Issues Quotes

Text Quotes
The Populist Caucus aims to bring people together around middle class issues, so we can tolerate a little difference of opinion. (Issues Quotes)
In the U.K. there is still work to be done, particularly in schools, stopping the homophobic bullies in the playground and introducing unbiased discussion on gay issues in the classroom. (Issues Quotes)
The scientific community should work as hard as possible to address major issues that affect our everyday lives such as climate change, infectious diseases and counterterrorism; in particular, ‘clean energy’ research deserves far higher priority. And science and technology are the prime routes to tackling these issues. (Issues Quotes)
We have to address the issues which prevent clean cities, clean rivers, regular, uninterrupted supply of essentials like water and electricity. (Issues Quotes)
I have personal issues with clutter. I, personally, am very minimalist and like a clean slate. I like to throw everything away. (Issues Quotes)
Americans don’t pay much attention to environmental issues, because they aren’t sexy. I mean, cleaning up coal plants and reining in outlaw frackers is hugely important work, but it doesn’t get anybody’s pulse racing. (Issues Quotes)
I hope that in future Congresses there will reemerge a recognition that climate change is a reality, that our policies to meet our energy needs must also deal responsibly with environmental issues, including the damage caused by greenhouse gas emissions. (Issues Quotes)
As far as the political landscape in our state, I think that what we continue to see is that Tennessean voters are more independent and more conservative, and they are watching issues very closely; they are watching votes very closely. (Issues Quotes)
Veterans’ issues are quite close to my heart. I find it quite hard to talk about, actually. (Issues Quotes)
I never let politics get personal. You can have the most intense, heated debate on issues, and so long as you keep it on issues, you can go out and have coffee afterwards and you’re good friends. (Issues Quotes)
Now you can get artisanal everything - pickles, coffees, house-cured meats, mustard. The pendulum has swung back to this kind of food, and it gives me the greatest hope for the future, especially because we’re living in a time with issues like polluted Gulf Coast seafood and food labeled organic that may not really be organic. (Issues Quotes)
If I get to the end of my life, and people say, ‘He was in ‘Cold Feet,’ well, I was, and it was great. I thought the fourth series wasn’t great. I thought there were weak episodes throughout. Overall, I thought it was a good show, it had an impact, it dealt with a lot of issues, and it was a great part. (Issues Quotes)
Here in Europe, I think that there are a lot of young people who forget the issues that were at stake during the Cold War. (Issues Quotes)
It’s unexpected for women’s issues to be brought up in places other than women’s centers on college campuses or crisis places. (Issues Quotes)
When I campaign with seniors, it’s always, ‘Are you a Democrat or Republican?’ But when I campaign on college campuses, they ask me where I stand on specific issues. I think Millennials are much less interested in conventional labels. One thing that’s universal among Millennials is a distinct frustration with Washington, D.C. (Issues Quotes)
It’s great to talk about how good things are now. But we can’t sit on our laurels and expect that our time will sustain itself if we don’t do a better job on issues like education... It’s absolutely the case that the low cost of college tuition that I was able to enjoy and the financial aid I was able to receive made my education possible. (Issues Quotes)
You look at science fiction and look how often it talks about being alien, being alienated about the other. Look at the number of blue people - ‘Avatar,’ I’m looking at you. And it is now easier to find people of color in science-fiction literature and media, but the issues of representation are still really, really troubling. (Issues Quotes)
It’s also important for those who promote those issues within the white community - the somewhat privileged community - to talk about issues affecting people of color. (Issues Quotes)
I’m a leukemia survivor, and I recall during my darkest days in the hospital when my friends would come to see me, especially the male friends - they had certain mortality issues with their visit. (Issues Quotes)
When I was a kid... if I couldn’t get a ride to the comic book store, I would walk a mile and a half each way to get the latest issues of ‘Batman’ and ‘Spider-Man’ and ‘X-Men.’ I could not choose one over the other. (Issues Quotes)
I came to one of the first Comic Cons in 1985, when it was just people trading back issues of comic books. (Issues Quotes)
Somehow, knowing that Alzheimer’s is coming mocks all one’s aspirations - to tell stories, to think through certain issues as only a novel can do, to be recognised for one’s accomplishments and hard work - in a way that old familiar death does not. (Issues Quotes)
I think it’s really, really important to grow the consensus and to realize that there is always some value that can be shared with another American, on any issue. Starting from those points of common belief and shared values is very, I think, important to forging the consensus that allows these issues to more forward. (Issues Quotes)
In elementary school, we should teach nonviolent conflict resolution and healthy communication skills, which will help children cope with issues like rejection and sexuality later in life. (Issues Quotes)
The environmental community has an opportunity to create and leverage partnerships with the development community on social issues, rather than trying to develop new expertise of its own. (Issues Quotes)
That’s not to say that women’s priorities are better than men’s. Rather, when women are empowered, when they can speak from the experience of their own lives, they often address different, previously neglected issues. And families and whole communities benefit. (Issues Quotes)
I think we’re going to start to see a new model of civic advocacy where people get together once in a while to protest, but it’s more about an ongoing, sustained engagement in issues, networks and communities about which people care. (Issues Quotes)
In community work, you reach some people, but in writing, I can reach many more people, not only in exploring issues of domestic violence, but also by showing the importance of strong women in communities. (Issues Quotes)
As a graphic artist, my job on a local paper was creating the advertising as well as working as a journalist on sports and community issues. There are many more jobs I’ve done in my day, I can’t remember them all. (Issues Quotes)
Most pastors railing against gay marriage have never cried out on racism, any type of injustice or police brutality. They’ve never once made a statement about health care. Many of them are silent on community issues. They are very silent, but they have become the leaders of this particular movement. (Issues Quotes)