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This sounds horribly pretentious, but I like to think that if music hadn’t existed, I could have invented it  (Invented Quotes) Every game ever invented by mankind, is a way of making things hard for the fun of it!  (Invented Quotes) Since both its national products, snow and chocolate, melt, the cuckoo clock was invented solely in order to give tourists something solid to remember it by  (Invented Quotes) Morality, like language, is an invented structure for conserving and communicating order. And morality is learned, like language, by mimicking and remembering  (Invented Quotes) What makes cookbooks interesting is to find out about the people and the culture that invented the food  (Invented Quotes) Real obstacles don’t take you in circles. They can be overcome. Invented ones are like a maze  (Invented Quotes) A created thing is never invented and it is never true: it is always and ever itself  (Invented Quotes) By jove, no wonder women don’t love war nor understand it, nor can operate in it as a rule; it takes a man to suffer what other men have invented  (Invented Quotes) There’s no denying that television is one of the most powerful propaganda media we’ve ever invented  (Invented Quotes) I think there’s great potential for autonomy, but we have to remember that we live in a world where people may have free will but have not invented their circumstances  (Invented Quotes) When you invent the ship, you also invent the shipwreck; when you invent the plane you also invent the plane crash; and when you invent electricity, you invent electrocution... Every technology carries its own negativity, which is invented at the same time as technical progress  (Invented Quotes) The most important thing in the programming language is the name. A language will not succeed without a good name. I have recently invented a very good name and now I am looking for a suitable language  (Invented Quotes) I’m lazy. But it’s the lazy people who invented the wheel and the bicycle because they didn’t like walking or carrying things  (Invented Quotes) Nature has invented reproduction as a mechanism for life to move forward. As a life force that passes right through us and makes us a link in the evolution of life  (Invented Quotes) I never fantasized or invented a thing, not one thing. I knew every single thing I ever wrote about  (Invented Quotes) I have invented nothing. I have simply documented a magical alchemy that I want to share  (Invented Quotes) If I were personally to define religion, I would say that it is a bandage that man has invented to protect a soul made bloody by circustance  (Invented Quotes) Iced tea is too pure and natural a creation not to have been invented as soon as tea, ice, and hot weather crossed paths  (Invented Quotes) The novelist screws up his courage in order to invest another two or three years in another attempt to float a boat of original design upon an invented ocean  (Invented Quotes) Man is an idiot. He doesn’t know how to do anything without copying, without imitating, without plagiarizing, without aping. It might even have been that man invented generation by coitus after seeing the grasshopper copulate  (Invented Quotes) Women have invented nothing in all that, except the men who were born as male babies and grew up to be men big enough to be killed fighting  (Invented Quotes) My grandparents invented joylessness. They were not fun. I’ve already had more fun with my grandchildren than my grandparents ever had with me  (Invented Quotes) People tend to view history as if it were another planet and think the modern world was invented in 1963. I don’t agree  (Invented Quotes) Humans have changed little over time. We think we’ve invented the modern world but they were making better speeches 2,000 years ago and grappling with issues of empire and terrorism  (Invented Quotes) Humans have always used our intelligence and creativity to improve our existence. After all, we invented the wheel, discovered how to make fire, invented the printing press and found a vaccine for polio  (Invented Quotes) Yet not for a single moment did I have any doubts about my own integrity and honour as a woman. I knew that my profession had been invented by men, and that men were in control of both our worlds, the one on earth, and the one in heaven. That men force women to sell their bodies at a price, and that the lowest paid body is that of a wife. All women are prostitutes of one kind or another  (Invented Quotes) As a technology, the book is like a hammer. That is to say, it is perfect: a tool ideally suited to its task. Hammers can be tweaked and varied but will never go obsolete. Even when builders pound nails by the thousand with pneumatic nail guns, every household needs a hammer. Likewise, the bicycle is alive and well. It was invented in a world without automobiles, and for speed and range it was quickly surpassed by motorcycles and all kinds of powered scooters. But there is nothing quaint about bicycles. They outsell cars  (Invented Quotes) He is everything, everything, everything I ever admired and wanted and couldn’t have. He is everything I needed and couldn’t find in real life. Of course he is. That’s why I invented him  (Invented Quotes) Remember, there are more people in the world than yourself. Be modest! You have not yet invented nor thought anything which others have not thought or invented before. And should you really have done so, consider it a gift of heaven which you are to share with others  (Invented Quotes) It isn’t all over; everything has not been invented; the human adventure is just beginning  (Invented Quotes)
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