Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes

Text Quotes
Be at peace with your own soul, then heaven and earth will be at peace with you (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
Do not test out your mind on the grounds that you are examining what seductive and impure thoughts look like, imagining that, as you do this, you will not be overcome by them. Even the wise have in this way been thrown into confusion and become infatuated (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
When you want to make a beginning of a good deed, first prepare for temptations, which will come to you, and don’t doubt the truth of that which you do for God. (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
This life has been given to you for repentance; do not waste it in vain pursuits (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
Wishing to open my mouth, O brethren, and speak on the exalted theme of humility, I am filled with fear, even as a man who understands that he is about to discourse concerning God with the art of his own words. For humility is the raiment of the Godhead. (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
If you are truly merciful, then when what is yours is unjustly taken, don’t be sad inside, and do not tell of our loss to your neighbor. Let a better loss, inflicted by those who insult you, be absorbed by your mercy. (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
If you cannot close the mouth of one who reviles his brother, at least avoid conversation with him (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
If God is slow in answering your request, or if you ask but do not promptly receive anything, do not be upset, for you are not wiser than God. (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
O Christ, on you the many-eyed cherubim are unable to look because of the glory of your countenance, yet out of your love you accepted spittle on your face. Remove the shame from my face, and grant me to have an unashamed face before you at the time of prayer (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
Love is the fruit of prayer ... Patiently abiding in prayer signifies a man’s renunciation of himself. Therefore the self-denial of the soul turns into love for God (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
Be dead in life, and you will not live in death. Let your soul die strenuously, and not live in weakness. Not only those who suffer death for the sake of faith in Christ are martyrs; but also those who die because of their observance of His commandments (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
May your divinity, Lord, take pleasure in me and lead me above the world to be with you (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
Solitude is an ocean with wonderful places hidden in its depths (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
If you practice an excellent virtue without perceiving the taste of its aid, do not marvel; for until a man becomes humble, he will not receive a reward for his labor. Recompense is given, not for labor, but for humility (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
Speech is the organ of this present world. Silence is the mystery of the world to come (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
Above anything, welcome silence, for it brings fruits that no tongue can speak of, neither can it be explained (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
The man with a heart cannot think about or see creatures without his eyes filling up with tears because of the immense compassion which seizes his heart (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
Conquer evil people by gentle kindness, and make zealous people wonder at your goodness. Put the lover of legality to shame by your compassion (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
Someone who bears a grudge while he prays is like a person who sows in the sea and expects to reap a harvest (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
There is love like a small lamp, which goes out when the oil is consumed; or like a stream which dries up when it doesn’t rain. But there is a love that is like a mighty spring gushing up out of the earth; it keeps flowing forever, and is inexhaustible (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
Be persecuted, rather than be a persecutor. Be crucified, rather than be a crucifier. Be treated unjustly, rather than treat anyone unjustly. Be oppressed, rather than be an oppressor. Be gentle rather than zealous. Lay hold of goodness, rather than justice (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)
A man who is truly humble is not troubled when he is wronged and he says nothing to justify himself against the injustice, but he accepts slander as truth; he does not attempt to persuade men that he is calumniated, but he begs forgiveness (Isaac Of Nineveh Quotes)