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Islands Quotes

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I feel we are all islands - in a common sea  (Islands Quotes) Islands are gregarious animals, they decorate the ocean in conveys  (Islands Quotes) Generally, I like all islands. There, it is easier to rule  (Islands Quotes) Islands are metaphors of the heart, no matter what poet says otherwise  (Islands Quotes) ... Fertile golden islands, floating on a silver sea  (Islands Quotes) Sundays, quiet islands on the tossing seas of life  (Islands Quotes) A nice pop star would do you nice on one of those deserted islands  (Islands Quotes) Islands are where species go to die  (Islands Quotes) Trade unions are islands of anarchy in a sea of chaos  (Islands Quotes) Islands in the streams, that is what we are  (Islands Quotes) All men are islands, surrounded by the bottomless oceans of unthinking night  (Islands Quotes) Islands are known to differ in the food supply available to ground finches, mainly seeds  (Islands Quotes) We cannot have islands of excellence in a sea of slovenly indifference to standards  (Islands Quotes) In the islands of the Aegean Sea, every island is full of graves  (Islands Quotes) My first novel, ‘Sacrifice,’ was set on the Shetland Islands  (Islands Quotes) Lest those islands still seem to you too remote in space and time to be relevant to our modern societies, just think about the risks... Of our increasing globalization and increasing worldwide economic interdependence  (Islands Quotes) Funny that. We live in islands of hours and we never seem to have time enough for anything  (Islands Quotes) In his livery walk'd crowns and crownets; realms and islands were as plates dropp'd from his pocket  (Islands Quotes) The chief character in this narrative is the Caribbean Sea, one of the world's most alluring bodies of water, a rare gem among the oceans, defined by the islands that form a chain of lovely jewels to the north and east  (Islands Quotes) If the people of New Zealand want to be part of our world, I believe they should hop off their islands, and push 'em closer  (Islands Quotes) Every article on these islands has an almost personal character, which gives this simple life, where all art is unknown, something of the artistic beauty of medieval life  (Islands Quotes) The advice I am giving always to all my students is above all to study the music profoundly... music is like the ocean, and the instruments are little or bigger islands, very beautiful for the flowers and trees  (Islands Quotes) More varied than any landscape was the landscape in the sky, with islands of gold and silver, peninsulas of apricot and rose against a background of many shades of turquoise and azure  (Islands Quotes) Little islands are all large prisons: one cannot look at the sea without wishing for the wings of a swallow  (Islands Quotes) I started to draw desert islands. They were just rough, shapes in the middle of the page. Then I began drawing shapes within those shapes and I was amazed how quickly the islands got better. It took off from there  (Islands Quotes) I love giving gifts and I love receiving them. I really like giving little kids extravagant gifts. You see their little faces light up and they get excited. If it’s a really good gift, I love receiving it, like jewels, small islands  (Islands Quotes) When ghettos become the mainstream of society, islands of individuality cannot help but harbor an elite  (Islands Quotes) The sky was as blue as a stupid postcard, and the islands were as green as islands  (Islands Quotes) The world is not a solid continent of facts sprinkled by a few lakes of uncertainties, but a vast ocean of uncertainties speckled by a few islands of calibrated and stabilized forms  (Islands Quotes) ... everyone knew that all islands were worlds unto themselves, that to come to an island was to come to another world  (Islands Quotes)
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