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Lack of scientific fundamentals causes people to make foolish decisions about issues such as the toxicity of chemicals, the efficacy of medicines, the changes in the global climate. Our single greatest defense against scientific ignorance is education, and early in the life of every scientist, the child’s first interest was sparked by a teacher.  (Issues Quotes) The most successful people in life are the ones who settle their critical issues early and manage them daily.  (Issues Quotes) Glenn must think he’s still in space. He’s orbiting the issues faster than he orbited earth.  (Issues Quotes) Earth Day gathered up those strands, and dozens more, and knitted them together in the public consciousness as environmental issues. The nation was pretty startled when 20 million people hit the streets. Congress, which had adjourned for the day to go back to its districts, was blown away.  (Issues Quotes) It was from an old friend who thought he was dying. Anyway, he said, ‘Life and death issues don’t come along that often, thank God, so don’t treat everything like it’s life or death. Go easier.’  (Issues Quotes) It is our job above all in politics to tackle the big issues and to explain them, and have the honesty to say to people, ‘There are no easy solutions here.’  (Issues Quotes) Having struggled with food issues and eating disorders myself, particularly when I was younger, I’ve long been interested in using it within my books.  (Issues Quotes) I’ve never had body issues, I’ve never had an eating disorder. I’ve never had to go on a diet and that’s because of Weight Watchers.  (Issues Quotes) The Democrats have pretty much given up on the white working class. That would require a commitment to economic issues, and that’s not their concern.  (Issues Quotes) The Populist Caucus is the only caucus in Congress devoted solely to addressing middle class economic issues. We formed the caucus because the founding members felt like there wasn’t enough focus on middle class issues in Washington, and we’re going to keep it focused on middle class issues.  (Issues Quotes) Health care has become a proxy for a broader set of issues about how much government should be involved in our economy, particularly coming off a huge economic crisis.  (Issues Quotes) I really think that elected officials should be focused on how you create sustained economic growth, how do you create jobs and all of these issues that made people - segments of our society believe are really important are diversions politically.  (Issues Quotes) Economic issues are a subset of social justice. Social justice is unimaginable without economic justice. Isn’t that obvious?  (Issues Quotes) Maybe I’m less sensitive to these issues because I see that what people need first is economic security, and only when they have that can they afford to focus on human rights.  (Issues Quotes) A lot of attention has been going to social values - abortion, gay rights, other divisive issues - but economic values are equally important.  (Issues Quotes) Economics is a strange science. Our subject deals with some of the most important as well as mundane issues that impinge on the human condition.  (Issues Quotes) Spend hundreds of millions; talk endlessly about issues; present 12-point plans for education, the economy, and the environment. But in the end, the election of our next president can turn on a gaffe.  (Issues Quotes) So often, generalizations don’t apply to Catholic voters. Catholics are concerned about the war, the economy, about issues like abortion, issues pertaining to the budget and funding Medicaid and Medicare and what happens to the environment.  (Issues Quotes) A Harris poll I’ve seen says only 12 percent of the electorate names taxes as one of the most important issues facing the nation. Voters put tax cuts dead last, behind education, Social Security, health care, Medicare and poverty.  (Issues Quotes) There are three major social issues that this country is struggling with: education, poverty, and drugs. Two of them we talk about, and one of them we don’t.  (Issues Quotes) But the dollars spent on economic incentives and new investment strategies are wasted unless we seriously address the two most important economic issues in Kansas: education and health care.  (Issues Quotes) There are many challenges in the global education ecosystem: from top-down systemic issues in how educational services are organized and delivered, to bottom-up issues of curriculum effectiveness, accountability, and human resource allocation.  (Issues Quotes) Real security, in other words, is inseparable from issues of energy policy; education; public health; preservation of soils, forests, and waters; and broadly based, sustainable prosperity.  (Issues Quotes) I admire Ralph Nader and Denis Kucinich very much, and insofar as they bring up issues and carry out an educational and organisational function - that’s important, and fine, and I support it.  (Issues Quotes) At CARE, a leading humanitarian organization, we recognize people live their lives in a holistic manner. Issues such as health care, education and economic empowerment cannot be addressed in a vacuum. Thus, effective programs need to tackle the multiple root causes of poverty.  (Issues Quotes) Hip Hop can be a very effective way to reach young people and teach them about current political and social issues.  (Issues Quotes) I think we should all be more concerned about the environment and the effects of global warming. It will be pointless to talk about all the issues that divide us when it’s 300 degrees outside.  (Issues Quotes) Most pundits regard an election year session as an opportunity for the two parties to frame issues and garner political advantage in advance of the approaching election.  (Issues Quotes) After a decade of working in high altitude astronomy the medical profession discovered that I had a hole in my heart, erratic low blood oxygen levels and brain issues. Heart, lung and brain problems appear to be long term known adverse health aspects of high altitude work and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures.  (Issues Quotes) In Eleven Minutes, I started with the question of why sexuality is considered one of the major issues in life.  (Issues Quotes)
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