Is it rude to Twitter during sex? To go omg, omg, wtf, zzz? Is that rude?

Is it rude to Twitter during sex? To go omg, omg, wtf, zzz? Is that rude?
Robin Williams was known for his quick wit and irreverent sense of humor, but even he might have found the idea of tweeting during sex to be a bit over the top. In today's digital age, it seems like there are no boundaries when it comes to sharing every aspect of our lives on social media. However, there are certain moments that should be kept private, and sex is definitely one of them.Imagine being in the throes of passion with your partner, only to have them pull out their phone and start tweeting about the experience. Not only would it be incredibly distracting, but it would also be incredibly disrespectful. Sex is an intimate act that should be shared between two people, not broadcast to the world on Twitter.
Using emojis like "omg" or "wtf" during sex might seem like a way to express excitement or surprise, but it can also come across as rude or insensitive. It's important to remember that there is another person involved in the experience, and their feelings should be taken into consideration. Constantly checking your phone or updating your social media status during sex sends the message that you are more interested in your online persona than in the person you are with.
As for using "zzz" during sex, that is just plain disrespectful. It implies that you are bored or uninterested in the experience, which can be incredibly hurtful to your partner. Sex should be a time for connection and intimacy, not a time to check out mentally and start thinking about other things.