Invisible Quotes

Text Quotes
Walking around sometimes, I would love to just be able to watch people, see how they act. Sometimes I would love to be invisible. (Invisible Quotes)
Good acting should be invisible. You shouldn’t be aware of the acting. It should feel real. (Invisible Quotes)
I would like to be invisible because I’d love to go into people’s houses and see their interior decorating. (Invisible Quotes)
Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands. (Invisible Quotes)
To be invisible, paint yourself with the direct shade of zero. Leave nothing to chance, by taking nothing with you wherever you go. (Invisible Quotes)
Being invisible would be pretty great. You could watch everybody, sneak into places and know what people were saying. (Invisible Quotes)
O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil (Invisible Quotes)
Therefore if a man look sharply and attentively, he shall see Fortune; for though she be blind, yet she is not invisible. (Invisible Quotes)
The artist must be in his work as God is in creation, invisible and all-powerful; one must sense him everywhere but never see him. (Invisible Quotes)
I’m not one of those New Age types that believe ‘it’s all meant to be’ and that our lives have been scripted by an invisible hand. (Invisible Quotes)
I hate to be treated as if I’m invisible. I get incensed when people talk across me or refuse to catch my eye in a restaurant or shop. (Invisible Quotes)
During one new moon at perigee, I stood on high ground, watching salt ponds overflow, cover the beach, and meet the ocean. Because the moon was invisible, the water was black as it drowned the sand, and the event felt primal - which in fact it was, because it was nature. (Invisible Quotes)
Capitalism involves struggle, but it has an invisible heart beating at its core that transforms people’s lives. (Invisible Quotes)
Magical places are always beautiful and deserve to be contemplated ... Always stay on the bridge between the invisible and the visible. (Invisible Quotes)
There’s often a great deception to an eye attraction and to validate HIS point, an invisible Almighty created the beauty in the women to seduce the men. (Invisible Quotes)
There is a world within - a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and beauty, and although invisible, its forces are mighty. (Invisible Quotes)
Only those who see that the two sides of all phenomena, visible and invisible, are front and back or beginning and end of one reality can embrace any antagonistic situation, see its complementarity , and help others to do the same, thereby establishing peace and harmony. (Invisible Quotes)
The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes (Invisible Quotes)
Ghostery lets you spy on the spies in your computer. For each web page you visit, this extension uncloaks some - but not all - of the invisible tracking software that is working behind the scenes. (Invisible Quotes)
Being a poet is like having an invisible partner. It isn’t easy. But you can’t live without it either. Talent is only 10 per cent. The rest is obsession. (Invisible Quotes)
I would think flying would be pretty cool. You would be able to fly away from all your enemies and get where you’re going much faster. But being invisible? You probably wouldn’t use that for the good of man. (Invisible Quotes)
We’re invisible. I’ve never been here with someone else. It’s different being invisible with someone. (Invisible Quotes)
I really hated being the Norwegian girl in every single conversation in Australia, so I tried to make my Norwegian-ness invisible, speaking like whoever was around me. (Invisible Quotes)
I used to play in the subway. If everyone tossed in a quarter, at the end of the day it would add up. It shows you aren’t invisible. And it’s better than being ignored, or kicked in the head, or worse. (Invisible Quotes)
Intelligence is silence, truth is being invisible. But what a racket I make in declaring this. (Invisible Quotes)
Many self-leaders lead the world even by being invisible. The world learns from them without sitting in their classrooms. (Invisible Quotes)
Old money in Southeast Asia is much more discrete and low key. It’s about not wearing brand names. It’s about being invisible, almost. The billionaire can be taking the bus with you. (Invisible Quotes)
I am not Nostradamus.Nor would I want to be. I’m convinced being able to tell the future is the worst superpower. I’d rather be invisible and being invisible never ends well. Just read H. G. Wells! (Invisible Quotes)
You can disappear inside of yourself and become an empty shell with depression in mind. It’s that feeling of being invisible. Sometimes when I wake up I don’t feel like my head is attached to my body - there’s nothing. (Invisible Quotes)
I’m a priest, not a priestess. Priestess implies mumbo jumbo and all sorts of pagan goings-on. Those who oppose us would love to call us priestesses. They can call us all the names in the world -- it’s better than being invisible. (Invisible Quotes)