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Irons Quotes

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His golf bag does not contain a full set of irons  (Irons Quotes) My handicap? Woods and irons  (Irons Quotes) Building capacity dissolves differences. It irons out inequalities  (Irons Quotes) The truth. Men will blind themselves with hot irons, rather than face it  (Irons Quotes) The long irons are the nemesis of the average golfer. I’m convinced that the underlying reason for this is that he keeps hearing how hard they are to handle. They’re not that difficult, truly  (Irons Quotes) The long irons are the nemesis of the average golfer. I’m convinced that the underlying reason for this is that he keeps hearing how hard they are to handle. They’re not that difficult, truly.  (Irons Quotes) Do that, and the best you can hope for is that people will ignore you. More realistically, you’d be skinned alive, or possibly sentenced to ten year hard labor writing microcode for waffle irons and toaster ovens.  (Irons Quotes) It’s kind of exciting again. I’m doing everything right, right now. I’m driving the ball well and I’m hitting some pretty good irons and giving myself opportunities.  (Irons Quotes) A bad putter is like a bad apple in a barrel. First, it turns your chipping game sour. Then it begins to eat into your irons and finally it just cleans the head off your driver.  (Irons Quotes) One day I was in school, and the next I was acting opposite Jeremy Irons. That’s how quickly it happened. I was in class and then working with Sir Anthony Hopkins.  (Irons Quotes) Have there ever been more submissive slaves? Adoring, even in their irons, the God who punishes them  (Irons Quotes) One day I was in school, and the next I was acting opposite Jeremy Irons. That’s how quickly it happened. I was in class and then working with Sir Anthony Hopkins  (Irons Quotes) Economy is integrity and profuseness is a cruel and crafty demon, that gradually involves her followers in dependence and debts; that is, fetters them with irons that enter into their souls  (Irons Quotes) Profuseness is a cruel and crafty demon, that gradually involves her followers in dependence and debt; that is, fetters them with irons that enter into their souls  (Irons Quotes) Would you please publish the enclosed manuscript or return it without delay, as I have other irons in the fire  (Irons Quotes) It’s kind of exciting again. I’m doing everything right, right now. I’m driving the ball well and I’m hitting some pretty good irons and giving myself opportunities  (Irons Quotes) Now, brethren, this is one of our greatest faults in our Christian lives. We are allowing too many rivals of God. We actually have too many gods. We have too many irons in the fire. We have too much theology that we don't understand. We have too much churchly institutionalism. We have too much religion. Actually, I guess we just have too much of too much  (Irons Quotes) Ever notice how irons have a setting for permanent press? I don’t get it  (Irons Quotes) No prison can hold me; no hand or leg irons or steel locks can shackle me. No ropes or chains can keep me from my freedom  (Irons Quotes) When I used to gamble, I looked for players with head covers on their irons. Those guys I could beat  (Irons Quotes) My hair and I had a really bad argument. She was being sprayed with alcohol and burnt with irons. She was being over processed and yanked and pulled by weave strings and suffocated by glue. She told me if I didn’t straighten up and fly right that she was leaving  (Irons Quotes) High blood pressure, cheeriness at breakfast, a mellowing political philosophy, and an inability to drink more than half a bottle of proof spirits at cocktail time without falling over the fire irons all suggest dark wings hovering overhead and the impending midnight croak of the raven  (Irons Quotes) I think the way the greens are, you need to be very accurate with your irons. Whether there’s wind or not, the most important thing out here is being able to control the distance of your irons and the direction. I’ve done that pretty well the last couple of days  (Irons Quotes) I don’t believe in taking much of a divot, especially with the longer irons. You want to barely comb the grass through impact. It’s the only way to catch the ball on the second groove up from the bottom of the clubface. That’s where you want to make contact: on the second groove  (Irons Quotes) I have worked hard to improve my consistency in my driving, irons, short game, and putting  (Irons Quotes) I also said, men are like curling irons, they never get out of your hair. And they are like government bonds, they take so long to mature  (Irons Quotes) O thou, whose captain I account myself, look on my forces with a gracious eye; put in their hands thy bruising irons of wrath, that they may crush down with a heavy fall the usurping helmets of our adversaries; make us thy ministers of chastisement, that we may praise thee in the victory  (Irons Quotes) Bennie has light brown skin and excellent eyes, and he irons his hair in a Mohawk as shiny black as a virgin record  (Irons Quotes) The old proverb about having too many irons in the fire is an abominable old lie. Have all in, shovel, tongs, and poker  (Irons Quotes)