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Invented Quotes

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The book trade invented literary prizes to stimulate sales, not to reward merit  (Invented Quotes) Everyone, real or invented, deserves the open destiny of life  (Invented Quotes) To be honest, I think cell phones were invented by the devil  (Invented Quotes) Truth exists, only falsehood has to be invented  (Invented Quotes) Everything that can be invented has already been invented  (Invented Quotes) An artist is a person who has invented an artist  (Invented Quotes) That’s gossip. Journalism was invented as an antidote to gossip  (Invented Quotes) None of us has invented the house; that was done many thousands of years ago  (Invented Quotes) Romantic love was invented to manipulate women  (Invented Quotes) Every generation thinks that they invented sex  (Invented Quotes) I wish for many reasons flying had never been invented  (Invented Quotes) People don’t know what it means to be champions. Oklahoma invented it  (Invented Quotes) Mimes were invented to give magicians someone to look down on  (Invented Quotes) Soccer was invented by man but perfected by women  (Invented Quotes) God made the bulk; the surface was invented by the devil  (Invented Quotes) Facebook in particular is the most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented  (Invented Quotes) Homosexuality was invented by a straight world dealing with its own bisexuality  (Invented Quotes) Nothing is invented, for it’s written in nature first  (Invented Quotes) To whoever invented fantasy, redwood trees, and apple pie for breakfast: well done  (Invented Quotes) The future cannot be predicted, but futures can be invented  (Invented Quotes) So much of the news was invented for propaganda  (Invented Quotes) The car was invented as a convenient place to sit out traffic jams  (Invented Quotes) Stories, like conjuring tricks, are invented because history is inadequate for our dreams  (Invented Quotes) It wasn’t an architect or a designer who invented objects, but an artisan  (Invented Quotes) No one has invented a condom for the pen yet  (Invented Quotes) Omaha is a game that was invented by a sadist and is played by masochists  (Invented Quotes) Language was invented because of the deep human need to complain  (Invented Quotes) Rules are invented for lazy people who don’t want to think for themselves  (Invented Quotes) Holidays were invented so single women could overeat without feeling guilty  (Invented Quotes) Heaven. The biggest waste of our time we ever invented, outside jigsaws  (Invented Quotes)
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