Investment Quotes

Text Quotes
We got a lot of excellent people and businesses from Bear and WaMu. But Bear definitely was more painful. WaMu got us into Florida, California, and other states, which was a huge benefit - to expand and grow and add middle-market, private banking, investment banking, and other products, too (Investment Quotes)
The ability to change one’s mind is probably a key characteristic of the successful investor. Dogmatic and rigid personalities rarely, if ever, succeed in the markets. The markets are a dynamic process, and sustained investment success requires the ability to modify and even change strategies as markets evolve (Investment Quotes)
A company’s success no longer depends primarily on its ability to raise investment capital. Success depends on the ability of its people to learn together and produce new ideas (Investment Quotes)
You have to accept the fact that not all your decisions are going to be right - and when they are wrong, you have to own it right away. I try not to have an emotional connection or investment in the decisions I make so that when they need to change, I can quickly move on to: ‘How do we fix this?’ (Investment Quotes)
I believe the returns on investment in the poor are just as exciting as successes achieved in the business arena, and they are even more meaningful! (Investment Quotes)
Avoiding where others go wrong is an important step in achieving investment success. In fact, it almost assures it (Investment Quotes)
A most loving virtue of all, is that of a cheerful giver with the right attitude of LOVE! Giving is not just a random act of kindness. It is an investment in humanity. In return you become more than yourself, you transcend (Investment Quotes)
It’s the experts in adolescent development who wax most emphatic about the value of family meals, for it’s in the teenage years that this daily investment pays some of its biggest dividends. (Investment Quotes)
Education - lifelong education for everyone - from toddlers to workers well advanced in their careers - is indeed an excellent investment for individuals and society as a whole. (Investment Quotes)
Any time an investment company has to spend heavily on advertising, it’s probably a bad business in which to invest. (Investment Quotes)
The insidious aid culture has left African countries more debt-laden, more inflation-prone, more vulnerable to the vagaries of the currency markets and more unattractive to higher-quality investment. (Investment Quotes)
A narrative that branded Africa as little more than an economic, political and social basket case was not likely to provide the investment needed to drive development. (Investment Quotes)
You’ll find that there will be an investment for every season, but there will be no investment for all seasons. (Investment Quotes)
Look down, not up, when making your initial investment decision. If you don’t lose money, most of the remaining alternatives are good ones. (Investment Quotes)
We need to end permanently the tax that punishes American values of savings and investment and of building small businesses and family farms and ranches. (Investment Quotes)
The 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act will reestablish a wall between commercial and investment banking, make our financial system more stable and secure, and protect American families. (Investment Quotes)
Indeed, American companies make three times as much profits from their investment in one E.U. country, Ireland, than they do from all their investments in China. (Investment Quotes)
American companies based in Scotland employ large numbers of people - in fact, we are the best performing part of the U.K., outside London and the southeast of England when it comes to attracting foreign direct investment. (Investment Quotes)
It’s one of the most important things at the end of the day, being able to say no to an investment. (Investment Quotes)
There is one bit of advice given us by the ancient Greeks, and by the Jews in the Old Testament, and by the great Christian teachers of the Middle Ages, which the modern economic system has completely disobeyed. All these people told us not to lend money at interest; and lending money at interest - what we call investment - is the basis of our whole system. (Investment Quotes)
Of the maxims of orthodox finance none, surely, is more anti-social than the fetish of liquidity, the doctrine of that it is a positive virtue on the part of investment institutions to concentrate their resources upon the holding of ‘liquid’ securities. It forgets that there is no such thing as liquidity of investment for the community as a whole. (Investment Quotes)
I really just started buying art as a passion. I never considered it an investment, but it ended up being a good investment. (Investment Quotes)
We’ve got to get back on track to working with them. Because if I and my colleagues are going to continue to attract inward investment from overseas - you know particularly from the big Asian countries - they see Britain as a gateway to Europe. They don’t want any doubts cast upon that. (Investment Quotes)
Legg Mason’s structure is misunderstood by the market. Legg Mason has an affiliate model. They own 100% of their affiliates, which are investment managers such as Permal, Western Asset Management, and Royce. (Investment Quotes)
The most treasured asset in investment management is a steady hand at the tiller (Investment Quotes)
The whole purpose was to say that it doesn’t have to be a zero sum. It’s not the environment or jobs. You can have both. You can help the auto industry achieve that if you have investment in plants. (Investment Quotes)
The death of a 20-year-old woman is intuitively worse than that of a 2-month-old girl, even though the baby has had less life. The 20-year-old has a much more developed personality than the infant, and has drawn upon the investment of others to begin as-yet-unfulfilled projects. (Investment Quotes)
Bitcoins are not a real investment; they are bets inside a casino. If the price goes back up, don’t be fooled. In the parlance of popping investment bubbles, it’s something called a ‘dead-cat bounce.’ People who are desperate to keep the game going rush back in, hoping to bring the price back up, but it never lasts. (Investment Quotes)
Merchandise from Wal-Mart has become as ubiquitous as the water supply. Yet, still, the company is rebuked and reviled by anyone claiming a social conscience and is lambasted by legislators as if its bad behavior places it somewhere between investment bankers and the Taliban. (Investment Quotes)
A bad investment is going for quantity over quality. If you’re trying to be careful with your wallet, especially with the economy right now, you have to choose staple pieces. (Investment Quotes)