans are a social species more than any other, and in order to build a community, which for some reason humans have to do in order to live, we have to solve the communication problem. Language is the tool that was invented to solve that problem.  (Invented Quotes) Pixar has invented much of computer animation as it’s known today, and I’ve been very lucky to be the first traditional animator to work with computer animation.  (Invented Quotes) When Tim Berners-Lee invented the computer code that led to the creation of the World Wide Web in 1990, he did not try to patent or charge fees for the use of his technology.  (Invented Quotes) Of all the inventions of humans, the computer is going to rank near or at the top as history unfolds and we look back. It is the most awesome tool that we have ever invented. I feel incredibly lucky to be at exactly the right place in Silicon Valley, at exactly the right time, historically, where this invention has taken form.  (Invented Quotes) The young Steve Jobs had a hard time articulating something that didn’t exist. He could see it, taste it, knew what it felt like, but he didn’t have all the language because it hadn’t been invented yet. People didn’t fathom the personal computer on a mass produced level.  (Invented Quotes) I love video games. I’m also slightly in awe of them. I’m in awe of their power in terms of imagination, in terms of technology, in terms of concept. But I think, above all, I’m in awe at their power to motivate, to compel us, to transfix us, like really nothing else we’ve ever invented has quite done before.  (Invented Quotes) Avon invented the concept of direct marketing and direct selling beauty. And that’s still very valid to us. We’ll have a firm that will be around for another 114 years as strongly as it was the first 114.  (Invented Quotes) I am writing a book called ‘The History of Australia in Hundred Objects.’ It’s of things we have invented in Australia. And you know, some of them are amazing. We invented the clapper boards used in films. We invented those cranes - those big long cranes used on construction sites.  (Invented Quotes) In 1903 the Wright brothers invented airplanes, because in 1902 they took a road trip across the country with their family.  (Invented Quotes) Mayonnaise, like hollandaise, was invented by the French to cover up the flavor of spoiled flesh, stale vegetables, rotten fish. Beware the sauce! Where food comes beslobbered with an elegant slime you may well suspect the integrity of the basic ingredients.  (Invented Quotes) I didn’t know why dessert was invented or what function it was meant to perform. Raising livestock and the harvesting of grains are ancient activities, but when did humankind decide it also needed creme brulee?  (Invented Quotes) Most Americans think Abner Doubleday invented the game but he had little or nothing to do with cricket.  (Invented Quotes) If the human race has ever invented an institution more effective in the propagation of intellectual and ethical cripples than the nobility, I have yet to stumble across it.  (Invented Quotes) Since both its national products, snow and chocolate, melt, the cuckoo clock was invented solely in order to give tourists something solid to remember it by....  (Invented Quotes) Throughout my childhood, I did a form of Irish dancing that was kind of the precursor to ‘Riverdance.’ It was a mixture of ballet and Irish dancing that my teacher, Patricia Mulholland, had invented, essentially. It was Irish ballet, and she would create performances based around the myths and legends of Ireland.  (Invented Quotes) Perhaps naively I thought people understand what humor was, that it was invented by the human race to cope with the dark areas of life, problems and terrors.  (Invented Quotes) I write on a very strict 2-hour-a-day schedule, and I really respond to structure and invented rules. So even if I’m finding out good information on a character, I will stop when I’m set to stop.  (Invented Quotes) Written communication is a tremendous help for me, and so when electronic mail was invented in 71, I got very excited about it, thinking well, gee, the deaf community could really use this, or the hard-of-hearing community as well.  (Invented Quotes) I heard a definition once: Happiness is health and a short memory! I wish I’d invented it, because it is very true.  (Invented Quotes) ..if a special geometry has to be invented in order to account for a falling apple, even Newton might be appalled at the complications which would ensue when really difficult problems are tackled.  (Invented Quotes) When you gather up all the balls of life that you try to juggle, it is a very difficult thing to try to focus in on taking good care of yourself. But that’s why God invented me - so I can come and teach and preach and make people laugh and give them some education so they can start liking themselves better.  (Invented Quotes) Did you know that Kodak actually invented the digital camera that ultimately put it out of business? Kodak had the patents and a head start, but ignored all that.  (Invented Quotes) A lot of people think that all the things that could be invented have been invented. But we are just on the frontier of discovery and invention. It’s a very exciting time.  (Invented Quotes) Aliens didn’t come down to Earth and give us technology. We invented it ourselves. Therefore it can never be alienating; it can only be an expression of our humanity.  (Invented Quotes) Whatever one thinks of the justifiability of drone attacks, it’s one of the least ‘brave’ or courageous modes of warfare ever invented. It’s one thing to call it just, but to pretend it’s ‘brave’ is Orwellian in the extreme.  (Invented Quotes) If you look at the first commercial transactions on the Internet, few of the early companies necessarily survived intact, but the ideas they invented became the industry.  (Invented Quotes) Very few societies on Earth developed science as we know it today. On the other hand, the number is not zero - the Greeks, the Chinese, and the Maya did, among others. Once invented, science proved so useful that it spread like mold on a petri dish.  (Invented Quotes) (Marlowe’s) Faustus stubbornly reverts to his atheistic beliefs and continues his elementary pagan re-education ~ the inferno to him is a ‘place’ invented by men.  (Invented Quotes) Government does not have magic powers. In fact, the opposite is true; it is the least effective agency invented by man.  (Invented Quotes)
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