Issues Quotes

Text Quotes
We have always been a great national party, with views on all the main issues. We recognise that what matters to people most are those things that affect their daily lives: schools, hospitals, transport and law and order and we have plenty to say about them (Issues Quotes)
Sometimes we tend to focus more on the personalities and the conflicts, and it really caricatures the issues (Issues Quotes)
Until the day I die, or until the day I can’t think anymore, I want to be involved in the issues that I care about (Issues Quotes)
Since stepping down as laboratory director in 1999, I have devoted an increasing fraction of my time to international issues. I am involved with energy, environment, and sustainability issues, particularly as they involve new energy sources free of greenhouse gases (Issues Quotes)
I’m not saying that the press is wrong to report any internal differences we have, but at the same time, I think it’s our job to keep them from becoming public issues, for anything that detracts from the purely athletic aspects of the sport is bad for us (Issues Quotes)
In and after 1964 when I began to concern myself with the biological issues, and particularly from 1967 onwards, the extent of the problems over which I felt uneasy increased to such a point that in 1968 I felt a compelling urge to make my views public (Issues Quotes)
The cartoons which I enjoy have caused some kind of out rage, but they have got people talking about these issues out in the open and in essence that’s what its all about (Issues Quotes)
The important thing to understand about legislators is that there are dozens of competing interests and issues that occupy them. They are stretched thin (Issues Quotes)
There is also an artistic element which is lead by the film maker. Issues of what is reality and objectivity are as always relevant as someone is going to edit the film (Issues Quotes)
Most people see through these issues but the corporate media doesn’t reflect these sentiments (Issues Quotes)
I think you need people of principle, of character, that are leaders, that take stands on important tough issues that will affect the future of this country (Issues Quotes)
That’s what governors do, they wrestle with the issues, they find solutions and they move the agenda forward. At the appropriate time we’ll talk about all of these issues, while remembering that our party is a big tent party. We lose when we try to become exclusive to one particular set of issues (Issues Quotes)
Whatever their motivations, lawmakers on both side of the aisle have certainly discovered that immigration is one of those issues that resonate strongly with the public (Issues Quotes)
Our mission, is to publish books on social and cultural issues, including books on law related to those areas. We are not looking for books on, say, tax policy, etc (Issues Quotes)
After an extensive investigation, the office produced a report that addressed the many questions that confronted the difficult issues, it laid out new evidence, and it reached a definitive conclusion (Issues Quotes)
You know, I was chubby when I was a little girl. and I have all those issues everyone else has. But I try not to. and I’ve learned over the years that it’s such a waste of time. and people like me whether I’m a little bit fatter or not (Issues Quotes)
We cannot avoid meeting great issues. All that we can determine for ourselves is whether we shall meet them well or ill (Issues Quotes)
Canada was built from its very beginnings on the belief that public leadership in the economy and on social issues would be as effective and cheap as anything done by the private sector (Issues Quotes)
One of the issues these days is the sheer amount of music out there to be listened to. There are more bands than one could ever hope to explore (Issues Quotes)
I have tried to talk about the issues in this campaign... But, strangely enough, my friends, this road has been a lonely road because I never meet anybody coming the other way (Issues Quotes)
The invisible dilemma is that men face the very real problem that they don’t feel comfortable bringing these issues up and they tend not to be acknowledged at work (Issues Quotes)
They’ve really got to recognize that all of us bring some of our family issues to work and our work home (Issues Quotes)
The tension between centrality, on the one hand, and competition, on the other, is probably the oldest of all market structure issues (Issues Quotes)
I had to get in touch with the source, I had to go back into my abandonment issues with my mother, I had to go into issues with my father I hadn’t even looked at before (Issues Quotes)
These issues are so important. I just felt the best thing to do right now is contribute and go forward (Issues Quotes)
Our purpose is to be up here to resolve these issues. Our purpose is to be up here and represent the people (Issues Quotes)
If they think they have issues with the president not doing enough for the poor now, wait and see what happens if the opposition takes office. Then they would really need a poverty tour (Issues Quotes)
As for the people who say tackling problems through clothes is superficial, I think they say that because they have their own issues about self worth (Issues Quotes)
A sense of proportion and humanitarian action are not issues for terrorists. Their aim is that of killing and destroying (Issues Quotes)
When armies are mobilized and issues are joined, the man who is sorry over the fact will win (Issues Quotes)