It always amazes me, how swiftly problems can be solved, once you start cutting things off people

It always amazes me, how swiftly problems can be solved, once you start cutting things off people
In the world of Joe Abercrombie's novels, particularly in his First Law series, the quote "It always amazes me, how swiftly problems can be solved, once you start cutting things off people" holds a significant amount of truth. Abercrombie's characters often find themselves in situations where violence and brutality are the only means of resolving conflicts, and the act of cutting things off people is a common occurrence.One of the most prominent examples of this theme can be seen in the character of Logen Ninefingers, also known as the Bloody-Nine. Logen is a fierce warrior who has a reputation for his brutal and efficient methods of dealing with his enemies. Throughout the series, Logen is forced to make difficult decisions that often involve violence and cutting off body parts in order to solve problems. Whether it be chopping off a hand to escape captivity or severing a head to eliminate a threat, Logen embodies the idea that sometimes extreme measures are necessary to achieve a resolution.
Another character who exemplifies this theme is Sand dan Glokta, a former soldier turned torturer who uses his skills to extract information and solve problems for the ruling powers. Glokta is not afraid to resort to extreme measures, including cutting off fingers or limbs, in order to achieve his goals. His ruthless methods may be morally questionable, but they are undeniably effective in solving the problems he faces.