Iris Apfel Quotes

Text Quotes
I say dress to please yourself. Listen to your inner muse and take a chance. Wear something that says "here I am!" today (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I’m not a minimalist, as I’m sure you’ve noticed (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I don’t have any rules, because I would only be breaking them, so it’s a waste of time (Iris Apfel Quotes)
Great personal style is an extreme curiosity about yourself (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I call myself a geriatric starlet (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I didn’t have children, but I never wanted children (Iris Apfel Quotes)
Nothing I ever did I expected to do. It just kind of happened. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
Fashion and interior design are one and the same (Iris Apfel Quotes)
Sometimes I think fashion is going to hell (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I don’t dress to be stared at. I dress for myself (Iris Apfel Quotes)
Being attractive lasts longer than being pretty (Iris Apfel Quotes)
If you hair is done properly and you’re wearing good shoes, you can get anyway with anything (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I always feel that if you’re gonna be uncomfortable and unhappy in something, just because you think it’s in or it’s chic, I would advise you to be happy rather than well-dressed. It’s better to be happy (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I think dressing up or down should be a creative experience. Exciting. Fun. For me the key to personal style lies in accessories. I love objects from different worlds, different eras, combined my way. Never uptight, achieving - hopefully - a kind of throwaway chic (Iris Apfel Quotes)
To find out who you are is like putting yourself on a psychiatric couch, but you have nobody to help you. Really it isn’t easy. I was talking with my nephew this morning and he gave me one of the best quotes I’ve heard in years ‘Personal style is curiosity about oneself.’ (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I used to collect frames. I’ve been collecting accessories since I was 11-years-old, creeping around flea markets and sales and everything. Whenever I saw unusual eyeglass frames, I bought them (Iris Apfel Quotes)
There was Pauline de Rothschild, who I thought was very fabulous, and Millicent Rogers, the Standard Oil heiress, very chic, very clever, very original. I admired both those women very much. And I had a great example with my mother, who was extremely chic. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
My father told me once not to expect anything from anybody so I wouldn’t be disappointed. If somebody was nice and did nice things for me, I should be overjoyed, but I shouldn’t go through life expecting it, which is very good advice. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
Just because you get to a certain number doesn’t mean you have to roll up into a ball and wait for the grim reaper. We were put on this earth to do something! If you stop using your brain, at any age, it is going to stop working. It’s like if you stop using your hand, it will atrophy. I think doing nothing is a curse. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
Aging gracefully is about no heavy makeup, and not too much powder because it gets into the wrinkles, and, you know, to not get turtle eyelids and to not try to look young. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I was in art school since I was five years old. I’ve always been to art school. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I hate being asked how I met my husband and very personal questions like that. I don’t like that. People are too nosey. Intelligent questions I like, but sometimes people ask such silly, dopey ones. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
You have to observe a few simple rules in dressing, which are really not rules; it’s just being appropriate. If you’re 70 and want to wear miniskirts, 70-year-old knees ain’t pretty! (Iris Apfel Quotes)
Being an individual takes effort. Most people are pretty lazy. And that’s OK! I mean, there are more important things than fashion. If it’s going to stress you out to have a sense of style, don’t do it. The important thing is to be comfortable so you can get on with your life. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I’m a practical person. Most fashion people live in the clouds, and they’re full of it. I live like a human being - or, I try to - and I have to be intelligent; I have to be practical. I’m a great believer in common sense, and the older I get, I see that common sense is not that common. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
You have to push yourself when you’re older because it’s very easy to fall into the trap. You start to fall apart - you just have to do your best to paste yourself together. I think doing things and being active is very important. When your mind is busy, you don’t hurt so much. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
Being well-dressed is a wonderful thing, but I don’t think it should be life threatening (Iris Apfel Quotes)
The world is not black and white; there are lots of shades of grey. There are good things and bad things in every era, and I think it’s kind of very blindfolded to say one era was wonderful, as it was wonderful, but there were a lot of bad things as well. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
You can change the look of an outfit so easily by changing the kind of jewellery you wear. If you have a basic outfit on - a black sweater and skirt or a simple black dress - you can go from the office to a cocktail party at night just by changing your jewellery. It helps if you change your shoes as well. (Iris Apfel Quotes)
I’m delighted that gay people want to get married and I say why not! It’s nobody’s business and I would happily give my blessing. (Iris Apfel Quotes)